This Game Became Biast Towards .....
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
Wow you don’t read too well do you or you just glance over what you want.
Perhaps you'd like another go at that sentence before using it to criticize someone's language skills?
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
I wish I could also get by in life by just speaking my opinion louder than everyone else’s.
I also do not routinely make false statements in these forums, but at least now I know you’re just a troll.
Also, I’m definitely not your buddy, so don’t call me me bud anymore ok?
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
I wish I could also get by in life by just speaking my opinion louder than everyone else’s.
I also do not routinely make false statements in these forums, but at least now I know you’re just a troll.
Also, I’m definitely not your buddy, so don’t call me me bud anymore ok?
If you don’t want to be called out or “trolled” for making false statements then stop making those false statements. You blatantly made up a lie to justify your position and all I did was call your BS. Next time think twice BUD!!!
P.S. This is not the first time I’ve called you out. So from my perspective it’s becoming routine. Have a nice night.
@killerpresence4 said in [This Game Became Biast
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
You sure are confident in your grammatical mastery. Doubling down, even (oh my, a comma). Are you aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
(Thought better of being nastier… can’t delete, so I guess this stays)
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in [This Game Became Biast
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
You sure are confident in your grammatical mastery. Doubling down, even (oh my, a comma). Are you aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
You are aware that the use of a comma in the statement that you’re criticizing would be considered optional between the word “Wow” and “You”. It’s not incorrect and you, sir, are just deflecting from the point. Have a good day, and maybe go brush up on your grammatical expertise.
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
You are aware that the use of a comma in the statement that you’re criticizing would be considered optional between the word “Wow” and “You”. It’s not incorrect and you, sir, are just deflecting from the point. Have a good day, and maybe go brush up on your grammatical expertise.
I should let this go, but, since it appears lost on you, I'd like to point out that this little exchange is pretty typical of many of your posts. You jump in, say something dickish or demonstrably incorrect (but emphatically), and then just get loud about it if someone points out your folly. Instead, you just keep repeating what you've already said no matter how wrong or stupid. I guess that's your bag.
While I certainly could, you won't find me picking at peoples' grammar much. For you, I'll do so gladly; not just because you're such a toad, consistently, but because your poorly written insult specifically addressed language skills (which you clearly lack), and I found it amusing. So, shall we?
"Wow" is an interjection, and as such, you do not have the option of leaving it be without punctuation. Most people have it stand alone, typically by following it with an exclamation point (Wow! You have no idea what you're talking about). Others may prefer a period, as a stylistic understatement, if you will (Wow. You really know your stuff). You may also separate it with a comma, but an interjection absolutely requires some type of punctuation. You do, however, have the option to be incorrect and yet insist on being right. You'll look even more like an asshole, but you do have that option.
That also wasn't the only thing wrong with the sentence.
To the OP -- "competitiveness" does not come exclusively from proper strategy pitch-to-pitch. It comes from user input. It's a combination of factors. And it needs to be. Tactics/strategy + "stick skillz." Not one or the other.
I suck at RS/BR, have a batting average in the mid-.200's, and can't hit an outlier to save my life.
RS has plenty of problems, but it should always favor "stick skillz" over "easy mode" inputs.
(BTW, I would ban outlier, nerf sinkers, nerf power, and increase hit variety. That would make any RS game more interesting, rather than a 20-K game on both sides decided by one home run.)
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in [This Game Became Biast
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
You sure are confident in your grammatical mastery. Doubling down, even (oh my, a comma). Are you aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
You are aware that the use of a comma in the statement that you’re criticizing would be considered optional between the word “Wow” and “You”. It’s not incorrect and you, sir, are just deflecting from the point. Have a good day, and maybe go brush up on your grammatical expertise.
Next time, buddy, put that period INSIDE the quotation mark. C'mon, man. If you're gonna be an intolerable pedant, do it WELL.
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
I wish I could also get by in life by just speaking my opinion louder than everyone else’s.
I also do not routinely make false statements in these forums, but at least now I know you’re just a troll.
Also, I’m definitely not your buddy, so don’t call me me bud anymore ok?
If you don’t want to be called out or “trolled” for making false statements then stop making those false statements. You blatantly made up a lie to justify your position and all I did was call your BS. Next time think twice BUD!!!
P.S. This is not the first time I’ve called you out. So from my perspective it’s becoming routine. Have a nice night.
I’m the first person to like this post because, wow. Entertainment value.
Holy smokes Mr. Presence, that was a hell of a troll. Accusations, upper case insulting, and a nice sign off to boot.
I’m impressed. Sort of.
I wholeheartedly agree with OP. Zone hitting has always had the advantage cause of user input but they’ve widened that gap, you can’t even compete now using directional. I’m coming off a 6 year hiatus so these changes are more apparent to me, although I’m well aware of the skills gap mantra. Look games namely this one have always had a skills gap I think it’s just a code word for middling users wanting to be on the same playing field as the elite ones. For one pitch speed is slower and Zone users foul everything off where is the skill on that? Where irl do you aim your barrel at a target? Everyone thinks they’re an elite gamer now and it’s hilarious.
@loso_34_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
I wholeheartedly agree with OP. Zone hitting has always had the advantage cause of user input but they’ve widened that gap, you can’t even compete now using directional. I’m coming off a 6 year hiatus so these changes are more apparent to me, although I’m well aware of the skills gap mantra. Look games namely this one have always had a skills gap I think it’s just a code word for middling users wanting to be on the same playing field as the elite ones. For one pitch speed is slower and Zone users foul everything off where is the skill on that? Where irl do you aim your barrel at a target? Everyone thinks they’re an elite gamer now and it’s hilarious.
