Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
@hikes83_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Pure Analog Stride hitting is always the way to go when playing The Show, it seems more natural and doesn't involve aiming at a target like its Duck Hunt or button mashing X like its a baseball game from the 90s. Its an actual swing of a baseball bat but I'm sure you know that already, its just that causal PCI noobs don't understand that. But to get to your, once you practice for a while and play about 20 games you'll get a feel for the hitting and you'll realize when you hit a high fly ball or hit into a double play its your fault...don't be discourage like a casual noob, just keep practicing and take swings and it will all come together.
We all know you think your method is the best Josh... if you step in the box in real life, timing is the only thing that matters right? Doesn’t matter what plane you swing the bat, as long as the timing is perfect.
Yeah that’s very realistic...
Now if you said Zone with analog stride, I’d say you have a point but pure analog is the least realistic method
This right here. I used zone hitting with analog stride. I feel the most comfortable doing that ever since MVP Baseball introduced analog hitting on PS2 years ago, although theirs was more like directional hitting with analog stride. The combination of the PCI with the down up swing motion of the right analog is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding and (for me) the best way to time the pitches. I recommend to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge, but stay away from analog flick. That makes you only go up for normal swings, left or right for contact swings, and down and then up for power swings, which can mess with your timing having to switch. Analog stride will let you pick normal, power or contact swing using the face buttons pre-pitch while using the same analog motion for all three.
@ptfri217_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
I used to use pure analog but stopped once they took stride timing out. Don’t think it’s back in, or is it? Obviously, loading a stride then having to literally “wait back” on off speed pitches simulated an at bat better than clicking a button, and provided a greater challenge. That said, I mostly play online these days and use PCI+button as it gives me the most control which is best for competitive play (ps please don’t hate me)
You can choose between analog flick and analog stride. You can also do zone hitting with analog swinging instead of buttons. That’s what I use, zone hitting with analog stride swinging. You get the PCI but still get to swing with the down-up motion of the right stick.
Wow that’s awesome! Thanks for the info! May have to switch to zone plus analog stride swinging. I’m wondering if there’s a boost for timing the stride. If I remember correctly, perfect stride and perfect swing time was OP back in the day. This may give more control than just perfect swing timing on buttons, or at least it should (it used to).
@ptfri217_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Wow that’s awesome! Thanks for the info! May have to switch to zone plus analog stride swinging. I’m wondering if there’s a boost for timing the stride. If I remember correctly, perfect stride and perfect swing time was OP back in the day. This may give more control than just perfect swing timing on buttons, or at least it should (it used to).
It definitely feels like you have more control and it also feels rewarding when you get that perfect/perfect. Mentally for me I get the same feeling I get when making solid contact in real baseball lol. Also, if you’re gonna use my suggested set up, you can use the face buttons any time before each pitch to pre-select your swing type. It’s a normal swing by default, but you can choose power swing by holding X on Xbox or square on PS, contact swing by holding B on Xbox or circle on PS, and you can switch back to a normal swing by holding A on Xbox or X on PS. You only need to hold it down for a second and you’ll feel a quick vibration feedback to let you know it switched, and then you take the same analog swing motion regardless of the swing type you choose. Only thing to remember is that it switches back to a normal swing by default for every pitch, so if you wanna go to a contact or power swing again you have to do it for each pitch. You can also switch it up anytime before you swing if you change your mind. Definitely try it out in practice mode to get used to the feeling of it all but it’ll come quickly and naturally. As for the PCI, that’s all preference but I find that altitude works best for me with the color set to orange (weird choice, I know). I always keep the outer PCI off and I try to play without the inner PCI too but switch it on and off depending on how well I’m seeing the ball.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@hikes83_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Pure Analog Stride hitting is always the way to go when playing The Show, it seems more natural and doesn't involve aiming at a target like its Duck Hunt or button mashing X like its a baseball game from the 90s. Its an actual swing of a baseball bat but I'm sure you know that already, its just that causal PCI noobs don't understand that. But to get to your, once you practice for a while and play about 20 games you'll get a feel for the hitting and you'll realize when you hit a high fly ball or hit into a double play its your fault...don't be discourage like a casual noob, just keep practicing and take swings and it will all come together.
