It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@ikasnu_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
MLBTS is miles better than any recent Madden.
Key word: "recent."
SDS hasn't been without competition as long as EA. They're well on their way!
Yeah except the last good Madden was 2012.
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@thehungryhole said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Just won an 8 INNING events game. Should have gone 8 innings? No.
A few of the things that caused it to go to 8 innings.
-I had a runner on second and Aroldis Chapman up to bat. His pitcher is standing there for about 15 seconds, and I figure "why not pinch hit for Chapman?" So I hit L1 to back out of the box, and nothing happens. A moment later, the pitcher steps off the mound and the runner on 2nd goes for 3rd. Out
-Trea Turner steals 3rd the following inning. The classic stuck in mud animation to allow your opponent to throw you out commences. Boom. Inning over.
-Jarren Duran steals 3rd this time (successfully but in classic MLB the Show fashion, he goes for home without me putting in that command.) Out.
Also in that game. Trout hits a gapper, that is probably better off as a single. I send him to 2nd initially, then send him back. The little box that shows what your runners are doing disappears and now I have no idea if Trout is running to second or staying on first. He ultimately ran to second....didn't get thrown out, but it was close.
And of course we know about the game breaking frequency of home runs and inconsistency with hitting in well as game scripting. Can't tell you how many games I've had in control and then something magical happens with my opponent in the final inning, causing me to lose the game.
Madden has a 16 year head start in becoming a terrible franchise due to lack of competition...but MLB the Show (and frankly NBA 2k) are not far off. We sports games fans deserve better.
look mate, so we are clear - it is NOT official - its just your whiney opinion that no one on here cares much for
Didn't know baseball was big in the UK! Worry less about these forums and refocus that attention on oral hygiene.
hahah since I don't live in the UK i can only say that you are wrong in just about every aspect of your life - from baseball, to comments, to insults - you just fail at em all
@silverbullet3519 said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@kovz88_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
You lost me at "hit L1 to step out of the box"
Will I lose you when I say I posted this quickly and without proof reading? I hit down on the d-pad followed by a bunch of buttons when it looked like the game froze.
So then this one isnโt the gameโs fault. Pitcher stepped off while you pressed the button to advance bases lol
Depending if you look at the game being frozen as it's fault or my fault. Generally speaking, after 15 seconds, the computer automatically makes the pitcher pitch the ball. Instead, no button was responsive until my opponent stepped off, then my runner took off.
Also, we're zeroing in on this L1/down on the d-pad instance. I listed like 5 other reasons why this game is straight up Madden-like dog sh*t...feel free to talk about those too
@notandris_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
I understand some of the points being made in here, but to say that all of the hits people get are BS is a bit wild. I face good players all the time and as much as I donโt enjoy losing myself, most of the time they are on the ball. Something else that stood out was when OP said that pitches are down the middle if youโre slightly late, isnโt that how itโs supposed to work with pin point? If you didnโt time the sequence down it will result in a bad pitch. Frankly I never played Madden because Iโm not a football fan, but I will not go as far as saying that this game is on a decline. Theyโve actually done better at fixing things since the show 18.
It's the inconsistency and the timing that I'm pointing out. My opponent goes from not being able to hit the back side of a barn to crushing every pitch for a home run, which leads to them winning the game (typically with non-power hitters) Also plenty of times I've seen dudes with early timing and the PCI nowhere close to the ball and the ball is still crushed.
And the pitching gripe is simply this. If my pitch meter is WAY off...then sure. Put the ball absolutely anywhere you want. Hang it, I don't care. But if I'm only slightly off, the location of my pitch should be completely random. It should be in the ballpark of where I placed the pitch. If I aim it low and away and it ends up high and in the middle of the plate, it feels scripted and like my user input didn't matter in the slightest.
@untchable704_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
We donโt play these games for gameplay. We just donโt. None of them are very good or even really that much fun lol.
