This Game Became Biast Towards .....
@guccigangchuck said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
if they are better why arent they using the better input, usually the better players make adjustments and learn new things rather then complain and doing the same old thing over and over. Definition of insanity.
Not only is that regurgitated stupidity and not the definition of insanity (rolling dice--same thing, different results), this comment is purely subjective [censored]; some people think a reticle has no place in a baseball game, especially as it represents nothing useful. If learning new things means taking the enjoyment out of something I love, then it ceases to be something I love.
This is a game. Games are made to be fun. For those who find enjoyment chasing little targets around with a reticle, there's a whole genre built around that, but some of us want a baseball simulation, and really don't feel that controlling the batter's eyes adds realism or enjoyment. Sure, it makes it harder, but I really don't need a contrived system of control to make things unnecessarily difficult so I can tell myself I'm better than someone else.
If someone actually likes that system, great. But forcing it on others who find it ridiculous isn't the answer.
If u could actually hut high fastballs in directional it would be cool. Zone hitting still sucks cuz the pci is retarded
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@guccigangchuck said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
if they are better why arent they using the better input, usually the better players make adjustments and learn new things rather then complain and doing the same old thing over and over. Definition of insanity.
Not only is that regurgitated stupidity and not the definition of insanity (rolling dice--same thing, different results), this comment is purely subjective [censored]; some people think a reticle has no place in a baseball game, especially as it represents nothing useful. If learning new things means taking the enjoyment out of something I love, then it ceases to be something I love.
This is a game. Games are made to be fun. For those who find enjoyment chasing little targets around with a reticle, there's a whole genre built around that, but some of us want a baseball simulation, and really don't feel that controlling the batter's eyes adds realism or enjoyment. Sure, it makes it harder, but I really don't need a contrived system of control to make things unnecessarily difficult so I can tell myself I'm better than someone else.
If someone actually likes that system, great. But forcing it on others who find it ridiculous isn't the answer.
The pci is not a reticle. It represents the barrel of the bat, and specifically the center pci. A reticle is a sighting system for a gun. Two totally different systems. And sorry to break this to you the pci represents the most realistic aspect of this game. The movement of it mimics where the barrel will be when the bat is swung.
Nope. Clearly not the barrel of the bat. The barrel of a bat is less than 3” wide, and the reticle covers a third of the strike zone. You can try to explain how it ought to behave, if that were the case, but it isn’t at all consistent, hence all the bad placement HRs and “no reward” contact with good placement.
It’s an odds generator, based on where the batter is looking to cover the plate (it’s in the name, for Christ’s sake - plate coverage indicator). Sometimes you get good contact, and sometimes you don’t. A barrel is real and solid and precise; that reticle is not.
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
The squeeky wheel gets the grease. Most players use Zone hitting and are the loudest with their disdain when it isn't working correctly. So The Show will put more attention to it. They will want to appease the largest crowd before those in the minority. So directional will get neglected and honestly, it shouldn't be on the same level. Zone hitting is made to be more accurate, to really pinpoint where you want to swing. Directional is a....I guess swing up that way. It's not fair to get the same output from someone who accurately places a pci, to someone who blanket covers a directional section of the strike zone.
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
Nope. Clearly not the barrel of the bat. The barrel of a bat is less than 3” wide, and the reticle covers a third of the strike zone. You can try to explain how it ought to behave, if that were the case, but it isn’t at all consistent, hence all the bad placement HRs and “no reward” contact with good placement.
It’s an odds generator, based on where the batter is looking to cover the plate (it’s in the name, for Christ’s sake - plate coverage indicator). Sometimes you get good contact, and sometimes you don’t. A barrel is real and solid and precise; that reticle is not.
you realize the barrel is those diamonds/dots/sybols in the middle of the PCI right? When you are perfect, thats a perfect barrell.
@guccigangchuck said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
you realize the barrel is those diamonds/dots/sybols in the middle of the PCI right? When you are perfect, thats a perfect barrell.
So, first off, I owe you an apology... my last comment directed your way was written immediately after something at work put me in a foul mood and I ended up going a little ad hominem on you. I didn't like what you were saying, but the vitriol was a little much. I'm sorry.
Back to the subject at hand; I respectfully disagree. If those little symbols were all you had to work with, and anything off those symbols resulted in a big whiff, then you might have something there. Even still, those three symbols would be more than the equivalent of 2.75 inches, so still too big for a barrel.
