Take R2ing out of the game.
Take ur time pitching when someone uses it. Most will stop when they realize you aren't going to let it mess you up.
OTOH, quick pitching sux as well.
I can honestly say this entire issue is completely non-existent in the CL I play in. It is only a problem in RS and BR/events.
Why? Because in the CL, I am in contact with 11 other players who are all interested in having a clean, competitive and fun game.
The moment you go into RS, the theme becomes “win at all costs regardless of how it impacts the quality of the game for my opponent.”
You can see this just by reading this thread and all the others on the topic.
If nobody abused R2 to mess with their opponent’s timing, there would be no issue. If nobody tried to rush their opponent into bad swings by quick pitching, there would be no issue.
The real problem is not R2 or constant slide-stepping or balking, it’s that the majority of you don’t give a rat’s a$$ about your opponents, and the overall quality of the game.
@pats1124_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
Personally I think the obvious solution is for the batter to “step in” the box. Basically the batter says they are set with a button push and then the pitcher can pitch as they like. Obviously there should be a short (5-8ish second) limit that the batter has to do this. Boom: no quick pitching and no BS that is just trying to mess with people’s timing etc.
5 seconds a pitch x 100 pitches and we are taking about adding on like 8-9 minutes to the game. No thanks....
@cccstunna30_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@thaghettoblasta said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
The Bunt Dance is very special. It's funny how some people really think it's messing up our pitch performance. Now that you can see when someone hit's R2, t's easier to avoid a screw up,
Bunt dancing was actually started to mess with pitching. Visuals have gotten better so it’s not as bad, but when bunt dancing became a thing people did it because if someone was pitching in strike zone view the bat would shade or block, and create motion around the “sweet spot” on analog pitching so it would make it harder for someone to time their motion. Now it’s just used by immature trolls
Bunt dancing was started b/c people were constantly throwing in dirt or out of zone. There was a year where you could hit anything with a bunt. So when people started constantly throwing out of zone people would bunt dance as a msg "Get pitches in zone or i'm bunting every pitch!" that is why it was started. So if you see people bunt dancing they are probabally saying get it close to zone.
2nd paragraph not intended toward quoted post:
But anyway SDS should not remove it for those that dont abuse it. And actually use it for what it was intended. And how many times has your Pitcher been up to bat and you wanted to switch them out? But b/c you were being quick pitched and couldn't go to quick screen to change batter now you behind in count. KMA if you try to tell me people don't do this either. This is why MP sucks get features on both side people abuse it then it gets taken away and game take step backward.
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
@jaker0122_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@go4stros25_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
I defended it at first but uts obvious that some people only use it to try and mess up your pitch meter to get a meat ball.
Same. I didn’t have a huge problem with it in events but now that I’m playing RS I am sooooo tired of it.
I use R2 a few times a game to check pitch selection or remember location. Sometimes I do it to slow the pitching down but I will try calling for time instead now. I won't pause - that's more annoying all around lol
Played my first two RS games last night. Barely noticed someone using it in Events but the two homers last did it pretty much nonstop.
Glad it isn’t just me.
I do use it on the second time round as sometimes you notice the other player has patterns.
However I use it once.
People online are bums. They keep clicking it so it messes up your pitching.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
The difference in the two arguments is that 'quick-pitching' (which can mean a few different things in this context) isn't actually a problem the same way R2 even existing is a problem. By that I mean that a faster pace of pitching is something that actually happens in baseball and the batter has a few different ways of dealing with it. On the other hand, R2 is what...magic? I know we're talking about a virtual video game and it obviously isn't real but R2 is zero percent about playing baseball, and it's true purpose is obviously about affecting the pitcher in a way that can't be answered. Pressed several times during an at-bat, pressed when pitches are selected (which can't be undone). It's an egregiously one-sided, completely baseless-in-reality feature which 99.9% of frequent users abuse. There are other ways to display the information found when pressing R2, and probably more appropriate times in the gameplay for that information to be visible. You've admitted yourself that you spam the feature when you don't like the pace of play, so it's an abuse of a feature all the same, even if you feel justified because you don't like the pace. Certainly the two sides are not of equivalent standing because R2 is unrealistic and there is no answer back from the pitching side.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cccstunna30_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@thaghettoblasta said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
The Bunt Dance is very special. It's funny how some people really think it's messing up our pitch performance. Now that you can see when someone hit's R2, t's easier to avoid a screw up,
Bunt dancing was actually started to mess with pitching. Visuals have gotten better so it’s not as bad, but when bunt dancing became a thing people did it because if someone was pitching in strike zone view the bat would shade or block, and create motion around the “sweet spot” on analog pitching so it would make it harder for someone to time their motion. Now it’s just used by immature trolls
Bunt dancing was started b/c people were constantly throwing in dirt or out of zone. There was a year where you could hit anything with a bunt. So when people started constantly throwing out of zone people would bunt dance as a msg "Get pitches in zone or i'm bunting every pitch!" that is why it was started. So if you see people bunt dancing they are probabally saying get it close to zone.