So in all the secondary stuff sds>>>2k>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>madden(they havenโt even found the starting line in the race)
No. They're all bad, if we're being completely honest. Ultimate Team modes and micro transactions are king in all major sports games. The only reason SDS is currently getting away with it is because they're practically giving away cards like the 99 Tim Anderson, and taking away a bit of that "grind" players have to go through in Madden or 2K. But the gameplay is still scripted with comeback logic and making it so "anyone can win." I've beaten much better players before and I honestly didn't deserve to.
Also....didn't even mention it. But I use game exploits in MLB 21 to win games...things like the stealing home glitch (you know, the one that takes advantage of slow/canned animations?) The fact this hasn't been addressed is VERY Madden like.
@ikasnu_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@ikasnu_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
MLBTS is miles better than any recent Madden.
Key word: "recent."
SDS hasn't been without competition as long as EA. They're well on their way!
Yeah except the last good Madden was 2012.
Last good MLB the Show was 17, and even that was polarizing. Madden has a 5 year head start on churning out inferior products...SDS is playing catch up. Give them time. This game will be hot garbage by the time '24 rolls around.
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@untchable704_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
We donโt play these games for gameplay. We just donโt. None of them are very good or even really that much fun lol.
So in all the secondary stuff sds>>>2k>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>madden(they havenโt even found the starting line in the race)
No. They're all bad, if we're being completely honest. Ultimate Team modes and micro transactions are king in all major sports games. The only reason SDS is currently getting away with it is because they're practically giving away cards like the 99 Tim Anderson, and taking away a bit of that "grind" players have to go through in Madden or 2K. But the gameplay is still scripted with comeback logic and making it so "anyone can win." I've beaten much better players before and I honestly didn't deserve to.
Also....didn't even mention it. But I use game exploits in MLB 21 to win games...things like the stealing home glitch (you know, the one that takes advantage of slow/canned animations?) The fact this hasn't been addressed is VERY Madden like.
If you think you canโt play this game NMS then I donโt know what to tell you. Itโs nice to throw them a few extra dollars now and then tho especially because they donโt force you.
As far as gameplay Yea they are all bad which is why the first part of my post dismisses it because nobody plays these sports games for good gameplay. Gameplay wise itโs 2k>SDS>madden but again none of them will put you in awe.
I've pulled 2 Trouts and have gotten top tier packs (like HR Derby Alonso) pretty regularly, so I don't need to spend any money. That's supposed to create an illusion that this game is actually fun. (It is like 25% of the time)
Sure, gameplay wise that might be accurate...but that's really like saying "Who's funnier? Dane Cook, Amy Schumer or Whitney Cummings?" a game I just won (which once again should prove my feelings aren't slanted because of losing) I had a guy on 2nd, with 2 outs. I hit a ball all the way to the wall. It bounces off the wall and I'm sending my runners. A few seconds later, the game cuts out and then puts me in control of my pitcher? The game literally recorded an out on its own and didn't give me my run. Still won 14-0...but that right there. That's some Madden sh*t.
Also, we shouldn't disregard the game deciding when your runner slides. The game literally has 25% control at all times and will input its commands. Can't tell you how many times the pitcher tries to pick off my runner at second, but I've "sent" my runner to third...only to see the runner flop back towards second just so he can be tagged out.
I don't even want to say one sports game is better than the other. They're literally all bad. Canned animations, scripted comebacks, unfixed glitches. Has anyone noticed how SDS never fixed freeze offs? That's some EA sh*t.
It's sad guys...I know. But it is SO true.
Also...for "next-gen" players. Can you upload your own soundtrack to the game, like every MLB the Show in the past? Nope. They removed that feature. That's some EA sh*t. They'll probably bring it back in 7 years and tout it as something new.
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@matt_42187_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@slipknot-008_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
As bad as Madden? So you had a house randomly show up in the middle of the outfield when trying to field a ball? Did Mike Trout have as many saves as Patrick Mahomes had tackles and sacks? Like Aaron Rodgers playing CB, did Mariano Rivera start in LF?
