All I know is the timing window feels completely random. I’ve had many many swings there is a delay between my button push and what I see on screen.
Really hoping the three days of early access aren’t the most enjoyable of this release
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
So is this game meant to cater to the top 3% or to the masses? So you are going to tell everyone to get better? Maybe they should make two for WS players and one for the rest of us.
To be fair, they patched it real fast because everyone was saying it was too easy. I told everyone on this forum to chill with that ****. And they didn’t and got the game patched almost immediately.
Go back to pre patch and read the posts on here. Then you’ll see what this community does to the game every year. If the game was so good in the beginning, most of you crying about it being easy, should have kept your mouths shut.
Now we have this boring mess. If the shoe fits.
@MadderBumgarner said in SDS PLEASE GO BACK TO PRE PATCH:
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
People like you are the problem. It's obviously broken since week 1 and your telling people they need to get better. Hitting felt easy because everyone was playing on Veteran. I was hitting around .500 in my first 10 games or so. Now that I'm on legend the pci is sooooooo small and pitch speeds are ridiculous. HOF plays harder than Legend did last year. I can't wait for people who are saying hitting is "still fine" to play on at least HOF. I honestly doubt anyone who is good at this game thinks hitting is good. The user input is pointless now and its back to lineouts like 19. Literally feels like the same game now. Good ole bait and switch by SDS like always.
Exactly. I does feel like 19 all over again, especially without much update to the commentary or noticeable "over 200 new animations" ?... All I'm focusing on is how boring it is and every RP dropping his mitt when he comes to the mound. I want my money back.
Lmao the RP dropping the glove. Literally happens to every one of them.
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
So is this game meant to cater to the top 3% or to the masses? So you are going to tell everyone to get better? Maybe they should make two for WS players and one for the rest of us.
They do. It’s called all-star difficulty. Play a game on legend and see the difference. It’s a complete different game.
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
I can't see anywhere in these comments that anyone claimed to be good at this game. We bought the game to have fun. It was fun before the patch and now it's much less fun. So since we're not as good as you are, we're not allowed to have fun playing a video game?
I’m not going to drop names, but there’s some well known people in this forum saying they thought hitting was too easy (and bashing it), and now saying it was great.
So C’mon. I almost think some of you enjoy ruining the game every year just complaining constantly.
Revert patch SDS!!! This dumpster fire of a game is so broken
I told my friends don’t waste their money buying this game
This game is legit playing terrible. I’m hitting it perfect. Weak fly out.
Feels like last year again.
What’s the point of good pci placement and timing if the results don’t back up what you’re doing. Revert the patch!!
Even though hitting on AS is clunky, you’re still able to hit plenty. HOF on the other hand.... hahah it’s pretty nuts with how awkward the timing is and the pci size. You’re pretty much trying to pick up on sequences and hope that the good timing and placement swings provide good results. Guys with splitters and high Velo fastballs are cheat codes. I keep saying this, but I don’t get why the timing window was the first adjustment they turned to. I would have figured upping pitch speeds to 15/16 levels with the current windows and fixing some of the issues with pitching would have been much simpler and more balanced.
PS: pci sizes are perfect now, it’s just the timing windows they adjusted.
Pre-patch, i couldn’t stop playing the game. I was enjoying Showdown and felt like I could get it done and was having FUN. MTO was actually entertaining and didn’t feel like a grind. Playing on All-Star or above was a manageable sweat fest. BR was ok, not that I played a ton. I felt like I’d actually reach 300 program points and beyond because what else am I going to do? Post-patch, I don’t even want to boot into the game. Sadly, I found myself going back to another [censored] show of game in Destiny. I honestly didn’t think their could be another Dev, other than Bungle, that could break their game so quickly. I could see making changes after a few weeks, but 2 days after official release is downright stupid. People are stuck at home, keep the game FUN for as people as possible. Hitting, in my opinion, was in the best place it'd been in a few years. So instead of ruining hitting, start refining pitching again. Start with the strike zone. If it’s going to be inconsistent, then at least make it realistic where one ump calls outside off the black, another inside off the, or they like it down. This RNG strike zone needs to go, or better yet, make it a no if-ands-or-buts robozone. If it’s on the black it’s a strike, unless at the top of the zone. Then fix the inputs and reduce the RNG, from user controlled pitches. Then, watch your data and make changes as needed. At this time, people need things that are FUN to pass the time.
If you didn’t like how showdown was being farmed, then restrict the end game rewards. Don’t make it possible to receive an infinite amount of tickets. There’s 5 teams in each division, so limit ticket rewards to 5 entries. Make the boss more difficult, remove the skip to the boss feature, shrink pci’s, create a diminishing returns algorithm, or something other than a global DD hitting nerf. The quick fix, is rarely the best fix. Especially when you undo all the work you’re team put into fixing hitting.
If it’s fun, people will spend money no matter the situation. Bring the FUN back the show. Make tweaks not global changes.
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
You may be right I may not be a World Series player yet I enjoyed the game before patch. The good players still bear me yet I was at least able to score a few runs making the game more enjoyable. Playing a 9 inning game on all star and getting 4 hits is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know if it’s time window as everyone this year likes to say but I do know that all star feels like hall of fame did last year. I don’t play on a monitor and that makes the game too hard right now. Pitch speeds too fast. Also sds said “outer” pci was being lowered in last patch. Let’s not overlook that the inner definitely was reduced as well and a lot. Game is horrible now.
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
I'm 4-1 post patch in DD but hitting just inst rewarding anymore. Especially with all the trash "Good Okay" results.
keep it to the top top top baby lets go
@Harryhukari33 said in SDS PLEASE GO BACK TO PRE PATCH:
Even though hitting on AS is clunky, you’re still able to hit plenty. HOF on the other hand.... hahah it’s pretty nuts with how awkward the timing is and the pci size. You’re pretty much trying to pick up on sequences and hope that the good timing and placement swings provide good results. Guys with splitters and high Velo fastballs are cheat codes. I keep saying this, but I don’t get why the timing window was the first adjustment they turned to. I would have figured upping pitch speeds to 15/16 levels with the previous windows and fixing some of the issues with pitching would have been much simpler and more balanced.
PS: pci sizes are perfect now, it’s just the timing windows they adjusted.
Tried to edit this and accidentally quoted it... whoops
@Harryhukari33 said in SDS PLEASE GO BACK TO PRE PATCH:
@Harryhukari33 said in SDS PLEASE GO BACK TO PRE PATCH:
Even though hitting on AS is clunky, you’re still able to hit plenty. HOF on the other hand.... hahah it’s pretty nuts with how awkward the timing is and the pci size. You’re pretty much trying to pick up on sequences and hope that the good timing and placement swings provide good results. Guys with splitters and high Velo fastballs are cheat codes. I keep saying this, but I don’t get why the timing window was the first adjustment they turned to. I would have figured upping pitch speeds to 15/16 levels with the previous windows and fixing some of the issues with pitching would have been much simpler and more balanced.
PS: pci sizes are perfect now, it’s just the timing windows they adjusted.
Tried to edit this and accidentally quoted it... whoops
lol i was wondering for a second ....... everything feels like a giant softball practice its a joke compared to day 1 launch
Yes take this patch off! Everything is now late or early. Hitting just seems way off. Even pci control is affected. Fix this now! Just take the patch off!
Such a dumpster fire right now that the game is just a roll of the dice for most players.
What is up with the pitching though? I can’t recall ever missing my spot more than this year. It’s insane