Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
@moebee0813 said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Your an idiot
Considering the fact that op's post got 18 likes (as of replying to you) and you're standing at 0, I'm gonna go ahead and guess you're exactly the type of player OP described and enjoy looking in a mirror when making comments.
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
Yeah, fastball, top of the zone right on the
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
Yeah, fastball, top of the zone right on the
Well you know There is a penalty for spaming the same pitch right?
Player ratings should affect the ease of use of a card.
Ex. Great control = big yellow bar
If your so good that you can use crappier cards... so be it. Going to be a small percent of users.
User input should be 1:1 output in online games.
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
Yeah, fastball, top of the zone right on the
Well you know There is a penalty for spaming the same pitch right?
So that just proves his point? There's penalties for throwing too many offspeed pitches. More proof pitching is stupidly broken.
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
Yeah, fastball, top of the zone right on the
Well you know There is a penalty for spaming the same pitch right?
So the penalty is the game putting it perfectly for your opponent to smash? Sounds about right. What about all the other players reporting the same issues with pitching? Certainly not everyone is spamming the same pitch yet I’m reading about plenty of pitches going down the middle or nowhere close to where they’re aiming.
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@Rambo_11k said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
@squishiesgirl said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Tried a game using directional hittibg...felt exactly the power,no exit velocity
Lets play a game, I’ll throw every pitch top center and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the game to force my pitches to a better spot for you to hit. Trust me, you’ll get a few of them to crush.
Are you throwing the same pitch?
Yeah, fastball, top of the zone right on the
Well you know There is a penalty for spaming the same pitch right?
So the penalty is the game putting it perfectly for your opponent to smash? Sounds about right. What about all the other players reporting the same issues with pitching? Certainly not everyone is spamming the same pitch yet I’m reading about plenty of pitches going down the middle or nowhere close to where they’re aiming.
Yeah not going where they are aimed I agree..being pulled to the middle not so much
@Amishjosh said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
I hang pitches too but if you are good at pitching and find the green bar you wont hang nearly as many. Find a pitcher with a release you like instead of trying everything you think is a stud is my suggestion. Stats arent everything, a nice smooth release will really help you locate way better
um, yea except that the key to pitch control is actually slightly early slightly late, greening on pitches is either a complete miss or the biggest meatball you have ever seen. So...yea the key isn't perfecting your release in this game, because input means nothing when it comes to pitching in this game.
@moebee0813 said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
Your an idiot
@Amishjosh said in Directional hitters and “I want to win too players” have ruined this game:
I hang pitches too but if you are good at pitching and find the green bar you wont hang nearly as many. Find a pitcher with a release you like instead of trying everything you think is a stud is my suggestion. Stats arent everything, a nice smooth release will really help you locate way better
What pitchers do you recommend?