Pitches don't rotate. Seams look like knuckleballs.
I'm experiencing a lot of very unique issues on my end that only I seem to experience. Testing another one out.
Anyone notice that pitches don't rotate sometimes? For example, I faced Ohtani in a moment for Yordan Alvarez. 50% of the time his 4SFB doesn't have any spin on it.
I'm playing on a PS5 on an ASUS VG245h monitor. PS5 Settings: 1080p. HDR off. 120hz output off.
It just seems like a visual frame-rate glitch perhaps the seams are rotating in sync with the frame rate, like when a cars wheels seem to spin backwards in video footage.
Anything I can do to battle that short of buying a new monitor? There's not really a valid market out here for PS5 gaming monitors...120hz, 4k, HDR, quality response time and input lag...nothing really has all the features.
i notice it on 4SFB
I see the seams or red dot on breaking balls. But I cant recall issues with FB? What camera angle do you use?