Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???
@Saberq269 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Dolenz said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@c7susb9 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
I’ve heard March to October gives decent XP, but I can’t confirm that personally
It would just give you normal XP for playing the game. The points that you earn in that mode are for Team Affinity and are not Program Points for the first inning.
Yes they are.XP gives you Program Stars
But it's BS how they do it.
I swear I’ve played multiple games and not hit 2K for multiple games and haven’t gotten any stars meaning it resets every game which would be kind of BS. Kind of defeats the purpose of their whole "earn stars just by playing" mantra they've been pushing if you never hit 2k every game.
Last year you would get 1 star for every 3 innings played, this year I believe they said they changed it to 1 star every 2,000 XP(which to me they did it because they wanted it to be a lot harder to earn them this year). Which if it resets every game then you can play nothing but conquest, finish with say 1,900 XP and never earn any program stars.
And that to me that seems to be the case because as an offline only player I've played a ton of conquest and I'm only at 74 stars and that's with having the game since early release and playing for 2-3 hours every day.
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
It doesn't make a difference when they give the final showdown boss BS abilities, just tried the 1st inning showdown and was doing fine(went into the final showdown down 15-10) when all of a sudden not even Mike Trout could hit a HR off Oswalt on a perfect/perfect high fastball because they gave Oswalt HR stopper but only for that part, he doesn't have it any of the other times you face him. Only scored 2 runs because every single long fly ball would die right at the warning track, every. single. one.
Plus they upped the difficulty of the final showdown boss from Veteran to All-Star meaning not only is hitting broken but they made it harder.
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
It doesn't make a difference when they give the final showdown boss BS abilities, just tried the 1st inning showdown and was doing fine(went into the final showdown down 15-10) when all of a sudden not even Mike Trout could hit a HR off Oswalt on a perfect/perfect high fastball because they gave Oswalt HR stopper but only for that part, he doesn't have it any of the other times you face him. Only scored 2 runs because every single long fly ball would die right at the warning track, every. single. one.
Plus they upped the difficulty of the final showdown boss from Veteran to All-Star meaning not only is hitting broken but they made it harder.
Final boss was always AS. Don’t forget you have 20 CONSECUTIVE outs, so try to get 4-5 pitches per AB. Once you start scoring runs and getting hits, the confidence bar starts dropping, and there’s no end to an inning that will stop your chance with runners on, you can have a guy on second and fail 5 straight times so relax. Build that momentum. Only swing with 2 strikes, the perks will help you. I bunted over the winning run from 1st to second and then to 3rd since I had outs to spare to avoid negating the runner.
Work counts, fall balls off down 2 strikes, drain that energy and confidence bar. Never swing at the first pitch. You should get it fairly easily. To the same along the way to get as many rewards/boosts as you can.
Final Boss in Showdown is cake! Quit trying to go into it down "X" runs and hit "X" HRs. You've got 20 outs to catch up. Keep Runners on base. Avoid Double Plays. Know your opponents outfield. Don't run on Sac Flys that you are unsure of if you'll make it or not. TAKE PITCHES!
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Saberq269 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Dolenz said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@c7susb9 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
I’ve heard March to October gives decent XP, but I can’t confirm that personally
It would just give you normal XP for playing the game. The points that you earn in that mode are for Team Affinity and are not Program Points for the first inning.
Yes they are.XP gives you Program Stars
But it's BS how they do it.
I swear I’ve played multiple games and not hit 2K for multiple games and haven’t gotten any stars meaning it resets every game which would be kind of BS. Kind of defeats the purpose of their whole "earn stars just by playing" mantra they've been pushing if you never hit 2k every game.
Last year you would get 1 star for every 3 innings played, this year I believe they said they changed it to 1 star every 2,000 XP(which to me they did it because they wanted it to be a lot harder to earn them this year). Which if it resets every game then you can play nothing but conquest, finish with say 1,900 XP and never earn any program stars.
And that to me that seems to be the case because as an offline only player I've played a ton of conquest and I'm only at 74 stars and that's with having the game since early release and playing for 2-3 hours every day.
No, you will still get a program star every 2,000 xp. The game keeps track of when you reach your next 2,000 xp threshold.
@TheMayor_44 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
Man I have a lot of respect for you because I think the first inning showdown is insanely difficult
Yep, I have failed it more than a half dozen times, and only made it to final boss once. And that was before the patch that made hitting more difficult.
I have always considered myself average at the game. On 17 when I had to play online I won more than I lost, but still lost plenty. I have to think the average and below average players are struggling with Showdown.
The key I hear is patience, that is something I struggle with from time to time. I win games by having good pitching to keep me in games until I scrape by enough offense to win. I don't always have the best PCI placement. Showdown is all offense and for players with good or great PCI placement.
