The answer to your topic is "what is neither for $200 Alex!"
You’ve got to be a huge loser to use a CAP pitcher lmao
@nash_524_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
You’ve got to be a huge loser to use a CAP pitcher lmao
He’s basically just another Corbin burnes. I even use kopechs windup. I’ve never once used submarine windups because that’s just plain stupid throw 95 mph sinkers like that
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
@nash_524_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
You’ve got to be a huge loser to use a CAP pitcher lmao
He’s basically just another Corbin burnes. I even use kopechs windup. I’ve never once used submarine windups because that’s just plain stupid throw 95 mph sinkers like that
Ah gotcha. Yeah that’s cool. The submarine delivery is what I hate and wish SDS would not allow for caps.
This post is deleted!
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in CAP SP or RP:
@ikasnu_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
Create a RP, put him in the bullpen, switch the archetype to The Houdini. Delete all other loadouts, when you go into a game it will say you have no active loadout. Just press circle and you'll have whichever loadout is equipped.
Houdini can reach 125 h/9, 125 k/9, with max velo. My CAP threw 102, 71, 85, 92, 94. Oh and upwards of 110 Stammy
You probably shower in the pig pen with how freaking dirty you are
@ikasnu_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
Create a RP, put him in the bullpen, switch the archetype to The Houdini. Delete all other loadouts, when you go into a game it will say you have no active loadout. Just press circle and you'll have whichever loadout is equipped.
Houdini can reach 125 h/9, 125 k/9, with max velo. My CAP threw 102, 71, 85, 92, 94. Oh and upwards of 110 Stammy
What are your four perks for this beast?
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in CAP SP or RP:
@ikasnu_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
Create a RP, put him in the bullpen, switch the archetype to The Houdini. Delete all other loadouts, when you go into a game it will say you have no active loadout. Just press circle and you'll have whichever loadout is equipped.
Houdini can reach 125 h/9, 125 k/9, with max velo. My CAP threw 102, 71, 85, 92, 94. Oh and upwards of 110 Stammy
You probably shower in the pig pen with how freaking dirty you are
I'm a dirty dirty boy.
Even if he's a reliever you can go all 9 no prob...wanna be real cool use cimber's windup it's nuts
I watch this streamer named trumannation. I like the dude but his argument for cap pitchers is ridiculous and his argument is the same as lots of people here. A cap position player is no better than trout, mantle, mays, or any end game card for positions in the game. A cap pitcher has no equals as they can literally put a glitched windup with the best pitches. Only people who can't hit argue for pitchers. Cap players should be just place holders for when the endgame position players come out. By then no one uses cap position players but everyone of you guys who argue for the sp will still use them..
@xelrojo44x_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
@ikasnu_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
Create a RP, put him in the bullpen, switch the archetype to The Houdini. Delete all other loadouts, when you go into a game it will say you have no active loadout. Just press circle and you'll have whichever loadout is equipped.
Houdini can reach 125 h/9, 125 k/9, with max velo. My CAP threw 102, 71, 85, 92, 94. Oh and upwards of 110 Stammy
What are your four perks for this beast?
I'm curious as well, I have several diamond perks and even with all the velocity I can put on I can only hit 101mph but my control is in the 50's and stamina is in the mid 90's. I dialed back on speed and moved to more break/control and have been happier with the results. Granted I use metered pitching since I can't get PPP down at all.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
What’s been the Meta for the cap pitcher. The starter has kinda a low H/9 even with everything maxed out and perks and equipment. The RP stats are nicer but does he get into yellow energy a lot sooner? Say the 4th or 5th inning of work?
How about none of the above. Folks that use CAPs in RS are the lowest of the low
@bearsfan217_xbl said in CAP SP or RP:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in CAP SP or RP:
What’s been the Meta for the cap pitcher. The starter has kinda a low H/9 even with everything maxed out and perks and equipment. The RP stats are nicer but does he get into yellow energy a lot sooner? Say the 4th or 5th inning of work?
How about none of the above. Folks that use CAPs in RS are the lowest of the low
I don’t use submarine don’t worry that’s what makes it BS. A regular CAP windup should be fair game