Considering the size of the reticle as it appears and the fact that contact can be made anywhere within it (and often outside of it), if it were a bat, the barrel would be about the equivalent of a foot and a half thick, and about as long--insisting on it being a barrel, you'd have to accept that as good contact is likely with the ball on any part of that massive "barrel." As anyone who has played this game for more than 20 minutes can clearly find for themselves, it's possible to hit fly balls when the ball is lower than the top symbol, and, conversely, ground balls higher than the low symbol. Left/right seem to matter less than swing timing in determining direction.
Considering that, how can it not be interpreted as an odds generator? The closer you get to the middle, the better the odds are of getting solid contact, and the closer to the top symbol, the better your odds of getting hard contact on a fly. Again, though, we all know that result is not a given. We've all seen a contact point lower than the middle symbol and way to one side of the reticle result in a ball being launched way over the wall... how do you explain that? Well, you can either whine and complain about "bad placement" and "broken" mechanics because the contact didn't match the barrel position, or you can give up the ghost on the whole reticle-as-barrel theory and accept that while the odds of that happening were lower than they would have been had the ball been center-up, the possibility of that particular roll was there all along.
The PCI allows you to better your odds in a more manual way than other interfaces, but it's still a roll of the dice. There's no way around that without slowing pitches down to a snail's crawl and chasing the ball with a reticle that is representative of the width and length of an actual barrel; creating a true input-based result in a hitting engine would make for a terrible game. For all the fast-twitch junkies that need to feel that their stick skills are not muted by RNG, perhaps a baseball game isn't the place to scratch that itch.
Back to the OP's point - I think he's absolutely correct that Directional got the screw, and it's my contention that Zone is ridiculously overpowered. Sure, get a little boost by controlling your odds a bit more in exchange for the difficulty, but it doesn't have to be like it is now. I don't think I'm the only one who feels like this.
@arvcpa_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@mam8a-245300_xbl said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
This take is like saying people who drive stick shifts unfairly get too much control of their cars.
I will drive a stick shift until the day I die.
Is that what we're talking about? I hope so, because I love a good manual transmission.
6 speed no less
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@guccigangchuck said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
you realize the barrel is those diamonds/dots/sybols in the middle of the PCI right? When you are perfect, thats a perfect barrell.
So, first off, I owe you an apology... my last comment directed your way was written immediately after something at work put me in a foul mood and I ended up going a little ad hominem on you. I didn't like what you were saying, but the vitriol was a little much. I'm sorry.
Back to the subject at hand; I respectfully disagree. If those little symbols were all you had to work with, and anything off those symbols resulted in a big whiff, then you might have something there. Even still, those three symbols would be more than the equivalent of 2.75 inches, so still too big for a barrel.
Considering the size of the reticle as it appears and the fact that contact can be made anywhere within it (and often outside of it), if it were a bat, the barrel would be about the equivalent of a foot and a half thick, and about as long--insisting on it being a barrel, you'd have to accept that as good contact is likely with the ball on any part of that massive "barrel." As anyone who has played this game for more than 20 minutes can clearly find for themselves, it's possible to hit fly balls when the ball is lower than the top symbol, and, conversely, ground balls higher than the low symbol. Left/right seem to matter less than swing timing in determining direction.
Considering that, how can it not be interpreted as an odds generator? The closer you get to the middle, the better the odds are of getting solid contact, and the closer to the top symbol, the better your odds of getting hard contact on a fly. Again, though, we all know that result is not a given. We've all seen a contact point lower than the middle symbol and way to one side of the reticle result in a ball being launched way over the wall... how do you explain that? Well, you can either whine and complain about "bad placement" and "broken" mechanics because the contact didn't match the barrel position, or you can give up the ghost on the whole reticle-as-barrel theory and accept that while the odds of that happening were lower than they would have been had the ball been center-up, the possibility of that particular roll was there all along.
The PCI allows you to better your odds in a more manual way than other interfaces, but it's still a roll of the dice. There's no way around that without slowing pitches down to a snail's crawl and chasing the ball with a reticle that is representative of the width and length of an actual barrel; creating a true input-based result in a hitting engine would make for a terrible game. For all the fast-twitch junkies that need to feel that their stick skills are not muted by RNG, perhaps a baseball game isn't the place to scratch that itch.
Back to the OP's point - I think he's absolutely correct that Directional got the screw, and it's my contention that Zone is ridiculously overpowered.
Then use zone, i believe a Jeter Cover N64 all stars baseball game even had a form of zone hitting in it. Zone is a skll gap, online games need a skill gap, you can still be successful with directional, its not the best input becuase when you're using directional, you're pretty much depending on RNG.
