Showdown is not on Veteran
@XxSupercena54xX said in Showdown is not on Veteran:
I 100% agree with OP. These pitchers throw dots consistently and hitting is inconsistent. This mode is a clear way for SDS to get you to waste your stubs. Such a joke.
Yep. Conquest on veteran and they don’t dot and I’ve felt like veteran vs cpu feels like rookie last year, rookie is too slow of pitches. But on showdown the speed is faster and they pitch like its hall of fame
It is very clear that SDS has certain sliders adjusted in the background for showdown. Showdown plays like no other modes on like difficulty (and yes I have won 6 divisional showdowns already).
I’m with OP, feels very similar to maddens solo battles. I understand they don’t want everyone getting the rewards but if that’s the point at least be transparent
I know one opportunity that SDS missed with Showdown, they could have had ELO's song 'Showdown' play before every boss battle. That would get the blood flowing. And ELO is on a Sony owned label.
I need this patched in asap!
Just like moments last year, you can play a certain difficulty in one mode and it feels completely different in another. That's not just my imagination. It's fact. There is something at play here.
Joey votto blasted a 450 foot oppo taco off me in the veteran difficulty showdown moment vs the reds as though he found the fountain of youth. I failed that blue challenge both times on my way to easily winning the affinity tickets off the final challenge. The difficulty is kind of wonky right now, some middle challenges are way harder than the final showdown.
Agree with OP. Having three Perfect / Perfect liners be gimme outs for the CPU isn't fun, especially when It is supposed to be Rookie (1st Inning Showdown is laughably juiced).
cpu fielders are on god mode.