This game has issues but Madden is literally broken.
Madden is that bad now? I haven't played it in years.
If you NEED a football fix, it will probably do in all honesty. It's when you play for an extended period of time you notice how deep all the issues go. I played Madden 19 and had a good enough time with it...but, for example: If you were playing the computer or an opponent who wasn't the wiser, you could select FG Block for your defensive play, and quickly audible and 7 times out of 10, intercept your opponent. There's also some plays where the game pre-decides you're going to get sacked. You get sucked into the animation and literally can't get away from it. Then of course you have your occasional wonky interception that may go through your WR's torso...but I feel like that's been a Madden problem for as long as I've been playing.
sounds like madden from 10 years ago...going through the hands/torso was the worst.
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Just won an 8 INNING events game. Should have gone 8 innings? No.
A few of the things that caused it to go to 8 innings.
-I had a runner on second and Aroldis Chapman up to bat. His pitcher is standing there for about 15 seconds, and I figure "why not pinch hit for Chapman?" So I hit L1 to back out of the box, and nothing happens. A moment later, the pitcher steps off the mound and the runner on 2nd goes for 3rd. Out
-Trea Turner steals 3rd the following inning. The classic stuck in mud animation to allow your opponent to throw you out commences. Boom. Inning over.
-Jarren Duran steals 3rd this time (successfully but in classic MLB the Show fashion, he goes for home without me putting in that command.) Out.
Also in that game. Trout hits a gapper, that is probably better off as a single. I send him to 2nd initially, then send him back. The little box that shows what your runners are doing disappears and now I have no idea if Trout is running to second or staying on first. He ultimately ran to second....didn't get thrown out, but it was close.
And of course we know about the game breaking frequency of home runs and inconsistency with hitting in well as game scripting. Can't tell you how many games I've had in control and then something magical happens with my opponent in the final inning, causing me to lose the game.
Madden has a 16 year head start in becoming a terrible franchise due to lack of competition...but MLB the Show (and frankly NBA 2k) are not far off. We sports games fans deserve better.
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Yea he already admitted at the top of this page that he uses game exploits like slow animations and whatnot all the time. That confession just completely blew the microscopic amount of sympathy I had for him. I would not be the least bit surprised if he got gunned out through user error in all of these. I swear these clowns are the worst. They expect that just because a guy has 99 speed that they should be successful in stealing EVERY SINGLE TIME. Any time they get gunned out then they throw a fit and blame it on the game. I can honestly say that Iโve NEVER once tried using any of the exploits that exist. Yet this clown uses all of them and then complains when they donโt work 100% of the time. OP is such a cheap cry baby.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Just won an 8 INNING events game. Should have gone 8 innings? No.
A few of the things that caused it to go to 8 innings.
-I had a runner on second and Aroldis Chapman up to bat. His pitcher is standing there for about 15 seconds, and I figure "why not pinch hit for Chapman?" So I hit L1 to back out of the box, and nothing happens. A moment later, the pitcher steps off the mound and the runner on 2nd goes for 3rd. Out
-Trea Turner steals 3rd the following inning. The classic stuck in mud animation to allow your opponent to throw you out commences. Boom. Inning over.
-Jarren Duran steals 3rd this time (successfully but in classic MLB the Show fashion, he goes for home without me putting in that command.) Out.
Also in that game. Trout hits a gapper, that is probably better off as a single. I send him to 2nd initially, then send him back. The little box that shows what your runners are doing disappears and now I have no idea if Trout is running to second or staying on first. He ultimately ran to second....didn't get thrown out, but it was close.
And of course we know about the game breaking frequency of home runs and inconsistency with hitting in well as game scripting. Can't tell you how many games I've had in control and then something magical happens with my opponent in the final inning, causing me to lose the game.