We all know you think your method is the best Josh... if you step in the box in real life, timing is the only thing that matters right? Doesn’t matter what plane you swing the bat, as long as the timing is perfect.
Yeah that’s very realistic...
Now if you said Zone with analog stride, I’d say you have a point but pure analog is the least realistic method
This right here. I used zone hitting with analog stride. I feel the most comfortable doing that ever since MVP Baseball introduced analog hitting on PS2 years ago, although theirs was more like directional hitting with analog stride. The combination of the PCI with the down up swing motion of the right analog is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding and (for me) the best way to time the pitches. I recommend to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge, but stay away from analog flick. That makes you only go up for normal swings, left or right for contact swings, and down and then up for power swings, which can mess with your timing having to switch. Analog stride will let you pick normal, power or contact swing using the face buttons pre-pitch while using the same analog motion for all three.
The stride with buttons is dependant on the CPU; always late; with stride I can start earlier if I'm struggling. It's the way to go.
@yankblan_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@hikes83_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Pure Analog Stride hitting is always the way to go when playing The Show, it seems more natural and doesn't involve aiming at a target like its Duck Hunt or button mashing X like its a baseball game from the 90s. Its an actual swing of a baseball bat but I'm sure you know that already, its just that causal PCI noobs don't understand that. But to get to your, once you practice for a while and play about 20 games you'll get a feel for the hitting and you'll realize when you hit a high fly ball or hit into a double play its your fault...don't be discourage like a casual noob, just keep practicing and take swings and it will all come together.
We all know you think your method is the best Josh... if you step in the box in real life, timing is the only thing that matters right? Doesn’t matter what plane you swing the bat, as long as the timing is perfect.
Yeah that’s very realistic...
Now if you said Zone with analog stride, I’d say you have a point but pure analog is the least realistic method
This right here. I used zone hitting with analog stride. I feel the most comfortable doing that ever since MVP Baseball introduced analog hitting on PS2 years ago, although theirs was more like directional hitting with analog stride. The combination of the PCI with the down up swing motion of the right analog is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding and (for me) the best way to time the pitches. I recommend to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge, but stay away from analog flick. That makes you only go up for normal swings, left or right for contact swings, and down and then up for power swings, which can mess with your timing having to switch. Analog stride will let you pick normal, power or contact swing using the face buttons pre-pitch while using the same analog motion for all three.
The stride with buttons is dependant on the CPU; always late; with stride I can start earlier if I'm struggling. It's the way to go.
Not sure what you mean by stride with buttons. I agree with you on the stride swing. It’s all I use with the zone hitting. I’m not a fan of the button swings at all. For some reason that just feels cheap and very 90’s lol.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@yankblan_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@hikes83_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Pure Analog Stride hitting is always the way to go when playing The Show, it seems more natural and doesn't involve aiming at a target like its Duck Hunt or button mashing X like its a baseball game from the 90s. Its an actual swing of a baseball bat but I'm sure you know that already, its just that causal PCI noobs don't understand that. But to get to your, once you practice for a while and play about 20 games you'll get a feel for the hitting and you'll realize when you hit a high fly ball or hit into a double play its your fault...don't be discourage like a casual noob, just keep practicing and take swings and it will all come together.
We all know you think your method is the best Josh... if you step in the box in real life, timing is the only thing that matters right? Doesn’t matter what plane you swing the bat, as long as the timing is perfect.
Yeah that’s very realistic...
Now if you said Zone with analog stride, I’d say you have a point but pure analog is the least realistic method
This right here. I used zone hitting with analog stride. I feel the most comfortable doing that ever since MVP Baseball introduced analog hitting on PS2 years ago, although theirs was more like directional hitting with analog stride. The combination of the PCI with the down up swing motion of the right analog is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding and (for me) the best way to time the pitches. I recommend to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge, but stay away from analog flick. That makes you only go up for normal swings, left or right for contact swings, and down and then up for power swings, which can mess with your timing having to switch. Analog stride will let you pick normal, power or contact swing using the face buttons pre-pitch while using the same analog motion for all three.
