Benefits of PXP and superfactoring
Still pretty new to the game here. Besides the obvious boost in attributes, what other benefits are there to paralleling your players? I realize that is a significant benefit so I'm not questioning why one would do it. I mix in a lot of players for fun, use theme teams etc and as a result I have yet to superfactor more than a handful of players. So I'm curious what I'm missing out on. Thanks in advance
Nothing. Other than a cool 1/1
I got 1/1 parallel 1 Joe Nathan when he dropped as part of the dailies. I’ll never do it again.
I’m slightly skeptical also that paralleling may impact your players swing and not improve it at all. Point in case ive had people be 325 up to p2 and by the time I’m at P5 they may be hitting 220
@ericulous1_psn said in Benefits of PXP and superfactoring:
what other benefits are there to paralleling your players?
Bragging rights. Speaking of...
For Fun, I only have 3 players at level 5.
This reason
I don't have a single player to Level 5 yet. I play fair amount but I guess I just swap out players too much. Once you get past level 3 things really slow down when your main play mode is Conquest.
I have about 9 or 10 at p5 but with the drop of TA 4 most are not on my normal team anymore. in the end it is just a way to add a few points to your cards you are using. But a P0 Mickey Mantle is probably gonna start over my P5 Byron Buxton 99 percent of the time
Quick question. When you look at the stats on your card is it showing the P-factored stats or do I need to add 1 myself per each P-level?