Madden has a 16 year head start in becoming a terrible franchise due to lack of competition...but MLB the Show (and frankly NBA 2k) are not far off. We sports games fans deserve better.
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
It's really not...but go ahead and peep my response to so icy42 for more on my response.
As someone, one of many people who a month into maddens life cycle cant play a game without it shutting down my series X I can whole heartedly say this game is nowhere near as bad as Madden. They have to remove features to make madden playable for the few who can run the game without crashes, so yea The Show with all its flaws still doesnโt come anywhere near the disaster that is Madden.
@so-icy42_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Yea he already admitted at the top of this page that he uses game exploits like slow animations and whatnot all the time. That confession just completely blew the microscopic amount of sympathy I had for him. I would not be the least bit surprised if he got gunned out through user error in all of these. I swear these clowns are the worst. They expect that just because a guy has 99 speed that they should be successful in stealing EVERY SINGLE TIME. Any time they get gunned out then they throw a fit and blame it on the game. I can honestly say that Iโve NEVER once tried using any of the exploits that exist. Yet this clown uses all of them and then complains when they donโt work 100% of the time. OP is such a cheap cry baby.
Not looking for sympathy. Just illustrating how this game (much like Madden) has exploits you can take advantage of. After flying out to the warning track 3 times and going to the 4th extra inning in what was supposed to be a 3 inning event game, you tend to just want to get the game over with. If that means bunt cheese, using the stealing home glitch etc. I will do exactly that. Why? Because this game is broken and I no longer feel obliged to play it respectfully. I started off by only going for the wins with a legitimate hit...but that only means I'm going to inevitably line out to first or a warning track fly out and open up an opportunity for my opponent to beat me with a game exploit or a walk off home run by Ozzie Smith.
And after my 7 day ban (For what exactly? I don't know. I didn't swear, make threats, etc...I guess we just have a lot of soft males in this forum who feel powerful reporting someone
) I can absolutely confirm...MLB the Show and Madden are one of the same. I knew it was over for this game when my 97 Lou Brock (you know, the one with 99 speed and 99 steal) got picked off at 1st after taking a one step lead and making no input to steal 2nd.
I said to myself, heck with it, let's play again. Bottom of the 3rd in an event game, I'm up 1-0. My opponent hasn't been able to touch me all game. However, I wasn't surprised when a 2 out, 2 strike pitch was taken deep to tie the game. Okay, let's go to extra innings. I take the lead again, going up 4-1. Next inning I put in 99 Mariano. Bam, first pitch single...followed by a game tying home run! Only made possible with DDA/Game Scripting/Come Back Logic/Buffing and Nerfing etc. No worries, just come back and score another run and take a 5-4 lead. No way the game is going to keep giving him everything right? Wrong. Game scripting decides he will get 2 home runs on 2 pitches and win the game 6-5.
The fun thing about it is...for all the simple minded players...the easiest response is "git gud" or "pitch better" or "this happens in real baseball" but what I see is exactly what other people who have abandoned this series see. The game (like every major sports franchise) is scripted. Player input matters maybe 50% and the other 50% is whatever the game decides to do. Maybe pepper a throwing error here, a routine fly ball drop there, and bam...the guy who I was beating can have fun again, now that the game is tied or he has taken the lead. None of that has to do with my skill as a player. I can appreciate going for authenticity, but at the end of the day this is a video game...and wins and losses should be decided by the PLAYERS.
The only difference between The Show and Madden, is they aren't predatory with micro transactions. They give everyone the same bloated cards, so no one feels like they have to grind endlessly or spend $100...this takes some heat off SDS's back, so they don't get held accountable for churning out heavily flawed products. But don't be fooled. The gameplay is inconsistent and broken. There should be no exploits, no getting tied into an animation, no letting runners score because your fielders have no sense of urgency...but yet we have all these things, because SDS...just like EA and 2k...has gotten lazy. Who wouldn't? You literally have no competition.