2nd paragraph not intended toward quoted post:
But anyway SDS should not remove it for those that dont abuse it. And actually use it for what it was intended. And how many times has your Pitcher been up to bat and you wanted to switch them out? But b/c you were being quick pitched and couldn't go to quick screen to change batter now you behind in count. KMA if you try to tell me people don't do this either. This is why MP sucks get features on both side people abuse it then it gets taken away and game take step backward.
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
So you’re saying bunt dancing is a retort to not giving you pitches to hit? Interesting
@halfbutt_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
I can honestly say this entire issue is completely non-existent in the CL I play in. It is only a problem in RS and BR/events.
Why? Because in the CL, I am in contact with 11 other players who are all interested in having a clean, competitive and fun game.
The moment you go into RS, the theme becomes “win at all costs regardless of how it impacts the quality of the game for my opponent.”
You can see this just by reading this thread and all the others on the topic.
If nobody abused R2 to mess with their opponent’s timing, there would be no issue. If nobody tried to rush their opponent into bad swings by quick pitching, there would be no issue.
The real problem is not R2 or constant slide-stepping or balking, it’s that the majority of you don’t give a rat’s a$$ about your opponents, and the overall quality of the game.
Your last paragraph is dead on. It’s like the people who pause constantly then defend it by saying “I need a drink or snack!” In the second inning? GTFO.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cccstunna30_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@thaghettoblasta said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
The Bunt Dance is very special. It's funny how some people really think it's messing up our pitch performance. Now that you can see when someone hit's R2, t's easier to avoid a screw up,
Bunt dancing was actually started to mess with pitching. Visuals have gotten better so it’s not as bad, but when bunt dancing became a thing people did it because if someone was pitching in strike zone view the bat would shade or block, and create motion around the “sweet spot” on analog pitching so it would make it harder for someone to time their motion. Now it’s just used by immature trolls
Bunt dancing was started b/c people were constantly throwing in dirt or out of zone. There was a year where you could hit anything with a bunt. So when people started constantly throwing out of zone people would bunt dance as a msg "Get pitches in zone or i'm bunting every pitch!" that is why it was started. So if you see people bunt dancing they are probabally saying get it close to zone.
2nd paragraph not intended toward quoted post:
But anyway SDS should not remove it for those that dont abuse it. And actually use it for what it was intended. And how many times has your Pitcher been up to bat and you wanted to switch them out? But b/c you were being quick pitched and couldn't go to quick screen to change batter now you behind in count. KMA if you try to tell me people don't do this either. This is why MP sucks get features on both side people abuse it then it gets taken away and game take step backward.
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
This is dumb. Don’t swing at junk. I swing at junk all the time and that is my own fault...I don’t bunt dance because of it.
To any of this stuff..I only do it if my opponent is being a tool. If you’re using Corbin burnes and slide stepping with no one on I’ll bunt dance and hold r2, but even then I get bored with it after a few at bats.
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
The difference in the two arguments is that 'quick-pitching' (which can mean a few different things in this context) isn't actually a problem the same way R2 even existing is a problem. By that I mean that a faster pace of pitching is something that actually happens in baseball and the batter has a few different ways of dealing with it. On the other hand, R2 is what...magic? I know we're talking about a virtual video game and it obviously isn't real but R2 is zero percent about playing baseball, and it's true purpose is obviously about affecting the pitcher in a way that can't be answered. Pressed several times during an at-bat, pressed when pitches are selected (which can't be undone). It's an egregiously one-sided, completely baseless-in-reality feature which 99.9% of frequent users abuse. There are other ways to display the information found when pressing R2, and probably more appropriate times in the gameplay for that information to be visible. You've admitted yourself that you spam the feature when you don't like the pace of play, so it's an abuse of a feature all the same, even if you feel justified because you don't like the pace. Certainly the two sides are not of equivalent standing because R2 is unrealistic and there is no answer back from the pitching side.
Quick pitching "IS" a problem if selecting pitch fast prevents people who are batting from using the tools that batters are given at thier disposal. Which is what quick pitching does. Plain and simple both are bad if spammed there is no in between. I don't understand how people can defend one and complain about other when both are a problem when spammed.