The stride with buttons is dependant on the CPU; always late; with stride I can start earlier if I'm struggling. It's the way to go.
Not sure what you mean by stride with buttons. I agree with you on the stride swing. It’s all I use with the zone hitting. I’m not a fan of the button swings at all. For some reason that just feels cheap and very 90’s lol.
I used to play with buttons online and stride off for the fun of it. But with buttons, the CPU determines when to start the stride/leg kick, and it feels by the time I swing I'm already late. So if I face a Kopech with a 102 mph FB, I can time my stride earlier manually, instead of having the game time it for me.
@yankblan_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@yankblan_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@hikes83_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Pure Analog Stride hitting is always the way to go when playing The Show, it seems more natural and doesn't involve aiming at a target like its Duck Hunt or button mashing X like its a baseball game from the 90s. Its an actual swing of a baseball bat but I'm sure you know that already, its just that causal PCI noobs don't understand that. But to get to your, once you practice for a while and play about 20 games you'll get a feel for the hitting and you'll realize when you hit a high fly ball or hit into a double play its your fault...don't be discourage like a casual noob, just keep practicing and take swings and it will all come together.
We all know you think your method is the best Josh... if you step in the box in real life, timing is the only thing that matters right? Doesn’t matter what plane you swing the bat, as long as the timing is perfect.
Yeah that’s very realistic...
Now if you said Zone with analog stride, I’d say you have a point but pure analog is the least realistic method
This right here. I used zone hitting with analog stride. I feel the most comfortable doing that ever since MVP Baseball introduced analog hitting on PS2 years ago, although theirs was more like directional hitting with analog stride. The combination of the PCI with the down up swing motion of the right analog is not the easiest but it is the most rewarding and (for me) the best way to time the pitches. I recommend to anyone looking for a rewarding challenge, but stay away from analog flick. That makes you only go up for normal swings, left or right for contact swings, and down and then up for power swings, which can mess with your timing having to switch. Analog stride will let you pick normal, power or contact swing using the face buttons pre-pitch while using the same analog motion for all three.
The stride with buttons is dependant on the CPU; always late; with stride I can start earlier if I'm struggling. It's the way to go.
Not sure what you mean by stride with buttons. I agree with you on the stride swing. It’s all I use with the zone hitting. I’m not a fan of the button swings at all. For some reason that just feels cheap and very 90’s lol.
I used to play with buttons online and stride off for the fun of it. But with buttons, the CPU determines when to start the stride/leg kick, and it feels by the time I swing I'm already late. So if I face a Kopech with a 102 mph FB, I can time my stride earlier manually, instead of having the game time it for me.
Oohhhhhhh okay I get what you’re saying now. I thought you were trying to say there was a setting that had a stride button lmao.
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
If this isn't a DD nooby response I don't know what is
. It reminds me of when I argue with F1 players about their favorite esports drivers and how they don't play the game realistically. 99% of those noobs drive in T-Cam instead of cockpit cause their favorite esport heroes do, so they simple mimic it. This is what you're doing, you're playing DD online in an unrealistic way by playing at default sliders, something as simple as having Outfield Run Speed at 2 instead of 5 makes a huge difference in the flow of a baseball game or Baserunning speed or Throwing Errors or Starting pitching stamina ect. Unless SDS hires like 100 realistic testers to make default Sliders as the most realistic settings you're gonna have weird gameplay. This is why so many hours are spent tweaking sliders dude, I don't pull it outta my @$$...I work for a month on Sliders with feedback from other sliders and discussion about it on Operation Sports...once I have a good base then I start Spring Training and still continue to tweak it for the best simulated game of baseball I can get until the Regular Season starts. Here's the thing, we are completely different like to play online baseball game with your friends and you guys try to exploit the games physics and each other's skill guys could play to a 25-6 game with 20 strike outs on each side or never walk and have pitch counts at like 250 per team....what you're playing is video game baseball. What I'm trying to do every year with The Show is play a season of Simulated realistic baseball...I don't care about playing some snot nose kid online that's only there to earn a trophy or gain XP. You are a product of online video game playing, where 90% of the players are casuals and noobs, sorta like the online players in F1...90% are there with no respect for the sport..its basically bumper cars. I am a realistic simulated player when I play sports game, testing can be super tedious, for example with F1 2016 it took me almost 500 hours to test and practice before I even did a season because I play at the most difficult settings with proper equipment not some nooby kid with a controller driving in T-Cam with assists on...which is 95% of the player base. And this is what sports gaming is slowly becoming....the more casual the game is, the easier it is to pick up, the more it will sell. Look at Project Cars series, parts 1 and 2 were decent sims but part 3 turned into another Need for Speed casual pick up game cause it sells more..that's the average gamer...just casual and nooby. And this is what I hope The Show doesn't turn into, a DD casual noobfest where its how can I exploit the game physics so I can beat someone half way across the world to gain XP.
