Take a second and breathe
I question how an xp cap is going to work with 2xp weeks/weekends
The xp cap can hurt you on somedays sure, but who cares. I do agree that a ban or suspension to those who constantly exploit xp would have been better, but again, It is what it Is. My curiosity is what happens on the day when everyone finally gets to 350k? Should be fun to observe the prices on the bosses. Will this create a long list of million dollar buy orders because more people will have to wait to get the player they want?
I don’t mind it because there are so many exploiters and videos on it… However, I think they should make it 50k and maybe allow for more on the weekends for people that that’s their only time to play… But I understand why, too many people exploit and make a ton off of stubs and as a business they’re trying to stop that.
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
The xp cap can hurt you on somedays sure, but who cares. I do agree that a ban or suspension to those who constantly exploit xp would have been better, but again, It is what it Is. My curiosity is what happens on the day when everyone finally gets to 350k? Should be fun to observe the prices on the bosses. Will this create a long list of million dollar buy orders because more people will have to wait to get the player they want?
Everyone that gets the bosses through normal means will still get them at the same time. They will be 200k or less like the rest of them
They can start looking for the youtube videos, write down the psn of the cheaters and console ban them
@the_dragon1912 said in Take a second and breathe:
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
The xp cap can hurt you on somedays sure, but who cares. I do agree that a ban or suspension to those who constantly exploit xp would have been better, but again, It is what it Is. My curiosity is what happens on the day when everyone finally gets to 350k? Should be fun to observe the prices on the bosses. Will this create a long list of million dollar buy orders because more people will have to wait to get the player they want?
Everyone that gets the bosses through normal means will still get them at the same time. They will be 200k or less like the rest of them
My thinking is the only reason they go down to 200k is because so many people get to the bosses earlier than most to sell the cards for the most profit, am I right?
Every time the new bosses are released you see million dollar buy orders placed by people who just want to buy the cards asap. If we are all limited to the same xp earning capabilities then there won't be any early sellers to drive the prices down.
@quinnymcquinn said in Take a second and breathe:
Can we all as a community breathe for a second. Allow SDS to do what ever they are doing with changes and then actually play the game, report and come to a conclusion that way. Let’s give it a week before we burn the witches at the stakes.
A huge amount of the community will not be effected by any of these new changes. And the small group that maybe effected need to just wait and see the results of this.
I know a new inning brings a lot of joy to people and some completion-ist get a huge rush going 100mph trying to complete XP goals as quickly as humanly possible. To those I say, it’s ok. You’ll still complete the program.
To all those noble people that are worried about weekend Timmy not getting their reward due to a cap I’m sure little Timmy will be fine. The cap will probably get lifted after a few weeks and little Timmy will get all the double XP chances.
We all agree that XP glitches have put us all here. But instead of it putting people in one of two camps let’s all try to be reasonable. Play the game and then report our findings. If it becomes a massive issue I’m sure there will be recourse.
Just my opinion on everything from the posts I’ve read this morning.
You expect people to take you serious when you call them Little Timmy? Just curious.
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
@the_dragon1912 said in Take a second and breathe:
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
The xp cap can hurt you on somedays sure, but who cares. I do agree that a ban or suspension to those who constantly exploit xp would have been better, but again, It is what it Is. My curiosity is what happens on the day when everyone finally gets to 350k? Should be fun to observe the prices on the bosses. Will this create a long list of million dollar buy orders because more people will have to wait to get the player they want?
Everyone that gets the bosses through normal means will still get them at the same time. They will be 200k or less like the rest of them
My thinking is the only reason they go down to 200k is because so many people get to the bosses earlier than most to sell the cards for the most profit, am I right?
Every time the new bosses are released you see million dollar buy orders placed by people who just want to buy the cards asap. If we are all limited to the same xp earning capabilities then there won't be any early sellers to drive the prices down.
Is this your first year I assume? All bosses from 19 and 20 were under 200k. The early buyers and sellers don't effect much when the overall supply will be the same. They will be a million stubs for longer, yes, but they will still be under 200k
In all fairness SDS did say they would adjust the cap if they felt it needed to be.
@the_dragon1912 said in Take a second and breathe:
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
@the_dragon1912 said in Take a second and breathe:
@go4stros25_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
The xp cap can hurt you on somedays sure, but who cares. I do agree that a ban or suspension to those who constantly exploit xp would have been better, but again, It is what it Is. My curiosity is what happens on the day when everyone finally gets to 350k? Should be fun to observe the prices on the bosses. Will this create a long list of million dollar buy orders because more people will have to wait to get the player they want?
Everyone that gets the bosses through normal means will still get them at the same time. They will be 200k or less like the rest of them
My thinking is the only reason they go down to 200k is because so many people get to the bosses earlier than most to sell the cards for the most profit, am I right?
Every time the new bosses are released you see million dollar buy orders placed by people who just want to buy the cards asap. If we are all limited to the same xp earning capabilities then there won't be any early sellers to drive the prices down.
Is this your first year I assume? All bosses from 19 and 20 were under 200k. The early buyers and sellers don't effect much when the overall supply will be the same. They will be a million stubs for longer, yes, but they will still be under 200k
This is the first year I played that they had inning bosses, yes.
Critics of the change seem to be split into two camps: people who don't necessarily object to a cap but think think the amount needs to be higher, and people who are against even having a cap.
I disagree with the first group because I think they're overexaggerating the number of people who play enough to be affected, but in the update it's specifically stated that SDS is committed to raising the cap if necessary so if I'm wrong then it won't be long before the issue is fixed.
If you object to the idea of even having a cap, then you're either an exploiter or you sympathize with people who are. In either case, you're part of the problem that the change was designed to address.
