I can not win ever
No matter the game mode online this game WILL NOT LET ME WIN. Whether it's ranked,BR,Events unlesa i get perfect perfect every time I do not get a hit. I barrel the ball up get good contact with a guy over 100 power its an out. I crush the ball with chipper ortiz drops at the wall. I dont foul off any pitches when barely missing. While my oppenents get hrs off sinkers way inside all my pitches hang they foul off a million pitches. I just don't get it. I put in all this work to play online and get screwed ever game. It seems like every time i load into a game i do the same thing my oppenent does but i don't get rewarded they do. Im just lost at this point. Just played the field of dreams lost 7-0 with 1 hit every ball he hit was a hr even on dots. I get up crush a fastball with dante bitchette doesnt even make it out the infield. Why what is going onnnnnn its like im plagued
Pitch selection. doesnt matter how good your timing or placement if you are not swinging at the "right " pitches.
doesnt matter online or offline or the difficulty.you have to find the pitches/spots that you hit great, and the ones that do in your above example.
when you have, try and not swing at the "bad ones" while waiting for the ones youll do damage with. -
When I tell you it doesnt matter where in the box the pitch is and I make contact it goes no where. I was 13-3 before i finished my collection for chipper. Now I'm 20-18. I stopped playing online till i finished and now that i have the only wins i got were people who just started playing and had TA2 for their best players.
Maybe you’re facing up against all star players who are really good at the game
Trust me dude Im with you. Since the game came out I havent won a game in ranked.
Until this year the last time I played the show was 18. I don’t play online much at all. I can get smoked in events but in ranked I’m 4-1. It honestly does come down to luck and skill. In events I’m sure that I’m running into WS opponents who have seen everything and just know how to win. I never go into online matches thinking my success against the AI is going to translate to a human opponent.
I'm terrible at this game and I rarely play online, but I'm 15-9 in ranked so it could be worse. No matter how bad you are, if you drop down to a low enough level there will eventually be someone who sucks more than you. At least that's my experience.
I may never reach world series, but I have fun and I hold my own against the other garbage players so I'm happy lol.