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
If this isn't a DD nooby response I don't know what is
. It reminds me of when I argue with F1 players about their favorite esports drivers and how they don't play the game realistically. 99% of those noobs drive in T-Cam instead of cockpit cause their favorite esport heroes do, so they simple mimic it. This is what you're doing, you're playing DD online in an unrealistic way by playing at default sliders, something as simple as having Outfield Run Speed at 2 instead of 5 makes a huge difference in the flow of a baseball game or Baserunning speed or Throwing Errors or Starting pitching stamina ect. Unless SDS hires like 100 realistic testers to make default Sliders as the most realistic settings you're gonna have weird gameplay. This is why so many hours are spent tweaking sliders dude, I don't pull it outta my @$$...I work for a month on Sliders with feedback from other sliders and discussion about it on Operation Sports...once I have a good base then I start Spring Training and still continue to tweak it for the best simulated game of baseball I can get until the Regular Season starts. Here's the thing, we are completely different like to play online baseball game with your friends and you guys try to exploit the games physics and each other's skill guys could play to a 25-6 game with 20 strike outs on each side or never walk and have pitch counts at like 250 per team....what you're playing is video game baseball. What I'm trying to do every year with The Show is play a season of Simulated realistic baseball...I don't care about playing some snot nose kid online that's only there to earn a trophy or gain XP. You are a product of online video game playing, where 90% of the players are casuals and noobs, sorta like the online players in F1...90% are there with no respect for the sport..its basically bumper cars. I am a realistic simulated player when I play sports game, testing can be super tedious, for example with F1 2016 it took me almost 500 hours to test and practice before I even did a season because I play at the most difficult settings with proper equipment not some nooby kid with a controller driving in T-Cam with assists on...which is 95% of the player base. And this is what sports gaming is slowly becoming....the more casual the game is, the easier it is to pick up, the more it will sell. Look at Project Cars series, parts 1 and 2 were decent sims but part 3 turned into another Need for Speed casual pick up game cause it sells more..that's the average gamer...just casual and nooby. And this is what I hope The Show doesn't turn into, a DD casual noobfest where its how can I exploit the game physics so I can beat someone half way across the world to gain XP.
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
If this isn't a DD nooby response I don't know what is
. It reminds me of when I argue with F1 players about their favorite esports drivers and how they don't play the game realistically. 99% of those noobs drive in T-Cam instead of cockpit cause their favorite esport heroes do, so they simple mimic it. This is what you're doing, you're playing DD online in an unrealistic way by playing at default sliders, something as simple as having Outfield Run Speed at 2 instead of 5 makes a huge difference in the flow of a baseball game or Baserunning speed or Throwing Errors or Starting pitching stamina ect. Unless SDS hires like 100 realistic testers to make default Sliders as the most realistic settings you're gonna have weird gameplay. This is why so many hours are spent tweaking sliders dude, I don't pull it outta my @$$...I work for a month on Sliders with feedback from other sliders and discussion about it on Operation Sports...once I have a good base then I start Spring Training and still continue to tweak it for the best simulated game of baseball I can get until the Regular Season starts. Here's the thing, we are completely different like to play online baseball game with your friends and you guys try to exploit the games physics and each other's skill guys could play to a 25-6 game with 20 strike outs on each side or never walk and have pitch counts at like 250 per team....what you're playing is video game baseball. What I'm trying to do every year with The Show is play a season of Simulated realistic baseball...I don't care about playing some snot nose kid online that's only there to earn a trophy or gain XP. You are a product of online video game playing, where 90% of the players are casuals and noobs, sorta like the online players in F1...90% are there with no respect for the sport..its basically bumper cars. I am a realistic simulated player when I play sports game, testing can be super tedious, for example with F1 2016 it took me almost 500 hours to test and practice before I even did a season because I play at the most difficult settings with proper equipment not some nooby kid with a controller driving in T-Cam with assists on...which is 95% of the player base. And this is what sports gaming is slowly becoming....the more casual the game is, the easier it is to pick up, the more it will sell. Look at Project Cars series, parts 1 and 2 were decent sims but part 3 turned into another Need for Speed casual pick up game cause it sells more..that's the average gamer...just casual and nooby. And this is what I hope The Show doesn't turn into, a DD casual noobfest where its how can I exploit the game physics so I can beat someone half way across the world to gain XP.
