Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback)
Lol if you uninstalled the game this year then your would have lit your house on fire from last years showdowns
@thaghettoblasta said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Que Justin Timberlake..."Cry Me aRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeer, oh, oh, Cry Me a Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrr"
Que up Ray Charles..... Hit the road jack!
New players are looking for help not discouragement. He had a well thought out post obviously wanting advice. I would love to see what it looked like when you first started?
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@thaghettoblasta said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Que Justin Timberlake..."Cry Me Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeer, oh, oh, Cry Me a Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrr"
Bro it's feedback to help improve the game. I freely admitted that I'm not good and guess what I'm not the only person who's not good at the game there's probably a whole lot of us. Your comment is not constructive or helpful at all.
Don't let internet toughguys bother you.... this site is full of them I'm noticing this year. Showdown can be the most frustrating mode in this game by far. I found that taking pitches and being patient is the way to go in the boss matches. I will even take strikes if they aren't where I'm looking for a pitch to hit. If you swing at bad pitches, they will barely throw strikes eventually. Hope this helps... because being more patient is what finally got me winning them consistently.
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
If thats the case I'll just skip to the final boss and quit out each time and pile up tickets in no time. You see the flaw?
I'm 48 years old. Showdowns blow
There's nothing wrong with how they are structured.
What you need to do is practice, practice, practice. Yes, they are frustrating as anything else in the game. But they are also an easy source of XP, packs and understanding the game mechanics.
I saw a review of '21 yesterday that said this is a game that is $ for die-hards, but frustrating for newbies and casuals. I felt that was as spot on as can be.
There are modes that can be unforgiving to casuals.
I feel you can avoid Showdown altogether and still enjoy this. Just act like it's not there. I avoided the 1st inning one just because I don't want to break a 2nd monitor, lol. I did try it and it's not that hard as some from last years, though. -
The way showdown is structured is so that you can reward 15 TA points for what is the quicks way to get 15 TA points.
It's all or nothing so the rewards can be increased. I love showdown but of you make it the focus it will destroy you. I do it maybe once.or twice a week and I'll do every mission.
They key is patience as many of said, I don't want to see the mode get partial rewards it would devalue those that do complete it.
Also some feedback for you, if you are unistalling this game because of one mode that is not required to complete any of the programs it's just ment to enhance the process then you are missing the purpose and the nature of this game. It's there if you want to use it but if that's not how you want to play that is OK to. Yes those that can do it will get more but lets be real if you are willing to do more and put in the work you get more that's just life.
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
Since you came here and posted a mature thread about struggling as opposed to 95% of the crybabies threatening to sue (exaggerating a tad bit), I’ll offer some constructive criticism as opposed to using sarcasm like I do with the others.
Showdown is a different beast and yes sometimes it seems to play against you. For those that struggle with the mode, those runs earned through mini missions are crazy important. That said, you need to have a great plan of attack and be patient.
Take a look at the pitchers you’re facing. Their primary pitch is the one they’ll throw most often. Look for it, have a plan. Work the count according to what perks you take. Only get contact and exit velo perks. If you get an exit velo perk when you have two strike, take until you get 2 strikes, etc.
If you get a runner on first, eliminate the bottom third of the zone unless you get two strikes. Swinging at the upper two third of the zone will help eliminate the chances of a double play.
Sometimes, they’ll have the shift on certain players. Take advantage of it, look for balls on the outer part of the zone.
Focus on each pitchers release point as opposed to just seeing the ball when it’s on its way. Take a few pitches, look at where the release point on the batters eye and just before the pitcher releases the ball, that’s where you should focus 100% of the time. It takes alot of practice though so don’t give up
Always take the 2 strikes/ behind in the count/ heartbreak perks; never swing until you have 2 strikes (use contact to prolong ABs and get hits, occasional homerun); try to average between 8-10 pitches per out (17 outs remaining =24-30 pitches, 15 = 40-50, and so on) to deplete stamina and confidence. At worst, strike out looking not swinging as that boosts confidence bar and pitch confidence bar. Sometimes it won’t work because nothing will fall or you’ll hit dribblers and such, but its 10x more efficient than hacking at everything.
Edit: also prior to last boss load your best hitters at any position (out of position don’t matter beca of no fielding, so Yordan Alvarez at C works); never steal bases unless elite stealer and use the SB glitch; never force a runner home if there’s a chance he gets thrown out; pitchers are less effective from the stretch
I honestly don’t understand how anyone can struggle that bad on showdown.
I can understand the complaints about struggling on Showdown. What I dont understand is the complaints about "all or nothing". Just defeating the mini boss gets you stubs and a pack and XP. To complete the Showdown, you have to beat the final boss. Why is that unfair? It's how video games have been set up for ages.
