HR with pci not even on it?
How many outs did he get with good timing and ball inside the pci. Nobody ever cares about that for their opponents tho.
@untchable704_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
How many outs did he get with good timing and ball inside the pci. Nobody ever cares about that for their opponents tho.
Hard hit balls get put away for outs, thats baseball.
Never seen a HR when the guy missed the ball with his bat, though.
@vortexnukezz_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
@untchable704_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
How many outs did he get with good timing and ball inside the pci. Nobody ever cares about that for their opponents tho.
Hard hit balls get put away for outs, thats baseball.
Never seen a HR when the guy missed the ball with his bat, though.
The pci isn’t the bat tho.
@vortexnukezz_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
@untchable704_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
How many outs did he get with good timing and ball inside the pci. Nobody ever cares about that for their opponents tho.
Hard hit balls get put away for outs, thats baseball.
Never seen a HR when the guy missed the ball with his bat, though.
If the PCI was the entire bat, that would mean the bat is just floating in air and the player isn't even holding it, which is not possible in baseball.
For clarification sake I don't think non-pci homers should happen, just that this is not the argument for it.
The opposing player PCI feedback does not work properly. Thats why we have these posts every day about "the other player hit homeruns with terrible PCI placement". Their PCI placement does not match what you are seeing on the feedback. I have no proof on that but I wish someone would make a video to prove it so people stop claiming this is happening every day
@cubandoctor21 said in HR with pci not even on it?:
The opposing player PCI feedback does not work properly. Thats why we have these posts every day about "the other player hit homeruns with terrible PCI placement". Their PCI placement does not match what you are seeing on the feedback. I have no proof on that but I wish someone would make a video to prove it so people stop claiming this is happening every day
Sure, but I've hit home runs myself that were out of the PCI, are you saying ALL pci is bugged even your own?
Dude the pci lies. If he hit bombs, it was from launch angle. If you watch the replay, the bat connects with the ball on early swings and are bearrellwd up. Yes it sis dumb but if you watch the replay you will see it. Pci is garbage now, it’s more about barrel placement and it is not the same as the pci spot. It’s dumb yes but unfortunately it’s the reality of this game
@cubandoctor21 said in HR with pci not even on it?:
The opposing player PCI feedback does not work properly. Thats why we have these posts every day about "the other player hit homeruns with terrible PCI placement". Their PCI placement does not match what you are seeing on the feedback. I have no proof on that but I wish someone would make a video to prove it so people stop claiming this is happening every day
I’m pretty sure the actual user pci is occasionally wrong as well.
@crimson_monk_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
Dude the pci lies. If he hit bombs, it was from launch angle. If you watch the replay, the bat connects with the ball on early swings and are bearrellwd up. Yes it sis dumb but if you watch the replay you will see it. Pci is garbage now, it’s more about barrel placement and it is not the same as the pci spot. It’s dumb yes but unfortunately it’s the reality of this game
I think the wedge pci helps based on what you are describing. I go back to it every time I quit using it.
I hit a hr yesterday and ball was not touching the center pci but was in the outer pci ring, think it was at shippet
@gohardgrandpa said in HR with pci not even on it?:
Just played a ranked seasons game. Dude hit 3 homeruns this game and each time the pci wasn’t touching the ball in the feedback box. It was on all star difficult in the 500’s. I didn’t think it was this bad on all star online, apparently I was wrong. I ended up winning 8-3 but every homerun I hit the pci was on the ball squared up in the feedback box.
I haven’t been playing much ranked this year, currently 22-6. Have you guys been seeing people hit a HR with the pci not even touching the ball with the center of it?
gave up a 3-run HR on an inside curveball by 8 inches or so in the event where the ball wasn't touching the inner pci. But if you put the pci on the ball all you get is a flyout.
@crimson_monk_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
Dude the pci lies. If he hit bombs, it was from launch angle. If you watch the replay, the bat connects with the ball on early swings and are bearrellwd up. Yes it sis dumb but if you watch the replay you will see it. Pci is garbage now, it’s more about barrel placement and it is not the same as the pci spot. It’s dumb yes but unfortunately it’s the reality of this game
then why is it every single time you get a perfect hit the ball is magically dead center of the pci? if the pci lies then how can this be explained?
I think the PCI feedback and numbers in the analysis are somewhat placebo.
We’ve all experienced both sides of this. Obviously there is randomness built in at a couple of levels in the game.
What are we gonna do?
@halfbutt_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
I think the PCI feedback and numbers in the analysis are somewhat placebo.
We’ve all experienced both sides of this. Obviously there is randomness built in at a couple of levels in the game.
What are we gonna do?
I wouldn't say a placebo as much as creating expectations that aren't matched.
When we see 15 pci rating outs and 10 pci rating home runs we feel robbed because the numbers say so. But the only real way to get rid of that is to have all good pci hits and all bad pci outs, otherwise there will be scenarios where luck will win out
Yeah, exactly. I mean, just for once, I’d like to experience what it would be like to have black and white results like that. You know, Good timing with PCI 12 and above is a hit, etc.
I’m sure there would be other problems but it bothers me that randomness is built into the game under the guise of, “that’s baseball”.
This is not baseball, but video game baseball.
For example, I just lost a game wherein I started the game off two batters in a row taking 3-0, getting a pitch to hit 3-1, putting a good swing on it, and making an out. Obviously this happens in rl as well, but my opponent couldn’t hit all game, and then walked it off with one lucky swing.
Does this happen in real baseball? Yes. But not nearly as much as it does in this game.
@halfbutt_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
Yeah, exactly. I mean, just for once, I’d like to experience what it would be like to have black and white results like that. You know, Good timing with PCI 12 and above is a hit, etc.
I’m sure there would be other problems but it bothers me that randomness is built into the game under the guise of, “that’s baseball”.
This is not baseball, but video game baseball.
See, I would not like that, I'm not saying I love RNG and it absolutely should be toned down more, but I don't want it to become a perfect/perfect simulator. I want at some level to feel like I'm playing baseball, not playing who gets the higher number feedback
@mathman5072_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
What stadium were you in? Was it shippett?
Game was played at date palm.
@eatyum_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
@halfbutt_psn said in HR with pci not even on it?:
Yeah, exactly. I mean, just for once, I’d like to experience what it would be like to have black and white results like that. You know, Good timing with PCI 12 and above is a hit, etc.
I’m sure there would be other problems but it bothers me that randomness is built into the game under the guise of, “that’s baseball”.
This is not baseball, but video game baseball.
See, I would not like that, I'm not saying I love RNG and it absolutely should be toned down more, but I don't want it to become a perfect/perfect simulator. I want at some level to feel like I'm playing baseball, not playing who gets the higher number feedback
I don’t disagree with you. It just makes me have to turn off the game in disgust sometimes, which is disappointing because I have mostly had good fun this year.
It really is about managing expectations eh?
Your opponents PCI is not that accurate and if it's a high vision contact and power guy you shouldn't have to hit it perfect everytime either
I agree, but, I would love to see MORE hits on balls inside the pci and LESS hits on balls not inside the pci.