2nd base pick offs
I take 1 step at first and never get picked....
Can players get injured diving back to the bag this year? That was one of the few ways to defend against someone constantly taking a big lead back in 17. Nothing more satisfying than a guy who was trolling losing one of his best players because he thought it was funny to dance on and off first. Since injuries were off in 19 and it was [censored] near impossible to actually pick people off, it just lead to a lot of lead off / step off stalemates.
*So "dam" with an n is censored, but "[censored]" isn't. I'm going to give SDS a perfect/perfect line out for the forum filter this year.
Last year pick offs were so broken. You had a much higher chance of throwing the ball away than successfully picking someone off. Not to mention it took stamina from your pitcher. There were no repercussions for taking an extra step.
It's nice that apparently that's not the case this year.
Getting picked off at second should not be so common, but it is, so I don’t take a step anymore on second.
@EvylShaun said in 2nd base pick offs:
Last year pick offs were so broken. You had a much higher chance of throwing the ball away than successfully picking someone off. Not to mention it took stamina from your pitcher. There were no repercussions for taking an extra step.
It's nice that apparently that's not the case this year.
Wish this were the case. That stupid throwing meter you can't even use still randomly comes up when making pick off moves, causing you to throw the ball into the stands and give the other guy 2nd base.
@LankyRyan said in 2nd base pick offs:
@EvylShaun said in 2nd base pick offs:
Last year pick offs were so broken. You had a much higher chance of throwing the ball away than successfully picking someone off. Not to mention it took stamina from your pitcher. There were no repercussions for taking an extra step.
It's nice that apparently that's not the case this year.
Wish this were the case. That stupid throwing meter you can't even use still randomly comes up when making pick off moves, causing you to throw the ball into the stands and give the other guy 2nd base.
Ahhh SDS, never change.
@Rabid55Wolverine said in 2nd base pick offs:
I got picked off twice in one game in showdown at 2nd and I didn't even take an extra lead
I bet it was just a quick throw no slow motion and the runner was doing his animation just getting ready for the pitch to and u never took the lead off 2nd..Am I right?
@xXChopChop21Xx said in 2nd base pick offs:
@Rabid55Wolverine said in 2nd base pick offs:
I got picked off twice in one game in showdown at 2nd and I didn't even take an extra lead
I bet it was just a quick throw no slow motion and the runner was doing his animation just getting ready for the pitch to and u never took the lead off 2nd..Am I right?
Yeah that was pretty much it. I never take leads at all, I don't have an overly fast team right now. It was a shock each time
I love it. People have lost the right to take leads in this game.
@Rabid55Wolverine said in 2nd base pick offs:
@xXChopChop21Xx said in 2nd base pick offs:
@Rabid55Wolverine said in 2nd base pick offs:
I got picked off twice in one game in showdown at 2nd and I didn't even take an extra lead
I bet it was just a quick throw no slow motion and the runner was doing his animation just getting ready for the pitch to and u never took the lead off 2nd..Am I right?
Yeah that was pretty much it. I never take leads at all, I don't have an overly fast team right now. It was a shock each time
got me like that too.I never even got set and wasn't gonna take a lead anyway and boom I was picked.
@CHOW88 said in 2nd base pick offs:
Is it me, or is it way too easy to get picked at 2nd? I'm taking one step lead offs, and sure enough the guy tries 3 times and I get picked. Happened in two different games, literally one button lead offs..
If you take an extra step at second with less than 2 outs it’s an aggressive lead and the infielder is right behind so of course your gonna get picked sometimes just like in real life cause your too far from the bag. Take the extra step at second with 2 outs because the middle will be far away and you’ll see them coming so hit back.
@CHOW88 said in 2nd base pick offs:
I take 1 step at first and never get picked....
I picked off plenty of people at first that take extra steps in this years game,
Seinfeld Quote incoming...”Just take one step and end it!”