I can’t believe how hard showdown is.
It's all personal preference, but I strongly recommend switching off pure analog. Regardless of your hitting interface, look for one pitch, one location, no matter what the count is. Time your swing up before the pitch is thrown and when you get it, let it fly. Be patient.
I consider myself a pretty solid play and even I struggle at times with it. If you're impatient and start offering at balls around the edges of the plate you'll quickly find yourself giving up AB's and that out counter will quickly drop.
It's very easy to say be patient and very difficult to practice, but it's the key.
My approach is to look middle/in for a fastball and react to hanging breaking pitches. You gotta lay off pitches in the zone that aren't what you want and just take a strike or two. Two strikes just try to react and put a good swing on a ball.
1st inning is def harder than the divisions - al west wasnt bad at all
It's pretty bad. I've tried 10 or 15 times and I've never got past the second mini boss.
I had 7 runs going into the final boss, Degrom, but could only get 1 run in the 20 innings i had to get 9.
I wanted to cry. I was always bad against my own [censored] pitcher!, but was just pathetic against him.
Plus the CPU cheats like dogs. I had two fly balls dropped, and Pete Alonso bobble two easy grounders to him. -
I’ve also got problems with the final boss. Most I’ve put on him is 1 (in 15 outs!!!!). My best run I only needed 5 runs so was kinda bummed....
I even decided to work counts and make him throw alot of pitches. Think I got him up to like 80...
I had always considered myself a slightly above average player, when I played online I won more than I lost, but I can complete these either. It is 100% about guys who can hit. If you are like me and stay in games because of pitching, then you are going to suck at Showdown.
I quit trying after about 10 attempts, most patch 1.04 when the PCI was bigger. I will use MTO for FotF cards and hope I dont ever need those 70 program points.
I have been successful 2 times now which I know is not alot but both those runs I always wait to get 2 stikes before swinging, i ended up working alot of walks which will reduce confidance and was able to tee off.
Showdown is all about understanding how it works and being patient. I’m not saying it’s not challenging, it is...but I’m a pretty average player and have finished 1st inning (2 tries) and 5 division ones (8 attempts).
First, know the “boss” matchups, and only gear up for those. AL West was Verlander (although I heard it can change), so I loaded up on lefties with power and/or really glitches righties. And positions don’t matter - it’s hitting only. So draft all the best hitters - even if you have 4 1b or something, it won’t matter in the final showdowns. Just stack your lineup to suit the showdowns.
Also, use the BEST perks, not just all golds and diamonds. I’ll use any level of heartbreaker I can get, because you will always be down in the showdown challenges, so it’s always active (until you tie it). Also, the perk where you get a boost on pitches down the middle is key - because the best hitting approach here is wait for pitches down the middle, and murder them. They will come. I’d say every 5 or 6 pitches will be down the pipe...so even if it means watching two strikes on the black, take them. Also, don’t get baited by perks that only work on the first pitch, certain counts, etc...it will mess with you’re head and you’ll swing at bad pitches to not “waste” the perk, which is a mistake. If you have the mental fortitude to ignore that, take them, but I don’t - I’m always hacking at bad pitches when I have a perk that only works for certain counts. Now I just bypass them entirely. Same with perks for pitches outside of the zone - that’s a crutch that doesn’t really help...you’ll just feel emboldened to swing at [censored]. And hitting perks only - obviously.
don’t skip any challenges and don’t skip to the end. If you struggled, you’ll want the best players you can get, but more importantly, you want to cut into the final deficit. One of my AL West runs was a breeze because I did great on the challenges, and only needed 4 runs in 20 outs at the end. Also, the XP and stubs are a nice consolation prize if you lose later - I’ve lost the final showdown twice...it stings, but I racked up a lot of xp along the way.
Don’t know if any of this helps - but it helped me.
Some showdowns are really difficult, and some aren't. the AL Central and AL West are two pretty easy ones (at least in my eyes), but I've basically given up on the NL East for now. I'm doing a Braves and Marlins M2O just to get Albies and Anderson's FoTF cards