Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?
Is there any way to see who the opposing pitcher will be (e.g., whether they are left handed or right handed) prior to setting your lineup in ranked season games in Diamond Dynasty?
Nope but it has to be coming. It’s something we’ve asked about for years now. Although I see why they wouldn’t add it because people would probably find some cheesy way to abuse it
abbyspapareplied to MeridianSwift on Jun 8, 2021, 4:15 AM last edited by abbyspapa_PSN Jun 8, 2021, 4:16 AM
@meridianswift_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Is there any way to see who the opposing pitcher will be (e.g., whether they are left handed or right handed) prior to setting your lineup in ranked season games in Diamond Dynasty?
No, why would they do that?
In real baseball each team has no idea who they are facing when they set their lineup cards right?
No -- in real baseball they know. So, no, it's not realism. It's the opposite.
abbyspapareplied to MeridianSwift on Jun 8, 2021, 4:19 AM last edited by abbyspapa_PSN Jun 8, 2021, 4:19 AM
@meridianswift_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
No -- in real baseball they know. So, no, it's not realism. It's the opposite.
Next you will say they have knuckleball pitchers in real life MLB as well...
Oh, sarcasm, I got you now lol
I would even just like vs RHP and LHP separate
@meridianswift_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
No -- in real baseball they know. So, no, it's not realism. It's the opposite.
Correct, but real baseball teams don’t have access to hundreds of all time greats to load up on all lefty/righty power hitters.
They need to find a balance, but any option they come up with will be exploited. And then there will be ways to counter that, and then ways to counter that counter, and so on...
Current scenario isn’t ideal, but it works better than anything else at this point.
Nope they used to show you until it got abused and people would just stack all Lefty lineups and back out of games if there opponent had a lefty pitcher. They probably won’t ever put it back in the game.
@namtrah22_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Nope they used to show you until it got abused and people would just stack all Lefty lineups and back out of games if there opponent had a lefty pitcher. They probably won’t ever put it back in the game.
Why not just make them take a loss if they back out at that point?
@meridianswift_mlbts said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
@namtrah22_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Nope they used to show you until it got abused and people would just stack all Lefty lineups and back out of games if there opponent had a lefty pitcher. They probably won’t ever put it back in the game.
Why not just make them take a loss if they back out at that point?
Idk there’s other reasons ppl leave games maybe something came up real fast at home and they have to back out. Sometimes I accidentally enter with my wrong lineup and forget until I’m at the screen and have to back out. Can’t really punish ppl if they never entered the game. For now this is the best solution to the problem and I don’t really see what else they could do.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Nope but it has to be coming. It’s something we’ve asked about for years now. Although I see why they wouldn’t add it because people would probably find some cheesy way to abuse it
They had it in the game two years ago and had to remove it because everyone would back out if it wasn't there prefered handed pitcher
It’s not a big deal. Just make sure your sub bench covers the other handed positions and change during the first AB if you really want to.
@namtrah22_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Nope they used to show you until it got abused and people would just stack all Lefty lineups and back out of games if there opponent had a lefty pitcher. They probably won’t ever put it back in the game.
They should allow you to make your lineup AFTER the game starts. Choose your pitcher pregame and it's locked in as the starter. Then once in game you will see their pitcher and you can make the necessary lineup changes without losing the substitued players eligibility for that game. If your opponent quits well it's a free W.
el FIama BIancareplied to lewisnadasurf1 on Jun 8, 2021, 5:55 AM last edited by el FIama BIanca_XBL Jun 8, 2021, 5:58 AM
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
It’s not a big deal. Just make sure your sub bench covers the other handed positions and change during the first AB if you really want to.
The [censored] you mean it's not a big deal? It's an extremely big deal... you make your adjustments once you load in and you lose the substituted players eligiblity for the rest of the game......
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Nope but it has to be coming. It’s something we’ve asked about for years now. Although I see why they wouldn’t add it because people would probably find some cheesy way to abuse it
It was actually just changed to the way it is now in recent years because people would just stack their lineups one way, or backout if it was a SP they didnt want to face. That is a much bigger problem than what we have now.
Learn to hit same handedness...
There just needs to be a way to set a vs LHP and vs RHP lineup like they do in franchise.
You can review both lineups in the pre-game screen and there you go. Using the same players for both handedness. You can just adjust the order and subs like you can now.
I don’t really mind if it stays how it is but I do think it would add more value to guys like Grady Sizemore. Not having to possibly burn a sub if you’re facing a lefty.
@ministro787_psn said in Setting Lineups before seeing opposing pitcher?:
Learn to hit same handedness...
That’s not the issue, issue is there are cards that are designed to be platoon hitters, but you can’t platoon the way it’s currently setup. Sure, you can swap after game starts, but you burn a bench bat that could be helpful later on.
Like I said early, current scenario isn’t ideal, but better than it was and better than anything else at this point. Once you start revealing pitchers, exploits galore, GUARANTEED!!!