I thought freeze-offs were fixed?? Obviously not :(
I started playing MLBTS last year, and fell in love with this game. Unfortunately the gameplay this year is borderline unplayable.
This morning I had 2 event games and a BR game freeze. My opponents were good players and not doing anything shady, (that I could tell.) One of us would go into the quick menu to warm up a pitcher or put in a pinch hitter, then the game would freeze. I waited for a few minutes to see if it would comeback, then I would just quit the game, because who has time for that??
I purposely avoid RS for this reason. I have friends who play that are constantly getting games frozen in RS. I had a decent BR run going when my run was busted on a frozen game, and I’ve had to rebuild my event team several times because of freezing games.
SDS, please! Please! Fix this game!! It’s a gorgeous game with amazing content. I don’t expect you to fix human behavior when it comes to the toxic, cheese players. But certainly you can keep your game from randomly locking up, right??!
Thank for letting me rant. Have a great day everyone!!!
I don't think that they ever claimed that all freeze glitches were fixed did they?
I know that they fixed, or at least tried to fix, one specific sequence that players could do to consistently to freeze the game.
My guess is that unless someone can specifically give them the steps that happened leading to the freeze off that they are going to find it difficult to find these simply by looking at the code since they don't probably generate any error codes for them to track.
Turn off cross play. Xbox is full of freeze offs and glitches it seems. Haven't had a freeze off since.
@dolenz_psn said in I thought freeze-offs were fixed?? Obviously not
I don't think that they ever claimed that all freeze glitches were fixed did they?
I know that they fixed, or at least tried to fix, one specific sequence that players could do to consistently to freeze the game.
My guess is that unless someone can specifically give them the steps that happened leading to the freeze off that they are going to find it difficult to find these simply by looking at the code since they don't probably generate any error codes for them to track.
Yeah do you work for SDS or something? Because theres no justification why did is happening. People waste their money and time on this game, do you not see how annoying it is to finally have a winning streak and have it blown by a feeeze-off. Im currently on a freeze-off as we speak so that speaks as to the frequency in which this happens. If the game is not ready for release why release it? Oh wait i know why? MONEY. Imagine we had another studio making a baseball game this studio would sink for sure because other than the recycled graphics and the repetitiveness now you cant even have a good record based on skill because a bunch of my losses come from freeze-offs.