Chipper is glorious
My final Angels order went through, unlocked Chipper last night. Now I've only used him on veteran on the Kraken map, but it is so fun to finally use Chipper. Soriano isn't half bad either.
This is the first endgame Chipper I've used since 18. 19 he was a BR reward, 20 he was a WS reward so it was hard to obtain him. Man what a swing he has.
@wingspan1985_psn said in Chipper is glorious:
My final Angels order went through, unlocked Chipper last night. Now I've only used him on veteran on the Kraken map, but it is so fun to finally use Chipper. Soriano isn't half bad either.
This is the first endgame Chipper I've used since 18. 19 he was a BR reward, 20 he was a WS reward so it was hard to obtain him. Man what a swing he has.
Wish you could have gotten him five months ago.
Congrats my friend. Always awesome to finish the LS collection no matter how late.
This is definitely the best Chipper we’ve had imo since 17. No way he’s coming out of the lineup
Had two no-doubters and one to spark a comeback in my last RS game
@wingspan1985_psn said in Chipper is glorious:
My final Angels order went through, unlocked Chipper last night. Now I've only used him on veteran on the Kraken map, but it is so fun to finally use Chipper. Soriano isn't half bad either.
This is the first endgame Chipper I've used since 18. 19 he was a BR reward, 20 he was a WS reward so it was hard to obtain him. Man what a swing he has.
Awesome! Won't take long to get him to P5!
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Chipper is glorious:
Yea honestly when I seen that I stopped using his card. Ppl are fk nuts man. Like htf could you believe it’s a hoax. Someone needs to have an intervention with the man cause he’s obviously on some sht
I have every card in the game (except the 3 new bosses) and to me Chipper is still the best.
@lazy_toast_psn said in Chipper is glorious:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Chipper is glorious:
Yea honestly when I seen that I stopped using his card. Ppl are fk nuts man. Like htf could you believe it’s a hoax. Someone needs to have an intervention with the man cause he’s obviously on some sht
Haven’t used his card since. Dudes a weirdo.
Old news is old
Chipper Jones remains the 2nd best card in the game. He was the best until TA3 dropped a big ol hot steaming pile of a man who hates storm drains and enjoys being under the bleachers.
I'm honestly not that great with him. I can hit bombs with him, but I also line out with him a ton. Even when I'm patient and wait for cookies to be thrown to me. Offline, anyway. I was going to superfractor him just because, but with all the good cards that have dropped since I've got him, I don't think I'm going to bother.