Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.
My only thing is, why would you want your team name to be that? It’s your chance to create any team you want, have the coolest uniforms, unique name.. instead you want to put NMS on everything.
Kind of the same with twitch players. TWITCH YOUTUBE (insert team name here). I get that they’re trying to build their name but it’s just cheesy IMO.
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
And, "Now you are playing with power, Nintendo Power!"
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@rypien91_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
What about ghosts and goblins? Nms there? Haha. Hardest game I think I’ve ever played, lol.
Dude the kids are just spoiled these days lol. Back when we were gaming, you had to put in months and months of time to complete it. Most of the games, if you died and out of lives you had to start over, no save points.
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
Hey watch it. We use to get booklets inside the game with instructions. Man I miss those days
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@rypien91_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
What about ghosts and goblins? Nms there? Haha. Hardest game I think I’ve ever played, lol.
Dude the kids are just spoiled these days lol. Back when we were gaming, you had to put in months and months of time to complete it. Most of the games, if you died and out of lives you had to start over, no save points.
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
I've been saying this when discussing Showdown. I see that mode like an old school boss level game. I guess I'm not bothered by it, since I grew up on those "3 lives is all you get" type games.
This post has inspired me to make sure I state in every post about a player that I'm a money spent player just so we can balance things out
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
I see it on 1/2 the team names I play. I see it in 1/2 the posts on here. I see it all the time on twitter...Yes, You are NMS...It’s just not that big of a deal on this game. SDS provides TONS of easy grinds to build a very good & competitive team. In Madden & NBA2K it is impressive to get a 99 overall team doing NMS. It’s ALOT of hard work & grinding. In this game - Show 21 - It’s almost impossible to not have a great team if you put any time at all in. You literally can earn any WS or BR card just by stacking wins. All cards needed for the Player of the month card are free. TA is free...It’s just not an impressive feat anymore guys & NOBODY cares . I know people are gonna come at me here...And that’s fine, But someone has to break the news. It’s just not impressive & nobody cares. Have a nice day.
Clearly you care, you felt the need to write quite a few words about it
I’ve been NMS since the start of DD. I didn’t know it was a thing, I just personally find it a more rewarding experience. I enjoy the grind, slowly building my team, investing in cards, flipping cards and such. Personally, it makes me feel like I’ve earned the cards. However, I’ve got no beef with anyone who wants to shell out some cash for their god squad. Somebody’s gotta pay SDS at the end of the day!
@genopolanco_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
I’m NMS and vegan and I need to tell everyone about it every chance I get.
You forgot to mention you do cross fit.
Let's say MLB changed the rules so mike trout could pay part of his salary to put a runner on third for every at bat, and he easily broke the RBI record. Now imagine how absurd it would be to watch a sportscaster complaining because previous league leaders felt like their accomplishments were more impressive. That's how some of you guys sound to me.
Achieving an objective in a game by actually playing the game is more significant than achieving the same objective by typing in a credit card number. That's true in the Show, and it's true in literally every other video game ever created. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?
@whitejw98_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
Let's say MLB changed the rules so mike trout could pay part of his salary to put a runner on third for every at bat, and he easily broke the RBI record. Now imagine how absurd it would be to watch a sportscaster complaining because previous league leaders felt like their accomplishments were more impressive. That's how some of you guys sound to me.
Achieving an objective in a game by actually playing the game is more significant than achieving the same objective by typing in a credit card number. That's true in the Show, and it's true in literally every other video game ever created. Why is that so hard for some to grasp?
I’m high and I don’t even have a clue what your saying bro
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
I see it on 1/2 the team names I play. I see it in 1/2 the posts on here. I see it all the time on twitter...Yes, You are NMS...It’s just not that big of a deal on this game. SDS provides TONS of easy grinds to build a very good & competitive team. In Madden & NBA2K it is impressive to get a 99 overall team doing NMS. It’s ALOT of hard work & grinding. In this game - Show 21 - It’s almost impossible to not have a Agreat team if you put any time at all in. You literally can earn any WS or BR card just by stacking wins. All cards needed for the Player of the month card are free. TA is free...It’s just not an impressive feat anymore guys & NOBODY cares . I know people are gonna come at me here...And that’s fine, But someone has to break the news. It’s just not impressive & nobody cares. Have a nice day.
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@rypien91_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
What about ghosts and goblins? Nms there? Haha. Hardest game I think I’ve ever played, lol.
Dude the kids are just spoiled these days lol. Back when we were gaming, you had to put in months and months of time to complete it. Most of the games, if you died and out of lives you had to start over, no save points.
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
Our walkthroughs came as a magazine
I love that people advertise it because it's sort of like a protest against pay2play gaming. I'm an old school guy who's never approved of paying for a game multiple times. I don't blame the devs though I blame the consumers who encourage them by paying. Let's boycott instead and maybe someday they'll fix it.
@quinnymcquinn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
Oh yeah? Well I beat Mike Tyson without skip codes and without losing a single match. Gimme a good comeback bro?!!!
I beat ET the game.... come at me bruh
I shot -21 on original Nintendo golf. The one with Mario. Whatchyou got?
Money spent here
Just hit 25 wins in the event and got Pee Wee Reese.
Parise me!!!!
Im technically NMS right now....but i did buy 150,000 stubs the other night to make my grind for Trout, Bellinger, DeGrom and Cole go a little faster.
@quinnymcquinn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
Who tf cares??? Why is everyone so concerned about everyone else.... Insecure much?
I’m not insecure, you’re insecure!
I am insecure about you thinking that I am insecure.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@quinnymcquinn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
Oh yeah? Well I beat Mike Tyson without skip codes and without losing a single match. Gimme a good comeback bro?!!!
I beat ET the game.... come at me bruh
I shot -21 on original Nintendo golf. The one with Mario. Whatchyou got?
I beat my 3 year old in basketball on a 3 foot little tykes hoop.... and I played standing up.
@untchable704_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@rypien91_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
What about ghosts and goblins? Nms there? Haha. Hardest game I think I’ve ever played, lol.
Dude the kids are just spoiled these days lol. Back when we were gaming, you had to put in months and months of time to complete it. Most of the games, if you died and out of lives you had to start over, no save points.
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
Our walkthroughs came as a magazine
I used to go to Borders (the bookstore) and read strategy guides on games I was playing. I stole the Resident Evil 2 strategy guide and my mom found out and made me bring it back AND give it to a manager on duty and tell her what I did.
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@untchable704_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@rypien91_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
@hikes83_psn said in Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.:
It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
What about ghosts and goblins? Nms there? Haha. Hardest game I think I’ve ever played, lol.
Dude the kids are just spoiled these days lol. Back when we were gaming, you had to put in months and months of time to complete it. Most of the games, if you died and out of lives you had to start over, no save points.
There was no tutorials or websites giving you tips and tricks as it wasn’t readily available to the general population. If there was a trick and tip, it was generally shared from word of mouth. Those were the days man!!
Our walkthroughs came as a magazine
I used to go to Borders (the bookstore) and read strategy guides on games I was playing. I stole the Resident Evil 2 strategy guide and my mom found out and made me bring it back AND give it to a manager on duty and tell her what I did.
Bogus Dood. You got busted!!! That was not fly, it was all as if! Ahhh snap, your mom made you take a chill pill. Not rad. You were probably like whoa! Let’s bounce home skillet. She be buggin. Hella not cool, shawty.
Sorry I went full out 90’s mode there