Need for Speed? Does Rob Ford star in it?
Most of us aren’t noobs Josh and we understand your sentiment. The game plays great at default other than online lag issues from time to time.
What are the sliders? Are they in the vault?
Have y’all ran tests with stride swinging? I just went into practice and played around with a couple things. Maybe someone could confirm.
First, (using Mark Canha on HoF), I played normally. Maxed out exit velocity at 110.
Then, I started my stride before the pitcher began his delivery so that his foot was down and he just swung with his upper body. Couldn’t quit reach 110 (could be luck) but I hit 107 including multiple homeruns.
Lastly, I didn’t start my stride until the ball was in the air, and swung immediately after the front foot was up. Canha has a big leg kick, so surely this would affect his swing. Nope. The animation looked buggy because he instantly landed his front foot down and forward as he swung, but launched 109 max in my test, with again, multiple HRs.
I should mention also that the PCI didn’t change on any of the above methods.
So it seems like “stride” is simply “flick” but with the caveat that you must pull back before the flick (and keep in mind that flick is just using the right stick as your “button”). When you pull it back bares no affect on gameplay, and is purely visual and mental. Maybe some of y’all think it’s an added skill and harder than buttons in some way, but I didn’t see that in my tests. It’s still just one timing mechanic not two. In 11 or 12 when stride swinging was introduced, the stride timing was definitely taken into account as well as the swing timing. It even showed it on pitch feedback. Hasn’t been that way in almost a decade though.
So to those who prefer the feel of it, cheers and Godspeed! Just know that when you put your foot down doesn’t reeeaaally matter. And to those who bash the button pushers, I say “sir, you have a weird looking X button”.
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
If this isn't a DD nooby response I don't know what is
. It reminds me of when I argue with F1 players about their favorite esports drivers and how they don't play the game realistically. 99% of those noobs drive in T-Cam instead of cockpit cause their favorite esport heroes do, so they simple mimic it. This is what you're doing, you're playing DD online in an unrealistic way by playing at default sliders, something as simple as having Outfield Run Speed at 2 instead of 5 makes a huge difference in the flow of a baseball game or Baserunning speed or Throwing Errors or Starting pitching stamina ect. Unless SDS hires like 100 realistic testers to make default Sliders as the most realistic settings you're gonna have weird gameplay. This is why so many hours are spent tweaking sliders dude, I don't pull it outta my @$$...I work for a month on Sliders with feedback from other sliders and discussion about it on Operation Sports...once I have a good base then I start Spring Training and still continue to tweak it for the best simulated game of baseball I can get until the Regular Season starts. Here's the thing, we are completely different like to play online baseball game with your friends and you guys try to exploit the games physics and each other's skill guys could play to a 25-6 game with 20 strike outs on each side or never walk and have pitch counts at like 250 per team....what you're playing is video game baseball. What I'm trying to do every year with The Show is play a season of Simulated realistic baseball...I don't care about playing some snot nose kid online that's only there to earn a trophy or gain XP. You are a product of online video game playing, where 90% of the players are casuals and noobs, sorta like the online players in F1...90% are there with no respect for the sport..its basically bumper cars. I am a realistic simulated player when I play sports game, testing can be super tedious, for example with F1 2016 it took me almost 500 hours to test and practice before I even did a season because I play at the most difficult settings with proper equipment not some nooby kid with a controller driving in T-Cam with assists on...which is 95% of the player base. And this is what sports gaming is slowly becoming....the more casual the game is, the easier it is to pick up, the more it will sell. Look at Project Cars series, parts 1 and 2 were decent sims but part 3 turned into another Need for Speed casual pick up game cause it sells more..that's the average gamer...just casual and nooby. And this is what I hope The Show doesn't turn into, a DD casual noobfest where its how can I exploit the game physics so I can beat someone half way across the world to gain XP.