Speeding up pace of play is a "Cop Out" excuse. If you join a RS 9 inning you need to set aside 45 mins of your time b/c everyone knows that is the time frame to expect. If you want to play faster go play 3 inning modes. 9 inning games should feel like a game where people are allowed to use tools given, otherwise accomodate both sides of arguement and adjust R2 usage and Quick pitch usage..
@jeezy-e_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cccstunna30_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@thaghettoblasta said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
The Bunt Dance is very special. It's funny how some people really think it's messing up our pitch performance. Now that you can see when someone hit's R2, t's easier to avoid a screw up,
Bunt dancing was actually started to mess with pitching. Visuals have gotten better so it’s not as bad, but when bunt dancing became a thing people did it because if someone was pitching in strike zone view the bat would shade or block, and create motion around the “sweet spot” on analog pitching so it would make it harder for someone to time their motion. Now it’s just used by immature trolls
Bunt dancing was started b/c people were constantly throwing in dirt or out of zone. There was a year where you could hit anything with a bunt. So when people started constantly throwing out of zone people would bunt dance as a msg "Get pitches in zone or i'm bunting every pitch!" that is why it was started. So if you see people bunt dancing they are probabally saying get it close to zone.
2nd paragraph not intended toward quoted post:
But anyway SDS should not remove it for those that dont abuse it. And actually use it for what it was intended. And how many times has your Pitcher been up to bat and you wanted to switch them out? But b/c you were being quick pitched and couldn't go to quick screen to change batter now you behind in count. KMA if you try to tell me people don't do this either. This is why MP sucks get features on both side people abuse it then it gets taken away and game take step backward.
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
So you’re saying bunt dancing is a retort to not giving you pitches to hit? Interesting
I said it "used" to be what 5 or 6 years ago? I have no clue why people do it now.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
The difference in the two arguments is that 'quick-pitching' (which can mean a few different things in this context) isn't actually a problem the same way R2 even existing is a problem. By that I mean that a faster pace of pitching is something that actually happens in baseball and the batter has a few different ways of dealing with it. On the other hand, R2 is what...magic? I know we're talking about a virtual video game and it obviously isn't real but R2 is zero percent about playing baseball, and it's true purpose is obviously about affecting the pitcher in a way that can't be answered. Pressed several times during an at-bat, pressed when pitches are selected (which can't be undone). It's an egregiously one-sided, completely baseless-in-reality feature which 99.9% of frequent users abuse. There are other ways to display the information found when pressing R2, and probably more appropriate times in the gameplay for that information to be visible. You've admitted yourself that you spam the feature when you don't like the pace of play, so it's an abuse of a feature all the same, even if you feel justified because you don't like the pace. Certainly the two sides are not of equivalent standing because R2 is unrealistic and there is no answer back from the pitching side.
Quick pitching "IS" a problem if selecting pitch fast prevents people who are batting from using the tools that batters are given at thier disposal. Which is what quick pitching does. Plain and simple both are bad if spammed there is no in between. I don't understand how people can defend one and complain about other when both are a problem when spammed.
Tools? After each pitch? Do you need to draw up a mathematical equation to determine where the next pitch is going to be?
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@jeezy-e_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cccstunna30_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@thaghettoblasta said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
The Bunt Dance is very special. It's funny how some people really think it's messing up our pitch performance. Now that you can see when someone hit's R2, t's easier to avoid a screw up,
Bunt dancing was actually started to mess with pitching. Visuals have gotten better so it’s not as bad, but when bunt dancing became a thing people did it because if someone was pitching in strike zone view the bat would shade or block, and create motion around the “sweet spot” on analog pitching so it would make it harder for someone to time their motion. Now it’s just used by immature trolls
Bunt dancing was started b/c people were constantly throwing in dirt or out of zone. There was a year where you could hit anything with a bunt. So when people started constantly throwing out of zone people would bunt dance as a msg "Get pitches in zone or i'm bunting every pitch!" that is why it was started. So if you see people bunt dancing they are probabally saying get it close to zone.
2nd paragraph not intended toward quoted post:
But anyway SDS should not remove it for those that dont abuse it. And actually use it for what it was intended. And how many times has your Pitcher been up to bat and you wanted to switch them out? But b/c you were being quick pitched and couldn't go to quick screen to change batter now you behind in count. KMA if you try to tell me people don't do this either. This is why MP sucks get features on both side people abuse it then it gets taken away and game take step backward.
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
So you’re saying bunt dancing is a retort to not giving you pitches to hit? Interesting
I said it "used" to be what 5 or 6 years ago? I have no clue why people do it now.
