I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!
Great video as usual.
Also, don't feed the Troll -
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
This.... Is literally a hall of Fame game in ranked seasons? Lmao I can prove it if you want.
@ny_giants4_life said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
can you post a video of you hitting or pitching please?
Do you want gameplay or like a tips video? My channel has either. I did an entire series starting from scratch and making world series. I also made tip videos
good stuff as always. thanks!
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
This.... Is literally a hall of Fame game in ranked seasons? Lmao I can prove it if you want.
Its Josh Jays, notorious troll roun these parts, loves drowning squirrels.
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@ny_giants4_life said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
can you post a video of you hitting or pitching please?
Do you want gameplay or like a tips video? My channel has either. I did an entire series starting from scratch and making world series. I also made tip videos
I was referring to the dickwad that was trying to [censored] on you for your "pitch speeds"
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
This.... Is literally a hall of Fame game in ranked seasons? Lmao I can prove it if you want.
I'm guessing all these modes like DD or the one you mentioned are locked into a default setting?....meaning your sliders are automatically set at default and you can't change it so its equal for everyone playing that mode...is that a right assessment?. If that's the case then even though this setting is on HOF you're at default pitch speed which in your slider settings would be 5 and that would explain why the pitch speed is so slow.
@ikasnu_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
This.... Is literally a hall of Fame game in ranked seasons? Lmao I can prove it if you want.
Its Josh Jays, notorious troll roun these parts, loves drowning squirrels.
Dude chill, I'm not trolling this time
. I'm actually being serious, the pitch speed in this video is a at a snail's pace compared to Legend at Pitch speeds 10. Basically a 97 mph fast ball in this video would seem like a 70 mph curve ball with Legend at 10. My theory is most of you play at this default pitch speed because the majority of you play on a TV...I'm sure if I played the Show on a TV I would totally need to turn pitch speeds down and maybe go down to HOF or All Star cause of all the input lag a TV would have.
Do yourselves a favor and just block that joshjays44. Believe me, your life will be better for it lol. He's a sad sad lil dude...
@ny_giants4_life said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@ny_giants4_life said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
can you post a video of you hitting or pitching please?
Do you want gameplay or like a tips video? My channel has either. I did an entire series starting from scratch and making world series. I also made tip videos
I was referring to the dickwad that was trying to [censored] on you for your "pitch speeds"
Oops awkward.... LOL
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
That was kind. Didn't expect that. Thank you for being you.
@mistergraavy_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
That was kind. Didn't expect that. Thank you for being you.
Anytime, man. Thought the video was great. It’s always good to see people who are genuinely trying to help others in anything in life. Says a lot about someone.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
This is basically what I said and assumed online was like or certain modes..that you're stuck at a default setting so its equal for everyone else playing...I guess you missed my other post when I said this. Also, I was merely asking and curious why it was so slow, I wasn't bashing his video....I have never played online so that's why I was trying to figure out and asking why the pitch speed in that video was so slow. And also its not the level you're stuck at, you said it was All-Star?...well its also the pitch speed that's stuck at default 5 as oppose to 10, which makes a huge difference in player skill. But what amazes me with your reaction is you automatically assume I was bashing it cause I play at a much higher level and pitch speed than what's shown in the video, almost like a defensive mechanism got triggered. All I was doing was inquiring why the pitch speed was so slow cause I don't play online or other modes that are locked at mid tier player skill level like All Star/default Sliders/default pitch speeds.
Good video once again. Awesome job
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
This is basically what I said and assumed online was like or certain modes..that you're stuck at a default setting so its equal for everyone else playing...I guess you missed my other post when I said this. Also, I was merely asking and curious why it was so slow, I wasn't bashing his video....I have never played online so that's why I was trying to figure out and asking why the pitch speed in that video was so slow. And also its not the level you're stuck at, you said it was All-Star?...well its also the pitch speed that's stuck at default 5 as oppose to 10, which makes a huge difference in player skill. But what amazes me with your reaction is you automatically assume I was bashing it cause I play at a much higher level and pitch speed than what's shown in the video, almost like a defensive mechanism got triggered. All I was doing was inquiring why the pitch speed was so slow cause I don't play online or other modes that are locked at mid tier player skill level like All Star/default Sliders/default pitch speeds.
If you’ve never played online that’s fine, but again you’re not seeing the actual pitch speed when he’s pitching. When you are pitching it looks slower on purpose so that the opponent’s game can sync with yours. But when you’re hitting it looks faster than what you see in this video. Play a game online and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
This is basically what I said and assumed online was like or certain modes..that you're stuck at a default setting so its equal for everyone else playing...I guess you missed my other post when I said this. Also, I was merely asking and curious why it was so slow, I wasn't bashing his video....I have never played online so that's why I was trying to figure out and asking why the pitch speed in that video was so slow. And also its not the level you're stuck at, you said it was All-Star?...well its also the pitch speed that's stuck at default 5 as oppose to 10, which makes a huge difference in player skill. But what amazes me with your reaction is you automatically assume I was bashing it cause I play at a much higher level and pitch speed than what's shown in the video, almost like a defensive mechanism got triggered. All I was doing was inquiring why the pitch speed was so slow cause I don't play online or other modes that are locked at mid tier player skill level like All Star/default Sliders/default pitch speeds.