@jeezy-e_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
As someone, one of many people who a month into maddens life cycle cant play a game without it shutting down my series X I can whole heartedly say this game is nowhere near as bad as Madden. They have to remove features to make madden playable for the few who can run the game without crashes, so yea The Show with all its flaws still doesnโt come anywhere near the disaster that is Madden.
Like I said before, Madden has been without competition for 16 years and The Show has been without competition for 8 years. Of course Madden is further along in terms of sucking...but The Show is catching up quickly! The game has been going downhill since 18 I'd say...but I'll at least admit this: future Show games will make 21 look like a masterpiece. Things are only going to get worse. Maybe we'll see a Juan Pierre card with 115 power from both sides of the plate? In 2017, I'd rule that out...but not anymore. At the center of all the problems with this game has got to be the game-breaking, excessive home runs. I could almost deal with everything else, but man oh man does this game over exaggerate the percentage of hits that are homers. Almost as bad as a 3 point shooting Shaq card in 2k
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Just won an 8 INNING events game. Should have gone 8 innings? No.
A few of the things that caused it to go to 8 innings.
-I had a runner on second and Aroldis Chapman up to bat. His pitcher is standing there for about 15 seconds, and I figure "why not pinch hit for Chapman?" So I hit L1 to back out of the box, and nothing happens. A moment later, the pitcher steps off the mound and the runner on 2nd goes for 3rd. Out
-Trea Turner steals 3rd the following inning. The classic stuck in mud animation to allow your opponent to throw you out commences. Boom. Inning over.
-Jarren Duran steals 3rd this time (successfully but in classic MLB the Show fashion, he goes for home without me putting in that command.) Out.
Also in that game. Trout hits a gapper, that is probably better off as a single. I send him to 2nd initially, then send him back. The little box that shows what your runners are doing disappears and now I have no idea if Trout is running to second or staying on first. He ultimately ran to second....didn't get thrown out, but it was close.
And of course we know about the game breaking frequency of home runs and inconsistency with hitting in well as game scripting. Can't tell you how many games I've had in control and then something magical happens with my opponent in the final inning, causing me to lose the game.
Madden has a 16 year head start in becoming a terrible franchise due to lack of competition...but MLB the Show (and frankly NBA 2k) are not far off. We sports games fans deserve better.
You know you've smoked yourself retarded when you think MLB is as bad as Madden. The kids watch too much tik tok man
@tattooeddude84 said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Just won an 8 INNING events game. Should have gone 8 innings? No.
A few of the things that caused it to go to 8 innings.
-I had a runner on second and Aroldis Chapman up to bat. His pitcher is standing there for about 15 seconds, and I figure "why not pinch hit for Chapman?" So I hit L1 to back out of the box, and nothing happens. A moment later, the pitcher steps off the mound and the runner on 2nd goes for 3rd. Out
-Trea Turner steals 3rd the following inning. The classic stuck in mud animation to allow your opponent to throw you out commences. Boom. Inning over.
-Jarren Duran steals 3rd this time (successfully but in classic MLB the Show fashion, he goes for home without me putting in that command.) Out.
Also in that game. Trout hits a gapper, that is probably better off as a single. I send him to 2nd initially, then send him back. The little box that shows what your runners are doing disappears and now I have no idea if Trout is running to second or staying on first. He ultimately ran to second....didn't get thrown out, but it was close.
And of course we know about the game breaking frequency of home runs and inconsistency with hitting in well as game scripting. Can't tell you how many games I've had in control and then something magical happens with my opponent in the final inning, causing me to lose the game.
Madden has a 16 year head start in becoming a terrible franchise due to lack of competition...but MLB the Show (and frankly NBA 2k) are not far off. We sports games fans deserve better.
You know you've smoked yourself retarded when you think MLB is as bad as Madden. The kids watch too much tik tok man
Yeah, they really do haha. Who knew lip synching was fun to watch? Also...what's the purpose of abandoning Vine for TikTok. Aren't they the same exact thing?
