Whats sds strategy for 42 cards?
@mdafurball_psn said in Whats sds strategy for 42 cards?:
Whats the purpose of making a series collection an no way to obtain them? they should have at least made them available in packs so there would be more in stock. I mean who really wants to pay 70k for trash cards just to finish a collection. With them not being in 3rd inning programs it seems the price is gonna stay way up for another month at least. Coulda at least gave 1 pack for playin x amount of games in ranked and/or BR.
Ugh just disappointedThe word you're looking for is AND
With all the great cards we get for free, I don’t mind a few that are locked behind a paywall for now. You know eventually he will be easier to get. For now there are other cards to prioritize.
You guys really don't know what a paywall is.
6 weeks and they give use 2 packs witha grinder of an event. I guess u can count preorder but but thats still like million ppl that didnt preorder. Just seems little crazy to me
6 weeks and they give use 2 packs witha grinder of an event. I guess u can count preorder but but thats still like million ppl that didnt preorder. Just seems little crazy to me
Probably because they designed the Live Content for the entire year, not just 6 weeks.
Im just saying 2 out of 10 cards, 4 if u preordered in 6 weeks an i dont see a pack coming in the next 2 weeks at least. Imma go ahead an assume 2/10 in 2 months. I know everyone would rather use 400k stubs on trout an not 6 42 cards. I just dont think it makes sense knowing people are gonna finsh ls before this and they give us 20% in 2 months and have to rely on people hopefully not wanting there cards. Everyone woulda thought they woulda released more by now and i guess thats why prices went up another 20k the last cpl days
By playing the game, you collect stubs... Stubs gets you the cards you need to do the 42 collection. The 12 legends.
If you can't put that together and are just waiting for packs, then you may need a helmet to wear around your house...Just save stubs and get them if you want Jackie. It's not hard. I accumulate stubs just playing this game at a crazy level. It's all relative if you know how to save
Are you so lazy that you can't work the market to acquire the cards that you want?
Stubs galore for the taking if you want them.
People want XP Glitching to result in the raining down of free 42 packs also.
Play the game. Earn stubs. Spend stubs. Tada.
I just meant it as its hard to believe that we got 20% in 2 months. Trout maybe 400k but at least there will always be opportunity of people openin packs an selling him as a duplicate. Imagine if everyone kept the 42 cards for jackie there would literally be 0 for sell, ever
I just think its crazy with the 2 packs so farI already have him an chipper so its just an observation kinda thing not a i want him for free thing
@mlbts_mlbts said in Whats sds strategy for 42 cards?:
@mdafurball_psn said in Whats sds strategy for 42 cards?:
Whats the purpose of making a series collection an no way to obtain them? they should have at least made them available in packs so there would be more in stock. I mean who really wants to pay 70k for trash cards just to finish a collection. With them not being in 3rd inning programs it seems the price is gonna stay way up for another month at least. Coulda at least gave 1 pack for playin x amount of games in ranked and/or BR.
Ugh just disappointedThere is a way to obtain them just take out the credit card
I swiped the card when they where about 25k each ended up being a sly move in my view for the money spent squad
What what
Unless SDS releases a steady stream of SS cards, the Jackie collection along with trout for the LS collection will remain as gatekeepers for larger collections such as Rivera. How you want to spend that $450+ K is up to you, but to do the large collections you will either need pack luck or a credit card.