Custom Uniform Logo
Why’d he have to do em like that
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Custom Uniform Logo:
You need set it to the home and away jerseys and hats individually in the uniform idiot. If you just set it as the “team logo” that only applies to the scoreboard and presentation graphics.
Randy Orton type outta nowhere
@yankblan_psn said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@rabid55wolverine said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@yankblan_psn said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Custom Uniform Logo:
You need set it to the home and away jerseys and hats individually in the uniform idiot. If you just set it as the “team logo” that only applies to the scoreboard and presentation graphics.
Is idiot an autocorrect misshap or did you just go 0-100 in a second for no good reason?
I was going to ask the same thing. Made me laugh though
It came out of nowhere lol
@yankblan_psn said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Custom Uniform Logo:
You need set it to the home and away jerseys and hats individually in the uniform idiot. If you just set it as the “team logo” that only applies to the scoreboard and presentation graphics.
Is idiot an autocorrect misshap or did you just go 0-100 in a second for no good reason?
Going from 0-100 is quite common in this forum...
That was setting a new land speed record for the forum!
I’m going to assume he was trying to type “edit”.
Lol, [censored]. That dude was cruel. Take out one word and it is a helpful response.
I swore I had applied it individually to each uniform but I’ll give it another shot….. idiot lol
@silverbullet3519 said in Custom Uniform Logo:
I swore I had applied it individually to each uniform but I’ll give it another shot….. idiot lol
No, I believe most of the places you can put the logo, uniforms, caps, helmets and jackets all have a logo option on their individual pages. It is usually the last option so you may have to scroll down.
Right like you go to Home Cap and put the logo on, Home Jersey, etc.... I was almost positive I had all that square but I'm sure I am missing something simple.
We need more threads like this lmao. But yea you have to set them individually and always save changes. Good luck you idiot!
i think jabroni would be more acceptable than idiot here
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Custom Uniform Logo:
You need set it to the home and away jerseys and hats individually in the uniform idiot. If you just set it as the “team logo” that only applies to the scoreboard and presentation graphics.
Yooooooooo my bad LMAO. I did NOT mean to call you an idiot. I meant to say “edit” and somehow my messed up typing auto corrected that to idiot. I never get on here calling people names. I only ever try to be helpful. My bad for the confusion!!!
@yankblan_psn said in Custom Uniform Logo:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Custom Uniform Logo:
You need set it to the home and away jerseys and hats individually in the uniform idiot. If you just set it as the “team logo” that only applies to the scoreboard and presentation graphics.
Is idiot an autocorrect misshap or did you just go 0-100 in a second for no good reason?
Hahaha total auto correct mistype. Meant to say “edit”!
@dewrock_psn said in Custom Uniform Logo:
I’m going to assume he was trying to type “edit”.
I did mean edit lmao