But yeah...I agree, you'd have to have smoked yourself silly to think this game is not on the same level as Madden. I've played both FARRRRRR more than I'm proud of, so I have a HUUUUUUGE sample size of both games. Madden is 90% broken, The Show is 75% broken. Basically means both games are garbage. Do you really think this game working 25% of the time makes it a superior product to Madden? It's like arguing if warm, moist dog poo is better than dried out, room temperature dog poo.
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@so-icy42_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Yea he already admitted at the top of this page that he uses game exploits like slow animations and whatnot all the time. That confession just completely blew the microscopic amount of sympathy I had for him. I would not be the least bit surprised if he got gunned out through user error in all of these. I swear these clowns are the worst. They expect that just because a guy has 99 speed that they should be successful in stealing EVERY SINGLE TIME. Any time they get gunned out then they throw a fit and blame it on the game. I can honestly say that Iโve NEVER once tried using any of the exploits that exist. Yet this clown uses all of them and then complains when they donโt work 100% of the time. OP is such a cheap cry baby.
Not looking for sympathy. Just illustrating how this game (much like Madden) has exploits you can take advantage of. After flying out to the warning track 3 times and going to the 4th extra inning in what was supposed to be a 3 inning event game, you tend to just want to get the game over with. If that means bunt cheese, using the stealing home glitch etc. I will do exactly that. Why? Because this game is broken and I no longer feel obliged to play it respectfully. I started off by only going for the wins with a legitimate hit...but that only means I'm going to inevitably line out to first or a warning track fly out and open up an opportunity for my opponent to beat me with a game exploit or a walk off home run by Ozzie Smith.
And after my 7 day ban (For what exactly? I don't know. I didn't swear, make threats, etc...I guess we just have a lot of soft males in this forum who feel powerful reporting someone
) I can absolutely confirm...MLB the Show and Madden are one of the same. I knew it was over for this game when my 97 Lou Brock (you know, the one with 99 speed and 99 steal) got picked off at 1st after taking a one step lead and making no input to steal 2nd.
I said to myself, heck with it, let's play again. Bottom of the 3rd in an event game, I'm up 1-0. My opponent hasn't been able to touch me all game. However, I wasn't surprised when a 2 out, 2 strike pitch was taken deep to tie the game. Okay, let's go to extra innings. I take the lead again, going up 4-1. Next inning I put in 99 Mariano. Bam, first pitch single...followed by a game tying home run! Only made possible with DDA/Game Scripting/Come Back Logic/Buffing and Nerfing etc. No worries, just come back and score another run and take a 5-4 lead. No way the game is going to keep giving him everything right? Wrong. Game scripting decides he will get 2 home runs on 2 pitches and win the game 6-5.
The fun thing about it is...for all the simple minded players...the easiest response is "git gud" or "pitch better" or "this happens in real baseball" but what I see is exactly what other people who have abandoned this series see. The game (like every major sports franchise) is scripted. Player input matters maybe 50% and the other 50% is whatever the game decides to do. Maybe pepper a throwing error here, a routine fly ball drop there, and bam...the guy who I was beating can have fun again, now that the game is tied or he has taken the lead. None of that has to do with my skill as a player. I can appreciate going for authenticity, but at the end of the day this is a video game...and wins and losses should be decided by the PLAYERS.