No you re not agreeing with the OP. his post was a year ago for TS 21, not this game that you are commenting on.
@tonythetiger2k16 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
I can see that several of you are posting against this. But I am a "Paying Customer", I spent money to buy this game like everyone else did & I have my right to give my own personal feedback in hopes SDS developers will read it & see if it warrants any change. There are many out there that feel as I do about Directional/Classic, but are probably NOT within The Show Nation Community Forums.
Hearing what most of you are saying. It just leaves me to believe that most of you are bunch of wusses & chickens. Are you guys are that afraid & scared that if Directional & Classic was made more fairly equally leveled that now your [censored]'s will easily be kicked? That is so sad & pathetic if that's how most of you feel & think.
Like I said earlier, The "Competitiveness" comes from "PROPER" Game Play Strategy & Execution. Which Pitch to throw & where within the count & pending the Hitter facing. When to Steal, Hit & Run, when to go for a HR or just a line drive opposite field hit. When to give your starter the hook, who to warm up & why, when to pinch hit & with who. ETC, ETC. .... If Someone is a better player. then they should be able to beat their opponent no matter which mode they are using. BOTTOM LINE !!!!!
Just because if Directional/Classic was made more fairly equally leveled it does NOT mean I will win EVERY game. It will just ONLY put me on a leveled play where my chances are now 50/50 being able to win. Who I am facing may easily find a flaw within my play he could exploit. Or picks ups on my pitching tendencies & exploit that. Anyone can beat anyone at any given time as long as the game is FAIR to ALL!!!!!!!!! REGARDLESS which Mode 1 choses to use & why.
I think you are the wuss for not accepting the challenge of learning zone and getting good enough to compete online. Especially when you are complaining that it is the superior game mechanic to use. Its not fair to us that you would be rewarded for half the feedback. Consider yourself lucky you were able to compete for this long using beginner hitting and pitching. Time to step it up.
@painpa_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@loso_34_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
I wholeheartedly agree with OP. Zone hitting has always had the advantage cause of user input but they’ve widened that gap, you can’t even compete now using directional. I’m coming off a 6 year hiatus so these changes are more apparent to me, although I’m well aware of the skills gap mantra. Look games namely this one have always had a skills gap I think it’s just a code word for middling users wanting to be on the same playing field as the elite ones. For one pitch speed is slower and Zone users foul everything off where is the skill on that? Where irl do you aim your barrel at a target? Everyone thinks they’re an elite gamer now and it’s hilarious.
No you re not agreeing with the OP. his post was a year ago for TS 21, not this game that you are commenting on.
I know his post is from the last iteration of the Show but it still applies to this game.
@tonythetiger2k16 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
I can see that several of you are posting against this. But I am a "Paying Customer", I spent money to buy this game like everyone else did & I have my right to give my own personal feedback in hopes SDS developers will read it & see if it warrants any change. There are many out there that feel as I do about Directional/Classic, but are probably NOT within The Show Nation Community Forums.
Hearing what most of you are saying. It just leaves me to believe that most of you are bunch of wusses & chickens. Are you guys are that afraid & scared that if Directional & Classic was made more fairly equally leveled that now your [censored]'s will easily be kicked? That is so sad & pathetic if that's how most of you feel & think.
Like I said earlier, The "Competitiveness" comes from "PROPER" Game Play Strategy & Execution. Which Pitch to throw & where within the count & pending the Hitter facing. When to Steal, Hit & Run, when to go for a HR or just a line drive opposite field hit. When to give your starter the hook, who to warm up & why, when to pinch hit & with who. ETC, ETC. .... If Someone is a better player. then they should be able to beat their opponent no matter which mode they are using. BOTTOM LINE !!!!!
Just because if Directional/Classic was made more fairly equally leveled it does NOT mean I will win EVERY game. It will just ONLY put me on a leveled play where my chances are now 50/50 being able to win. Who I am facing may easily find a flaw within my play he could exploit. Or picks ups on my pitching tendencies & exploit that. Anyone can beat anyone at any given time as long as the game is FAIR to ALL!!!!!!!!! REGARDLESS which Mode 1 choses to use & why.
It's ironic to call players chickens and wusses when your asking for better results in the easiest method for pitching and hitting. If I had to use directional and classic... I wouldn't even enjoy playing the game. You can literally play with one hand it's so easy to use. This is like complaining that people that have better jobs that require more skill and effort should be payed more similar to someone that works at a hot dog stand. Life is about hard work paying off and if you choose to take the easiest route in any aspect of life... it SHOULD reward you less than hard work or extra effort.
I think the original post is like a year old, but it’s really dumb. OP thinks he is an elite strategist- I think OOTP or strat-o-matic would suit him better.
@eatyum_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
If they change that, the community will be so outraged that it might actually drive people to quit instead of threatening to quit. Hard no from me, the more difficult inputs should absolutely be rewarded over the simpler ones.
I understand your viewpoint, and I'm sorry, but that is not a reasonable solution to "competitiveness', in fact it's the opposite.
So then punish other players and drive them away instead? Why not make it so the pin point players play pin point players and so on? I have no desire to be receive a massive handicap for picking a basic play style.