Need for Speed? Does Rob Ford star in it?
Most of us aren’t noobs Josh and we understand your sentiment. The game plays great at default other than online lag issues from time to time.
What are the sliders? Are they in the vault?
The fact you think the game plays great on default sliders is a hot load of garbage. Anyways, my Sliders aren't completed yet...still have entire Spring Training to do before its polished. Maybe when its done I'll put it up in the Vault, I will name it "2021 Legend Maxed pitch speed Non Casual/Noob Slider Set"
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@joshjays44_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Do any other analog online players feel like it’s totally changed in the last couple of weeks? I was killing it and now I’m lucky if I get 3 hits in a game.
Its totally fine for me, get realistic results hitting on Legend like a real man.
Josh, until you play online you will remain ignorant. Hitting on legend offline is like hitting on all-star or low tier hof online DD. It’s a lot harder then legend offline. Plenty of us who know the game just as well as you do. Plenty of great players who would destroy you and I promise you are not as good as you think and we all know how good you think you are. I respect that you use stride analog and I use it too but playing online DD is a different beast. If you are Canadian your ignorance is astounding. I am Canadian and I’ve humbled myself to realize these Yankees boys know their game and there are some [censored] good players who you can tell play real baseball year round their whole lives. Until you play online you are the noob who doesn’t know his place. If you are gonna brag make a video or something otherwise you just sound like some cracked out part-timer with some serious Rob Ford vibes. Get over yourself Man.haha Rob Ford vide, how dare you. Here's why online DD stuff is noobish, now I haven't played online but isn't there a default settings for all players to make the playing field is even? I'm guessing the pitch speeds for fastballs and offspeed is at default 5?. See to me that's way too slow so that's why it will be too easy for me..basically a fastball will seem like a changeup to me. Legend at pitch speeds max gives you .4 to .5 seconds to react so basically like in RL, that's the pace I wanna play at not at a snail's pace.
The pitch speeds on HOF DD are faster than legend default plus you have human opponents who can dot consistently which makes all the difference. But nvm that because you still haven’t shown any proof that you are the beast you say you are. You are a noob to reality. Come to DD and you will see...
I don't play anything at default dude, my sliders are work of many hours of tweaking and I play at Legend maxed out pitch speeds.
Buddy that’s HOF dd. You’d also be facing the greatest pitchers of all time with funky deliveries, tons of movement, and pin point location. The CPU strategy is weak no matter the sliders. CPU sucks at tunnelling pitches, exploiting and finding holes in swings and dotting consistently. If you want a walk against humans better be prepared to foul off a lot of pitches instead of CPU randomly missing spots. Again, you need to face human competition which you are obviously afraid to do cause it will shatter your reality; of which you are a noob.
And that's exactly the reason why I would never ever want to play online...its basically what can players do to exploit the game's thank you...I like a game of baseball, not a game of arcade superhero human baseball.
Again you wouldn’t know cause you don’t actually have any experience of what a real baseball game is because you’d rather demote yourself to playing a weak a22 CPU that makes you feel super human rather than your fellow brothers who exploit your weaknesses and force you to play a real game of ball. What makes a real baseball game is the human vs human component or the pitcher vs batter mind games. Sorry bud but you are a noob. Let us know when you become a man and play some real ball facing the greats instead of the likes of Chris Bassit and minor league call ups. It’s easy to respect your joy of real MLB teams and likenesses but when it comes to bragging on a forum when you’ve never faced human competition just makes you a NOOB to reality. Rob Ford would be proud.