If you’ve never played online that’s fine, but again you’re not seeing the actual pitch speed when he’s pitching. When you are pitching it looks slower on purpose so that the opponent’s game can sync with yours. But when you’re hitting it looks faster than what you see in this video. Play a game online and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh okay, cause I didn't think you people hit with that crazy slow pitch speed. And no I'm not a casual noob and I like simulation baseball so I don't play online.
@joshjays44_psn said in Today’s daily moment:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holy batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
It’s very simple, he’s playing someone online. Obviously there’s no choice in settings when playing ranked online, All-Star is the default. The reason his pitches look so slow is because online when you’re pitching the game slows down after you release the ball so the server can sync up you and the hitter better. During that short slow down window on your end, the hitter is seeing the pitch delivered about a half second or so after it was delivered, but because of the slow down on your end it syncs up without giving the hitter any lag. On the hitter’s end the pitch looks like normal speed. You’ll also notice this same slow down for less than a second after the batter makes contact with a pitch, and it’s done for the same syncing reasons. If you’re old enough to have played older baseball games online like MVP on PS2 or 2K on the Xbox 360 and PS3 then you know that lag was always a major issue when hitting during online play. Online play was not so fun and very frustrating because you pretty much were forced to always press the swing button early all the time due too the lag if you wanted the actual swing to be on time. Online and offline play were basically two different games. This slowdown you’re seeing prevents that from happening and makes it easy to jump back and forth between online and offline play without having to change your swing timing.
Also, this dude is putting himself out there making content. That’s hard enough as it is, no need to bash someone over the level they play on. If you honestly feel like you have nothing to learn from someone’s video because you think they play at a lower level than you (which isn’t the case with this guy) then just move along without trying to be insulting. It is actually possible to not try to make people feel bad about themselves on the internet. Good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t say something to a stranger in real life then you probably shouldn’t say it to them online.
This is basically what I said and assumed online was like or certain modes..that you're stuck at a default setting so its equal for everyone else playing...I guess you missed my other post when I said this. Also, I was merely asking and curious why it was so slow, I wasn't bashing his video....I have never played online so that's why I was trying to figure out and asking why the pitch speed in that video was so slow. And also its not the level you're stuck at, you said it was All-Star?...well its also the pitch speed that's stuck at default 5 as oppose to 10, which makes a huge difference in player skill. But what amazes me with your reaction is you automatically assume I was bashing it cause I play at a much higher level and pitch speed than what's shown in the video, almost like a defensive mechanism got triggered. All I was doing was inquiring why the pitch speed was so slow cause I don't play online or other modes that are locked at mid tier player skill level like All Star/default Sliders/default pitch speeds.
If you’ve never played online that’s fine, but again you’re not seeing the actual pitch speed when he’s pitching. When you are pitching it looks slower on purpose so that the opponent’s game can sync with yours. But when you’re hitting it looks faster than what you see in this video. Play a game online and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh okay, cause I didn't think you people hit with that crazy slow pitch speed. And no I'm not a casual noob and I like simulation baseball so I don't play online.
I don’t play a ton online either. My preferred mode is road to the show on simulation. But I don’t think playing online or on any type of game style makes anyone a causal noob lol. To each their own.
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@grizzbear55_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
@joshjays44_psn said in I made a pitching tips video. Not mechanical but approach and reading your opponent! Let me know what you think!:
Holly batman, dude why is your pitch speeds so slow?...is this like Veteran or All Star with default pitch speeds?. You're trying to give a tutorial on the game but your pitch speed is at a setting a total beginner would be playing at or maybe an elderly person that's losing their vision. You basically have to wait for days on a fastball....If you're new at the game I guess its okay or maybe you set it at a slower speed for the the video?
He literally said he was championship series H2H! Pay attention b4 criticizing!
Okay sorry I have no idea what that means, is that like esports for The Show or something?. I would think if it was esports the setting would be Legend with pitch speeds at 10?. At Legend hitting with pitch speeds at 10 you essentially have .5 seconds to react to a decent fast ball...which is slightly slower to real life at .4. What I'm talking about is in this video the pitch speed is very slow, its horrendously slow...you basically have about 1.2 seconds to react to a fast ball...that is super slow. Is the pitch speeds in the video that slow just for demonstration reasons?
First of all sorry for being snappy i thought you were a troll but you the guy i go to for Franchise questions. No it is just basically online h2h so setting are predetermined based off of highest ranked person. You play on legend so everything is gonna look slower. If he was championship and faced someone who was WS then pitch speed wouldv'e been legend.