Look at Returnal. The first big PS5 release that utilizes the controller and graphics. You must complete the game in one run through without dying. When you die, you have to start again from the very beginning, with rooms randomizing, and there arent save points. That is "all or nothing".
Showdown is what it's supposed to be. You have to defeat the final boss to win, if not you must restart to attempt it again. Getting vouchers or credit or whatever for just getting to the final boss, then people could skip to the boss and collect and quit out without even playing the mode.
Patience, take as many pitches as you can. Sit middle middle until 2 strikes often. look for pitches up in the zone. Get exit velo and contact boosts. Have 10-11 hitters with 80+ power against the handedness of the final boss. 1 guy with 90+ speed to use if you need to get the final run home from second or third. 2 guys with 90+ speed and steal for taking second when your down to the final run or two. Look at your relief and starting pitchers for high bunt attributes to move up those final runs when needed.
Hero or whatever it's called is a great perk, exit velo boost in the 7th inning or later, technically the boss is in the 9th inning since it's a walk off situation.
Exit velo on normal swings.
Exit velo or contact boost with 2 strikes.It's okay to take a break even in the final boss mission just pause walk away and take 5 mins to settle yourself down if your stressing or swinging at everything.
Do hitting practice on legend, or play your conquest games on all-star or above before jumping into showdown.
@guccigangchuck said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
If thats the case I'll just skip to the final boss and quit out each time and pile up tickets in no time. You see the flaw?
Obviously, you didn't read the whole post where he addressed that.
I know it sucks to lose on the final boss and you feel like you walked away with nothing, but if you did well on the mini missions you get a decent amount of stubs, packs and xp from playing.
I wish they added tiered rewards on showdown, let me pick my difficulty and then multiple the awards based on the difficulty.
I also wouldn't care if they let you replay the boss if you select rookie difficulty, it should just cost 2-5k in stubs to replay.
@thegoaler_psn said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
I saw a review of '21 yesterday that said this is a game that is $ for die-hards, but frustrating for newbies and casuals. I felt that was as spot on as can be.
There are modes that can be unforgiving to casuals.
I feel you can avoid Showdown altogether and still enjoy this. Just act like it's not there. I avoided the 1st inning one just because I don't want to break a 2nd monitor, lol. I did try it and it's not that hard as some from last years, though.This is good info, I've played The Show for years and probably can adjust quicker than many who don't play much or are new. I see that this year with my son and one of his friends. They have Xbox and are just starting to get into DD. Things that I don't think much about (moments, Showdown, playing CPU on AS, etc.,) they really struggle with. They are good at games like Fortnite, COD, etc., but think DD is the hardest and most frustrating game modes they've played. They watch me play and think I'm a god at the game, when in reality, I'm probably only slightly above average when compared to the community as a whole.
Anyway, to the OP, I say patience is the most important part of this game. You have to work counts in the batters favor, even if you have to take a tough strike with less than 2 strikes. Confidence with the pitcher is important, and first pitch and early count swinging often result in more undesirable results when their confidence is high. Plate discipline is the key in the game, which is easy in theory, but hard in execution. Sometimes I think my thumb has it's own brain. Good luck.
unfortunately this forum is probably not the right place to receive some encouragement. Try this out, assuming you use zone hitting, just sit right in the middle of the plate and don't swing at anything that isnt in the middle. Try it on practice and then in showdown. The times I have had issues with showdown it is because I am being impatient and swinging at everything. Taking pitches/getting in good fastball counts really helps. If that doesn't work, you could try directional hitting and just focus on timing the pitches right
@guccigangchuck said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
If thats the case I'll just skip to the final boss and quit out each time and pile up tickets in no time. You see the flaw?
If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@guccigangchuck said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
If thats the case I'll just skip to the final boss and quit out each time and pile up tickets in no time. You see the flaw?
If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket
He literally addressed that issue, plus if you charge for entry then you have to pay stubs for that. But OP said make it to where if you skip to final you dont get a ticket. One way that could be done is by getting a ticket from first boss. I think showdown is very easy as is but I have been playing baseball video games for 20 years and the show for at least 6. The issue is it is hard to cater the game to both new and veteran players. I think they do a good job of that but it will never be perfect
OP - if you are playing on a TV make sure it's on Game Mode if you haven't already. I used to be TERRIBLE at hitting... like couldn't consistently beat a conquest game. Late on everything. Bad enough that I didn't even try to play DD last year. I changed my TV to Game Mode this year per recommendation of someone on a thread early on and immediately I was wildly early on everything. It took some adjusting, and I won't pretend like I am all of a sudden a WS player, but it was a drastic improvement in my experience and since then I have really enjoyed playing the game including Showdowns.
Honestly, I received the same exact feedback I'm giving from last years whatever to those that are going to feed a whining person that can't beat a simple showdown. Just keep playing and you'll beat it.