@Saberq269 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Dolenz said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@c7susb9 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
I’ve heard March to October gives decent XP, but I can’t confirm that personally
It would just give you normal XP for playing the game. The points that you earn in that mode are for Team Affinity and are not Program Points for the first inning.
Yes they are.XP gives you Program Stars
Did you read my first sentence? I said you would get points from playing the mode. Those points are from the XP you earn. But you wouldn't earn any more XP in this mode than you would in say Conquest
The actual rewards though are not program points but Team Affinity points.
Here's my hot take.
Online players play vs humans.
Offline players play vs the CPU. Pick your difficulty.
Tada. Stop complaining. There are bigger issues out there
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
It doesn't make a difference when they give the final showdown boss BS abilities, just tried the 1st inning showdown and was doing fine(went into the final showdown down 15-10) when all of a sudden not even Mike Trout could hit a HR off Oswalt on a perfect/perfect high fastball because they gave Oswalt HR stopper but only for that part, he doesn't have it any of the other times you face him. Only scored 2 runs because every single long fly ball would die right at the warning track, every. single. one.
Plus they upped the difficulty of the final showdown boss from Veteran to All-Star meaning not only is hitting broken but they made it harder.
Final boss was always AS. Don’t forget you have 20 CONSECUTIVE outs, so try to get 4-5 pitches per AB. Once you start scoring runs and getting hits, the confidence bar starts dropping, and there’s no end to an inning that will stop your chance with runners on, you can have a guy on second and fail 5 straight times so relax. Build that momentum. Only swing with 2 strikes, the perks will help you. I bunted over the winning run from 1st to second and then to 3rd since I had outs to spare to avoid negating the runner.
Work counts, fall balls off down 2 strikes, drain that energy and confidence bar. Never swing at the first pitch. You should get it fairly easily. To the same along the way to get as many rewards/boosts as you can.
I don't know what you're referring too but I'm talking about the 1st Inning showdown. You only have 15 outs not 20, and before patch 1.04 the final boss was Veteran, now it's All-Star.
@DeckerCurtis2002 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Saberq269 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Dolenz said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@c7susb9 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
I’ve heard March to October gives decent XP, but I can’t confirm that personally
It would just give you normal XP for playing the game. The points that you earn in that mode are for Team Affinity and are not Program Points for the first inning.
Yes they are.XP gives you Program Stars
But it's BS how they do it.
I swear I’ve played multiple games and not hit 2K for multiple games and haven’t gotten any stars meaning it resets every game which would be kind of BS. Kind of defeats the purpose of their whole "earn stars just by playing" mantra they've been pushing if you never hit 2k every game.
Last year you would get 1 star for every 3 innings played, this year I believe they said they changed it to 1 star every 2,000 XP(which to me they did it because they wanted it to be a lot harder to earn them this year). Which if it resets every game then you can play nothing but conquest, finish with say 1,900 XP and never earn any program stars.
And that to me that seems to be the case because as an offline only player I've played a ton of conquest and I'm only at 74 stars and that's with having the game since early release and playing for 2-3 hours every day.
No, you will still get a program star every 2,000 xp. The game keeps track of when you reach your next 2,000 xp threshold.
Highly doubt that as I was stuck on 74 stars for like 3 games because I never reached 2k XP in 1 game but I know for a fact I reached it collectively since I average like 1,700 XP minimum every conquest game.
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@Duffman180 said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
It doesn't make a difference when they give the final showdown boss BS abilities, just tried the 1st inning showdown and was doing fine(went into the final showdown down 15-10) when all of a sudden not even Mike Trout could hit a HR off Oswalt on a perfect/perfect high fastball because they gave Oswalt HR stopper but only for that part, he doesn't have it any of the other times you face him. Only scored 2 runs because every single long fly ball would die right at the warning track, every. single. one.
Plus they upped the difficulty of the final showdown boss from Veteran to All-Star meaning not only is hitting broken but they made it harder.
Final boss was always AS. Don’t forget you have 20 CONSECUTIVE outs, so try to get 4-5 pitches per AB. Once you start scoring runs and getting hits, the confidence bar starts dropping, and there’s no end to an inning that will stop your chance with runners on, you can have a guy on second and fail 5 straight times so relax. Build that momentum. Only swing with 2 strikes, the perks will help you. I bunted over the winning run from 1st to second and then to 3rd since I had outs to spare to avoid negating the runner.
Work counts, fall balls off down 2 strikes, drain that energy and confidence bar. Never swing at the first pitch. You should get it fairly easily. To the same along the way to get as many rewards/boosts as you can.
I don't know what you're referring too but I'm talking about the 1st Inning showdown. You only have 15 outs not 20, and before patch 1.04 the final boss was Veteran, now it's All-Star.
Yeah my bad, 15 outs. But I beat it during pre-release and it’s always been AS on final boss. My first attempt down 3-15 vs Marquez, second attempt down 9-15 vs Oswalt. Both on AS.