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
Nope. Clearly not the barrel of the bat. The barrel of a bat is less than 3” wide, and the reticle covers a third of the strike zone. You can try to explain how it ought to behave, if that were the case, but it isn’t at all consistent, hence all the bad placement HRs and “no reward” contact with good placement.
It’s an odds generator, based on where the batter is looking to cover the plate (it’s in the name, for Christ’s sake - plate coverage indicator). Sometimes you get good contact, and sometimes you don’t. A barrel is real and solid and precise; that reticle is not.
Wow you don’t read too well do you or you just glance over what you want. How bout going back and re-read what I wrote where I specifically stated that the center pci is what actually represents the barrel.
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
Wow you don’t read too well do you or you just glance over what you want.
Perhaps you'd like another go at that sentence before using it to criticize someone's language skills?
How bout going back and re-read what I wrote where I specifically stated that the center pci is what actually represents the barrel.
I'd actually written this, in response to the person who stated that more clearly:
If those little symbols were all you had to work with, and anything off those symbols resulted in a big whiff, then you might have something there. Even still, those three symbols would be more than the equivalent of 2.75 inches, so still too big for a barrel.
Probably not fair, considering you had to mouth your way through so many words while dragging your finger along, but it seems that one of us does indeed have a comprehension problem.
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
Wow you don’t read too well do you or you just glance over what you want.
Perhaps you'd like another go at that sentence before using it to criticize someone's language skills?
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
I wish I could also get by in life by just speaking my opinion louder than everyone else’s.
I also do not routinely make false statements in these forums, but at least now I know you’re just a troll.
Also, I’m definitely not your buddy, so don’t call me me bud anymore ok?
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@halfbutt_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
SDS has actually repeatedly said the pci is NOT the barrel of the bat.
This is not true!!! But you routinely make false statements in these forums. Have a nice day bud.
I wish I could also get by in life by just speaking my opinion louder than everyone else’s.
I also do not routinely make false statements in these forums, but at least now I know you’re just a troll.
Also, I’m definitely not your buddy, so don’t call me me bud anymore ok?
If you don’t want to be called out or “trolled” for making false statements then stop making those false statements. You blatantly made up a lie to justify your position and all I did was call your BS. Next time think twice BUD!!!
P.S. This is not the first time I’ve called you out. So from my perspective it’s becoming routine. Have a nice night.
@killerpresence4 said in [This Game Became Biast
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
You sure are confident in your grammatical mastery. Doubling down, even (oh my, a comma). Are you aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
(Thought better of being nastier… can’t delete, so I guess this stays)
@the_joneser_psn said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
@killerpresence4 said in [This Game Became Biast
Perhaps you want to go back to third grade grammar class where you obviously struggled. The statement that you are criticizing is 100% grammatically correct but hey, anything to deflect from your lack of comprehension by criticizing someone’s grammar and still screwed it up. Congratulations clown!!!
You sure are confident in your grammatical mastery. Doubling down, even (oh my, a comma). Are you aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
You are aware that the use of a comma in the statement that you’re criticizing would be considered optional between the word “Wow” and “You”. It’s not incorrect and you, sir, are just deflecting from the point. Have a good day, and maybe go brush up on your grammatical expertise.
@killerpresence4 said in This Game Became Biast Towards .....:
You are aware that the use of a comma in the statement that you’re criticizing would be considered optional between the word “Wow” and “You”. It’s not incorrect and you, sir, are just deflecting from the point. Have a good day, and maybe go brush up on your grammatical expertise.
I should let this go, but, since it appears lost on you, I'd like to point out that this little exchange is pretty typical of many of your posts. You jump in, say something dickish or demonstrably incorrect (but emphatically), and then just get loud about it if someone points out your folly. Instead, you just keep repeating what you've already said no matter how wrong or stupid. I guess that's your bag.
While I certainly could, you won't find me picking at peoples' grammar much. For you, I'll do so gladly; not just because you're such a toad, consistently, but because your poorly written insult specifically addressed language skills (which you clearly lack), and I found it amusing. So, shall we?
"Wow" is an interjection, and as such, you do not have the option of leaving it be without punctuation. Most people have it stand alone, typically by following it with an exclamation point (Wow! You have no idea what you're talking about). Others may prefer a period, as a stylistic understatement, if you will (Wow. You really know your stuff). You may also separate it with a comma, but an interjection absolutely requires some type of punctuation. You do, however, have the option to be incorrect and yet insist on being right. You'll look even more like an asshole, but you do have that option.
That also wasn't the only thing wrong with the sentence.