The only difference between The Show and Madden, is they aren't predatory with micro transactions. They give everyone the same bloated cards, so no one feels like they have to grind endlessly or spend $100...this takes some heat off SDS's back, so they don't get held accountable for churning out heavily flawed products. But don't be fooled. The gameplay is inconsistent and broken. There should be no exploits, no getting tied into an animation, no letting runners score because your fielders have no sense of urgency...but yet we have all these things, because SDS...just like EA and 2k...has gotten lazy. Who wouldn't? You literally have no competition.
lol getting bunted on and picked off that's all on you
@hustlinowl_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@squid_adams_psn said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
@so-icy42_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Sounds like you canโt hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isnโt as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Yea he already admitted at the top of this page that he uses game exploits like slow animations and whatnot all the time. That confession just completely blew the microscopic amount of sympathy I had for him. I would not be the least bit surprised if he got gunned out through user error in all of these. I swear these clowns are the worst. They expect that just because a guy has 99 speed that they should be successful in stealing EVERY SINGLE TIME. Any time they get gunned out then they throw a fit and blame it on the game. I can honestly say that Iโve NEVER once tried using any of the exploits that exist. Yet this clown uses all of them and then complains when they donโt work 100% of the time. OP is such a cheap cry baby.
Not looking for sympathy. Just illustrating how this game (much like Madden) has exploits you can take advantage of. After flying out to the warning track 3 times and going to the 4th extra inning in what was supposed to be a 3 inning event game, you tend to just want to get the game over with. If that means bunt cheese, using the stealing home glitch etc. I will do exactly that. Why? Because this game is broken and I no longer feel obliged to play it respectfully. I started off by only going for the wins with a legitimate hit...but that only means I'm going to inevitably line out to first or a warning track fly out and open up an opportunity for my opponent to beat me with a game exploit or a walk off home run by Ozzie Smith.
And after my 7 day ban (For what exactly? I don't know. I didn't swear, make threats, etc...I guess we just have a lot of soft males in this forum who feel powerful reporting someone
) I can absolutely confirm...MLB the Show and Madden are one of the same. I knew it was over for this game when my 97 Lou Brock (you know, the one with 99 speed and 99 steal) got picked off at 1st after taking a one step lead and making no input to steal 2nd.
I said to myself, heck with it, let's play again. Bottom of the 3rd in an event game, I'm up 1-0. My opponent hasn't been able to touch me all game. However, I wasn't surprised when a 2 out, 2 strike pitch was taken deep to tie the game. Okay, let's go to extra innings. I take the lead again, going up 4-1. Next inning I put in 99 Mariano. Bam, first pitch single...followed by a game tying home run! Only made possible with DDA/Game Scripting/Come Back Logic/Buffing and Nerfing etc. No worries, just come back and score another run and take a 5-4 lead. No way the game is going to keep giving him everything right? Wrong. Game scripting decides he will get 2 home runs on 2 pitches and win the game 6-5.
The fun thing about it is...for all the simple minded players...the easiest response is "git gud" or "pitch better" or "this happens in real baseball" but what I see is exactly what other people who have abandoned this series see. The game (like every major sports franchise) is scripted. Player input matters maybe 50% and the other 50% is whatever the game decides to do. Maybe pepper a throwing error here, a routine fly ball drop there, and bam...the guy who I was beating can have fun again, now that the game is tied or he has taken the lead. None of that has to do with my skill as a player. I can appreciate going for authenticity, but at the end of the day this is a video game...and wins and losses should be decided by the PLAYERS.
The only difference between The Show and Madden, is they aren't predatory with micro transactions. They give everyone the same bloated cards, so no one feels like they have to grind endlessly or spend $100...this takes some heat off SDS's back, so they don't get held accountable for churning out heavily flawed products. But don't be fooled. The gameplay is inconsistent and broken. There should be no exploits, no getting tied into an animation, no letting runners score because your fielders have no sense of urgency...but yet we have all these things, because SDS...just like EA and 2k...has gotten lazy. Who wouldn't? You literally have no competition.
lol getting bunted on and picked off that's all on you
Bunted on yes....Picked off no.
Unless there's a game mechanic I'm unaware of, you can't be picked off of 1st unless you lead with a slow runner, or input the steal command. (remember, we're talking 99 speed/99 steal Lou Brock here) But I'm open to be proven wrong. Why did I get picked off?