Free Swinging
Does anyone have any tips on how to lay of the pitches out of the zone? I feel like I have a really hard time reading them. Sometimes I swing even when I don’t want to, like force of habit.
Really starting to get mad at myself, online ranked seasons and BR aren’t fun because I ruin games for myself. Opponent sees I can’t lay off these and continues to throw them. Nothing against my opponents, just angry with myself.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
Not that I’m an expert but I usually put my pci at the bottom to start and sort of guess offspeed and react to a fastball. As far as reading it, I’d say focus on the early part of the ball flight. If you see some loop then probably breaking ball, if you see it slowing down, change up. If you wait until it comes into the zone to decide then you’re too late. A strategy I’ve heard is start the pci at the pitcher’s hand and just follow the path of the ball the whole way. I don’t do that anymore but I know some people do. Hope this helps.
Custom batting practice with a pitcher with very high break on their pitches. Just keep doing it until you get used to where the zone is.
With the RNG of this game you should be benefit vs someone who has a good eye at the plate.
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Free Swinging:
Not that I’m an expert but I usually put my pci at the bottom to start and sort of guess offspeed and react to a fastball. As far as reading it, I’d say focus on the early part of the ball flight. If you see some loop then probably breaking ball, if you see it slowing down, change up. If you wait until it comes into the zone to decide then you’re too late. A strategy I’ve heard is start the pci at the pitcher’s hand and just follow the path of the ball the whole way. I don’t do that anymore but I know some people do. Hope this helps.
Dang that’s my complete opposite. I sit fastball and have the pci high or towards the middle
I feel like your batting view has a lot to do with it too. Try strike zone. It’s right up close to the plate and let’s you see the ball better
Force yourself to take pitches until you can recognize strikes better. Even if you take strikes that are not what you’re looking for, that’s fine.
There are different approaches, but you need to have one and stick to it for long enough to get better.
Personally, unlike the poster above, I like to look for good pitches to hit up in the zone. I tried sitting low and I found I just ended up swinging at a lot of bad pitches you can’t do much with.
By looking for good pitches up, I get better at leaving the junk alone. The more you can lay off the junk down, the more likely you are to force your opponent to challenge you up.
There are some players that will just throw dots all game, and to them, I just tip my cap.
All this comes with the caveat that I am still not a great hitter, but this has helped me get better.
Commit yourself to only look for pitches in one area (High Inside, low away, etc) until you have two strikes.
Don't swing at anything outside your committed area before you have two strikes!
When you do get two strikes, you still look for one area and just react to pitches outside that area as need be.
The simple act of just taking more pitches will help you get used to their movement, speed, etc and if you pay attention you may even recognize the opponent's patterns and use those to your advantage.
If you still find yourself swinging at stuff outside your area before two strikes, put the controller down and just watch until you get used to plate discipline.
Thanks everyone! I’m going to try a bunch of different suggestions here in the practice area. Find a view that works for me, I’ve always used a further out view but I’ll try the close up one.
Once again, thank you!
Definitely have batting on dynamic settings. That way you can notice in real time when the difficulty raises or lowers hinting at what you need to work on.
When I started RTTS, I learned how to just LET THE FIRST PITCH GO. Just watch it go by and sometimes you can tell if it's a fastball or breaking ball. After that just have in your mind what you want and where.
Point is, during the beginning of an at-bat just let the pitches go until you have two strikes and have to DEFEND the plate. Meanwhile you watch the pitches and just learn how they move. Hope it helps!