Update did it again
Every year, hitting seems fine upon launch and we get a few tweaks, but then about this time every year we get an update and hitting seems off and it never recovers. I was doing ok, but my last few games I couldn't hit my way out of a wet paper bag against terrible opponents.
It just seems odd that this seems to be a pattern all the time. -
They haven't made any update to hitting or gameplay in general besides fixing bugs, they have clearly stated that.
You aren't going to hit at your 100% level everyday. Slumping is a real thing, it happens. It doesn't mean the game changed.
"There are no hitting or gameplay balance changes in this update."
Hahahaha and you believe them????? I 100% agree with the OG post. I started off the year 18-0 and could get to 7-0 in BR with ease, but now I am 21-2 in ranked with those 3 wins being late wins off something random and in BR can't get to 4-0. Just last night alone I lost to a guy who was no hit until the bottom of the 3rd and got a fluke triple to the gap and I had 3 perfect perfect outs. Hitting has definitely changed at some point just like it does every year.
I was feeling the same way, I’m not amazing but no matter what I did I couldn’t hit tonight.
I was thinking the same thing. Hits that were lazer homeruns, are now pop ups or lazy fly outs. They for sure tweaked the hitting.
It’s one of those take it or leave it things. Maybe some sliders got tweaked, maybe not. SDS says no gameplay changes and that they are “happy” with how the game plays rn.
We have no way of really knowing and there’s nothing we can do about it, so I guess it’s pretty simple.
@mendosa_08_psn said in Update did it again:
Hahahaha and you believe them????? I 100% agree with the OG post. I started off the year 18-0 and could get to 7-0 in BR with ease, but now I am 21-2 in ranked with those 3 wins being late wins off something random and in BR can't get to 4-0. Just last night alone I lost to a guy who was no hit until the bottom of the 3rd and got a fluke triple to the gap and I had 3 perfect perfect outs. Hitting has definitely changed at some point just like it does every year.
You understand the more wins you get in ranked, leads to better competition right? Obviously youre good at this game but you have to believe some better players will have their day.
I have not been able to hit as good in 21 and I could in 20 since launch. Good/good is almost never a hit for me. All of my players AVG, SLG, and HR are significantly down from this time last year.
So many tin foil hats on this forum; people can never have bad days/luck
@yankblan_psn said in Update did it again:
So many tin foil hats on this forum; people can never have bad days/luck
I live in a permanent state of bad days in this game lol
They’ve always been transparent in the past when they tuned things for hitting. I don’t know why it would be any different. We all have good and bad days. For example, I was seeing the ball so well yesterday I managed to mercy someone on HoF. I had never did that before ever. Some days I struggle to score 2 runs
I played a ton this year. PCI size shrunk, speeds increased a bit and pitchers are throwing balls just off the plate everywhere. Curveballs hitting the top corners of the zone is now a thing. Something was changed and I think it was done in two or more increments.
These posts are always rediculous. I waxed a guy 17-7 last night in the mid 600s. Was destroying the ball wil good contact and hitting felt the same as it has all year so far. I have a feeling these post come from dudes that are used to playing on allstar and can't hit on HOF
The increase in difficulty is probably do to the actually difficulty setting increasing. This year, if you match up with someone in a higher division, their settings are used. This makes PCI's smaller, good contact not as solid, and so on. At the end of each game, you can see your opponents ratings. If they're higher than you, that would explain it.
Why would be their motivation in lying? People are going to constantly complain whether they change anything or not.
This is crazy, nothing changed at all. Come on now...
All in your head bud. Nothing was changed to hitting.
They’re definitely changing it. Speeds sped up. But doesn’t matter as long as it’s all just a random [censored] shoot. I went from hitting .335 online with 25 of those game on HOF to not being able to see a fastball and can’t even beat showdowns on veteran. I’m try to like this game but it’s awful and isn’t fun. I’m trying to cash out on my account as quickly as possible. They can try again next year.
@untchable704_psn said in Update did it again:
They’re definitely changing it. Speeds sped up. But doesn’t matter as long as it’s all just a random [censored] shoot. I went from hitting .335 online with 25 of those game on HOF to not being able to see a fastball and can’t even beat showdowns on veteran. I’m try to like this game but it’s awful and isn’t fun. I’m trying to cash out on my account as quickly as possible. They can try again next year.
@the_dragon1912 said in Update did it again:
These posts are always rediculous. I waxed a guy 17-7 last night in the mid 600s. Was destroying the ball wil good contact and hitting felt the same as it has all year so far. I have a feeling these post come from dudes that are used to playing on allstar and can't hit on HOF
Yeah honestly I lost and got moved back down to all star and all night long I was early on everything my timing was so off. Terrible night hitting for me and maybe the slower skill level had my timing all off idk lol. I definitely had a terrible day seeing the ball, that’s all on me.