If this isn't a DD nooby response I don't know what is
. It reminds me of when I argue with F1 players about their favorite esports drivers and how they don't play the game realistically. 99% of those noobs drive in T-Cam instead of cockpit cause their favorite esport heroes do, so they simple mimic it. This is what you're doing, you're playing DD online in an unrealistic way by playing at default sliders, something as simple as having Outfield Run Speed at 2 instead of 5 makes a huge difference in the flow of a baseball game or Baserunning speed or Throwing Errors or Starting pitching stamina ect. Unless SDS hires like 100 realistic testers to make default Sliders as the most realistic settings you're gonna have weird gameplay. This is why so many hours are spent tweaking sliders dude, I don't pull it outta my @$$...I work for a month on Sliders with feedback from other sliders and discussion about it on Operation Sports...once I have a good base then I start Spring Training and still continue to tweak it for the best simulated game of baseball I can get until the Regular Season starts. Here's the thing, we are completely different like to play online baseball game with your friends and you guys try to exploit the games physics and each other's skill guys could play to a 25-6 game with 20 strike outs on each side or never walk and have pitch counts at like 250 per team....what you're playing is video game baseball. What I'm trying to do every year with The Show is play a season of Simulated realistic baseball...I don't care about playing some snot nose kid online that's only there to earn a trophy or gain XP. You are a product of online video game playing, where 90% of the players are casuals and noobs, sorta like the online players in F1...90% are there with no respect for the sport..its basically bumper cars. I am a realistic simulated player when I play sports game, testing can be super tedious, for example with F1 2016 it took me almost 500 hours to test and practice before I even did a season because I play at the most difficult settings with proper equipment not some nooby kid with a controller driving in T-Cam with assists on...which is 95% of the player base. And this is what sports gaming is slowly becoming....the more casual the game is, the easier it is to pick up, the more it will sell. Look at Project Cars series, parts 1 and 2 were decent sims but part 3 turned into another Need for Speed casual pick up game cause it sells more..that's the average gamer...just casual and nooby. And this is what I hope The Show doesn't turn into, a DD casual noobfest where its how can I exploit the game physics so I can beat someone half way across the world to gain XP.
Need for Speed? Does Rob Ford star in it?
Most of us aren’t noobs Josh and we understand your sentiment. The game plays great at default other than online lag issues from time to time.
What are the sliders? Are they in the vault?
The fact you think the game plays great on default sliders is a hot load of garbage. Anyways, my Sliders aren't completed yet...still have entire Spring Training to do before its polished. Maybe when its done I'll put it up in the Vault, I will name it "2021 Legend Maxed pitch speed Non Casual/Noob Slider Set"
You wouldn’t know because you don’t play online.
Been a pure analog player for over 10 years. I love analog hitting and will admit that on the show it is nothing like 2k. I actually was a top 100 player online in 2k in its hay day but do see that analog hitting does get the shaft! Its disappointing that button smashing over pure skill and timing gets preference.
I wish that i had more control over where i place my batters eye in analog because I know for a fact my timing is great but im always just off the ball location by nanometers and get some real crappy fly balls that would be shots in 2k.
lol I'm not a button smasher...I like that one
@u-a-hater-52_xbl said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
Been a pure analog player for over 10 years. I love analog hitting and will admit that on the show it is nothing like 2k. I actually was a top 100 player online in 2k in its hay day but do see that analog hitting does get the shaft! Its disappointing that button smashing over pure skill and timing gets preference.
I wish that i had more control over where i place my batters eye in analog because I know for a fact my timing is great but im always just off the ball location by nanometers and get some real crappy fly balls that would be shots in 2k.
You can play with zone hitting (left stick controls the PCI, or batters eye as you called it) but you can change the swing input from buttons to analog. This we’ll let you do exactly what you want, swing with the right analog but control the PCI with the left analog. That’s how I play and I love it. I also put it on analog stride instead of flick, so every swing is down to load and up to swing the bat, and you can pick the swing type (power, contact or normal) by using the buttons any time prior to swinging. I get a lot more perfect perfect swings this way.
What is the easiest way to hit?
@glltchmaglc_psn said in Any other Pure Analog Hitters Out There?:
What is the easiest way to hit?