@vipersneak_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
@quinnymcquinn said in Take a second and breathe:
Can we all as a community breathe for a second. Allow SDS to do what ever they are doing with changes and then actually play the game, report and come to a conclusion that way. Let’s give it a week before we burn the witches at the stakes.
A huge amount of the community will not be effected by any of these new changes. And the small group that maybe effected need to just wait and see the results of this.
I know a new inning brings a lot of joy to people and some completion-ist get a huge rush going 100mph trying to complete XP goals as quickly as humanly possible. To those I say, it’s ok. You’ll still complete the program.
To all those noble people that are worried about weekend Timmy not getting their reward due to a cap I’m sure little Timmy will be fine. The cap will probably get lifted after a few weeks and little Timmy will get all the double XP chances.
We all agree that XP glitches have put us all here. But instead of it putting people in one of two camps let’s all try to be reasonable. Play the game and then report our findings. If it becomes a massive issue I’m sure there will be recourse.
Just my opinion on everything from the posts I’ve read this morning.
You expect people to take you serious when you call them Little Timmy? Just curious.
With the context of everything that’s what you take away from all that was said? Little Timmy is a hypothetical person. And yes I used him not as an insult to players but as a broad generalization of a player group. Again not meant to be insulting. It’s just a place holder term. This is offensive to you? I called this player group weekend Timmy at first. Is that offensive to you? I consider myself a weekend Timmy. This post meaning is literally in the title. Just breathe and let’s see the true impact of this before overreacting. That’s all.
Never realized how many little 10 year old fortnite kids who wear Ninja shoes to school are in this community. Then again, based on the racist CAP names, [censored] logos and schlong logos is a clear indication of the age demographic of this community
@superpumper1_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
In all fairness SDS did say they would adjust the cap if they felt it needed to be.
But it's almost September.....what's the point?
@jeezy-e_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
I question how an xp cap is going to work with 2xp weeks/weekends
They said it won't affect those circumstances; but we'll see.
How many hours in a day do you have to play to hit this cap? Another thread stated about 6 hours if you play DD. That is literally 25% of the day. If it takes 6 hours before you get capped on xp...that is more than acceptable. If you are playing 6 hours a day are hitting that on a daily basis, you still have other content at that point you can work on to get xp...collections...player programs...and so on. This is such a small change that will literally affect almost no one except glitchers.
@quinnymcquinn said in Take a second and breathe:
Can we all as a community breathe for a second. Allow SDS to do what ever they are doing with changes and then actually play the game, report and come to a conclusion that way. Let’s give it a week before we burn the witches at the stakes.
A huge amount of the community will not be effected by any of these new changes. And the small group that maybe effected need to just wait and see the results of this.
I know a new inning brings a lot of joy to people and some completion-ist get a huge rush going 100mph trying to complete XP goals as quickly as humanly possible. To those I say, it’s ok. You’ll still complete the program.
To all those noble people that are worried about weekend Timmy not getting their reward due to a cap I’m sure little Timmy will be fine. The cap will probably get lifted after a few weeks and little Timmy will get all the double XP chances.
We all agree that XP glitches have put us all here. But instead of it putting people in one of two camps let’s all try to be reasonable. Play the game and then report our findings. If it becomes a massive issue I’m sure there will be recourse.
Just my opinion on everything from the posts I’ve read this morning.
You say it'll be ok and I'll still complete the program. That's fine, but literally the only thing I've been finding fun lately is the beginning of a new program and play a ton to progress fast. It's frustrating that a few YouTube losers ruin the little things I find fun because SDS can't program the fix.
I agree with wait and see, but I rarely complain about anything publicly with this game, but this seems like it affects the wrong percentage of people. Additionally, couldn't they have just capped the amount of XP per game instead? I don't even know the glitch but isn't part of doing it based on saved a bunch in a game right before the update? Idk I'll see how it impacts me moving forward but this takes a lot of my enthusiasm away for the inning program.
@baracesilk_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
How many hours in a day do you have to play to hit this cap? Another thread stated about 6 hours if you play DD. That is literally 25% of the day. If it takes 6 hours before you get capped on xp...that is more than acceptable. If you are playing 6 hours a day are hitting that on a daily basis, you still have other content at that point you can work on to get xp...collections...player programs...and so on. This is such a small change that will literally affect almost no one except glitchers.
As I stayed before; what about the people that can only play once or twice a week?
Before, if we wanted we could grind for how ever long we wanted those days. Now we can only grind until we get to 35K?
So, not including Programs/Conquest/Collections we're only able to get 70K per week?
@gradekthebard said in Take a second and breathe:
Wrong, what we wanted was a fix to the exploiters, not to lump everyone together. I would also bet this nerf affects far more people who play the game legitimately than you want to believe.
I disagree.
The Show Nation forum is not the place to come to find the average person who plays this mode. I believe this will affect far fewer people than you assume. Of course neither of us can prove our opinion in any way.
IF SDS is smart and gathers proper data then they should know exactly what the average amount of XP per day is for players. They should also have numbers that show them how many people break the 35K limit each day. If they have not kept this data in the past then they should start so that they can monitor it.
@dolenz_psn said in Take a second and breathe:
@gradekthebard said in Take a second and breathe:
Wrong, what we wanted was a fix to the exploiters, not to lump everyone together. I would also bet this nerf affects far more people who play the game legitimately than you want to believe.
I disagree.
The Show Nation forum is not the place to come to find the average person who plays this mode. I believe this will affect far fewer people than you assume. Of course neither of us can prove our opinion in any way.
IF SDS is smart and gathers proper data then they should know exactly what the average amount of XP per day is for players. They should also have numbers that show them how many people break the 35K limit each day. If they have not kept this data in the past then they should start so that they can monitor it.
But again, who exactly was getting hurt by me getting 50-60k xp on a Saturday? No one.