If you build it, he will come
@hikes83_psn said in If you build it, he will come:
Yikes, good luck with FIFA and Madden. Nice to see you like it, props to you. For me, those are the worst sports games made
Not saying I like either one of them yet. But, it's sure a break from something I've come to know and loathe.
Seems like I'm in the same camp as many (perhaps the majority) very excited to see all these titles coming out. The marketing hype, new features and all that. Lay down our hard-earned bucks. Love the first couple weeks with a passion.
But slowly but surely the reality of what is happening "behind the scenes" sets in, the frustration in losing games to the AI and, wallah, 2 months later you're moving on to whatever other one happens to be seasonal. And it starts again. Some of us never learn..ME
Oh man. I’m really sad we aren’t going to play the same game for a bit. But thanks for letting me know.
I would say happy trails but I know you'll be back tomorrow.
@ironeyes_cody_mlbts said in If you build it, he will come:
Build the perfect MLB gaming experience..emphasis on game controlled by the player and his controller..not random AI intervention. I'll be back in a New York second.
This game is good (great animation), but it sure has some warts. One day maybe.
In other news, I was chosen for the FIFA 22 closed Beta. Downloading that bad boy as I type. From tomorrow until 9/2.
Pre-order early-release of Madden on Monday. I'm gonna be busier than a one-legged man at an azz-kickin' contest.
Sorry but the saying is about as useless as a one-legged man in an a$$ kickin' contest.
What combo of buttons do you press to fake a leg injury in FIFA?
See you tomorrow
Everyone knows that this game is bad. But it has been trending downward since 18. Content can only save you for so long. Is rng in games yes, do live outs happen in IRL yes. But in this game you can tell when shits about to go bad and we shouldn’t.
@ch-76-1908_psn said in If you build it, he will come:
@ironeyes_cody_mlbts said in If you build it, he will come:
Build the perfect MLB gaming experience..emphasis on game controlled by the player and his controller..not random AI intervention. I'll be back in a New York second.
This game is good (great animation), but it sure has some warts. One day maybe.
In other news, I was chosen for the FIFA 22 closed Beta. Downloading that bad boy as I type. From tomorrow until 9/2.
Pre-order early-release of Madden on Monday. I'm gonna be busier than a one-legged man at an azz-kickin' contest.
Sorry but the saying is about as useless as a one-legged man in an a$$ kickin' contest.
Sorry, you're sorry..also sorry you're wrong. I've heard this all my life, first time I've actually googled it just to prove yet another The Show Forum Troll absolutely wrong.
Edit - this one is better
@samguenther1987 said in If you build it, he will come:
I would say happy trails but I know you'll be back tomorrow.
Don't believe I've ever once insinuated I wouldn't bounce into the boards on a regular basis. I get a laugh out of the manipulative marketing posts.
Also, it's nice to read when other players blow a gasket and share to the world their disdain for the slot-machine play. Reinforces my confirmation bias. bahahahaha.
@hikes83_psn said in If you build it, he will come:
Yikes, good luck with FIFA and Madden. Nice to see you like it, props to you. For me, those are the worst sports games made
They really aren’t but ok
@theblindrhino said in If you build it, he will come:
What combo of buttons do you press to fake a leg injury in FIFA?
Combo of buttons? Lol. I think you simply hit X. It is one of the most common plays. Pass, shoot, tackle, and oh-my-god-I-think-he-broke-my-shin!