I honestly didn’t know why people did it, even 5 or 6 years ago, I just thought they were d**k’s
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
The difference in the two arguments is that 'quick-pitching' (which can mean a few different things in this context) isn't actually a problem the same way R2 even existing is a problem. By that I mean that a faster pace of pitching is something that actually happens in baseball and the batter has a few different ways of dealing with it. On the other hand, R2 is what...magic? I know we're talking about a virtual video game and it obviously isn't real but R2 is zero percent about playing baseball, and it's true purpose is obviously about affecting the pitcher in a way that can't be answered. Pressed several times during an at-bat, pressed when pitches are selected (which can't be undone). It's an egregiously one-sided, completely baseless-in-reality feature which 99.9% of frequent users abuse. There are other ways to display the information found when pressing R2, and probably more appropriate times in the gameplay for that information to be visible. You've admitted yourself that you spam the feature when you don't like the pace of play, so it's an abuse of a feature all the same, even if you feel justified because you don't like the pace. Certainly the two sides are not of equivalent standing because R2 is unrealistic and there is no answer back from the pitching side.
Quick pitching "IS" a problem if selecting pitch fast prevents people who are batting from using the tools that batters are given at thier disposal. Which is what quick pitching does. Plain and simple both are bad if spammed there is no in between. I don't understand how people can defend one and complain about other when both are a problem when spammed.
Speeding up pace of play is a "Cop Out" excuse. If you join a RS 9 inning you need to set aside 45 mins of your time b/c everyone knows that is the time frame to expect. If you want to play faster go play 3 inning modes. 9 inning games should feel like a game where people are allowed to use tools given, otherwise accomodate both sides of arguement and adjust R2 usage and Quick pitch usage..
I don't have a problem with time. I'm cool with playing at a good pace. I don't use R2 against opponents online and I don't pitch too quickly, but R2 gets used against me all the time. I could slow down, speed up, doesn't matter. It's just always being held down and I have to wait so I don't throw a meatball. I don't mind the waiting from a time POV as I have all the time in the world, but I sure don't want to throw a fat pitch if possible to avoid it. The real issue for me here isn't pace of play, rather it is that R2 is a fake spammy mechanic that actually can mess with gameplay. That's bad and needs to go. I don't really care if a small minority of players don't get to check pitch history every five seconds -- if that's what they're really using it for -- but sounds more like that's a surface excuse and the real reason is either to mess with the pitch or to just artificially slow things down in a way that would never be possible in a real game.
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
R2 is trash and doesn't add anything to simulating a baseball game. Freeze ray on the pitcher with the potential to mess up the delivery? It's a fail. Why can't the game just flash up the pitch history for the batter during the walk-up, and then on with the at-bat. If batters really believe they are being quick-pitched, they can request time from the umpire. (Or use the pause menu, which is brutal, but at least there's no impact on the pitcher's delivery).
Do you want someone requesting time every pitch? (For those who throw the next pitch right away)
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@cbpm72_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
stop making it sound like ervery1 who uses feature is spamming it.
Probably not but the feature itself is a spam device bearing zero relation to playing a game of baseball so there's no getting around that.
I've already agreed to that but so is quick pitching and nobody wants to acknowlege that. I have said if someone is quick pitching i'm gonna spam R2 only time i do it.
So what is the difference in the 2 arguements? Limit use of both istead of punishing 1 side by removing a feature when used correctly could be helpful and not doing anything about the other. That's where problem lies.
The difference in the two arguments is that 'quick-pitching' (which can mean a few different things in this context) isn't actually a problem the same way R2 even existing is a problem. By that I mean that a faster pace of pitching is something that actually happens in baseball and the batter has a few different ways of dealing with it. On the other hand, R2 is what...magic? I know we're talking about a virtual video game and it obviously isn't real but R2 is zero percent about playing baseball, and it's true purpose is obviously about affecting the pitcher in a way that can't be answered. Pressed several times during an at-bat, pressed when pitches are selected (which can't be undone). It's an egregiously one-sided, completely baseless-in-reality feature which 99.9% of frequent users abuse. There are other ways to display the information found when pressing R2, and probably more appropriate times in the gameplay for that information to be visible. You've admitted yourself that you spam the feature when you don't like the pace of play, so it's an abuse of a feature all the same, even if you feel justified because you don't like the pace. Certainly the two sides are not of equivalent standing because R2 is unrealistic and there is no answer back from the pitching side.
It would be nice to have to wait for the batter to get into the box before the pitcher can select a pitch. Would it kill to mandate a 2 or 3 second cool-down?