Are people still enjoying the game ?
I love it. Whatever warts and all.
@beatlesnews_psn said in Are people still enjoying the game ?:
I love it. Whatever warts and all.
Me too. I still like everything.
I started DD last year and it was really fun as I was trying to get better. This year I’m a lot better and Edward Cabrera made me quit for a few seasons, so I kept playing events and doing offline stuff… I had more fun playing extra innings on HOF/Legend than playing RS on AS difficulty.
The problem is the online experience, it’s really bad and inconsistent.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Are people still enjoying the game ?:
I started DD last year and it was really fun as I was trying to get better. This year I’m a lot better and Edward Cabrera made me quit for a few seasons, so I kept playing events and doing offline stuff… I had more fun playing extra innings on HOF/Legend than playing RS on AS difficulty.
The problem is the online experience, it’s really bad and inconsistent.
I wish I were better and could compete reasonably well online. Some of it is the connectivity, most of it is my inexperience. I know with time I Wil improve that would open up a whole new avenue for me. And I'm enjoying the game thoroughly.
My one complaint is I wish there were more Team affinities. I know there may or may not be another one but at the beginning of the season they released season 1 with the game in April and season 2 in May and then we've had 2 more in 5 months. I know there have been a ton of other programs and I've enjoyed most of them but I really like legends and flashback cards and the missions that allow you to tinker with your lineup, accrue stats, etc. You could replace all moments with those and I'd be happy hahahaha.
I couldn't even tell you what the normal pitch speed is for all star and HOF anymore. All I see are 120 mph wiffle balls. I used to be able to hit outlier fastballs sometimes on HOF just by reading and reacting. I have to guess fastball and then I am usually early if I guess right. Timing doesn't exist. Just lost another game (typical these days) with my opponent getting 3 non-pci HR's. I had a better swing with Gehrig that got caught in front of the warning track. Hard enough to hit this [censored] and when you do you don't get rewarded. Guy actually had like 8 non-pci hits in the game including 3 hr's. I had 2 non-pci hits and way more good/good in the pci for outs. No wonder he had a 12-0 banner. Must be easy playing slow pitch softball and getting non-pci hits all the time. I cringe when I see a 12-0 banner. Not because of the opponent but I know I am in for some serious bs. I can go play PGA2k and if I hit a good shot, it is a good shot. What a novel concept.
I can usually make the WS super easy but last season was a chore and this one is looking worse. That's what happens when you are constantly matched with people so far away. Anyone in London or Australia you can match me up with?
Still greatly enjoy it especially with the new inning. Only reason why I take breaks from it on weekends is because I don’t wanna play non monitor and mess up my timing.
Yes and no. Mostly no. Sometimes ehh. Plays like garbage most games but other times it's okay. Don't worry about wins or losses anymore because it's really a toss up. No consistency between all-star and HOF, sometimes it feels like it could be either. Face a 102 mph fastball every single pitch, every single game. deGrom, Ryan, Johnson, Crochet, run it back.
I personally feel online play is harder then it's ever been before. Mostly with hitting. It is so much harder to see pitches coming to you & trying to determine if it is hittable & then timing your swing properly (not being either late or early) to get good results. Earlier versions in my opinion were more forgiving with timing being off as long as the ball was squared up on. Also I feel control attributes for pitchers mean nothing at all this year. I have used pitchers with control attributes ranging from 94 to 96 & they each are still far off the intended mark & most times just outright wildly off the intended mark.
This to me makes online play so frustrating this year & takes the fun & desire out of wanting to play online. I'm even loosing desire to stop grinding to get better cards for my DD Team because whats the point if the cards 1 uses dont matter if the game play is so hard. I feel like with online play I playing against the game modding rather then the actual game play skills of my opponent.
You guys all say "This game sucks, this is my last year playing this game", but thats bs, you guys are gonna play probably the same day, and keep buying the game. SMH
@felbergshoot_xbl said in Are people still enjoying the game ?:
You guys all say "This game sucks, this is my last year playing this game", but thats bs, you guys are gonna play probably the same day, and keep buying the game. SMH
NOT every1 will put into the same amount of effort & game play hours & time into each year MLBTS is released. Certian changes to some may feel it was for the worse & that takes away from effort, hours & time they choose to put into it. Same with how some will love certain changes & will actually put more effort, hours & time into it. I'm within the former. Changes made this year in game play modding I do NOT like & it is taking the joy & lure away from me from wanting to put more effort, hours & time into it. However I still will play at times & see if any patches are released or just be hopeful that MLBTS 22 will be better then 21 from my own personal prospective.