Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...
Keep raging at the injustice
Every voice matters
Keep shouting into the darkness
While I sit here and laugh -
@chickun_legs_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
Keep raging at the injustice
Every voice matters
Keep shouting into the darkness
While I sit here and laughLook up acrostic...
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@chickun_legs_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
Keep raging at the injustice
Every voice matters
Keep shouting into the darkness
While I sit here and laughLook up acrostic...
Look up KEKW
@chickun_legs_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@chickun_legs_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
Keep raging at the injustice
Every voice matters
Keep shouting into the darkness
While I sit here and laughLook up acrostic...
Look up KEKW
Welp...I'm old. It's official.
Kick this back up to the top.
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
So the servers are down again,
Down like every night.
So they are.In my heart, I want to play.
Summer's game is upon us.Flying through the air,
Up into the sky.
Caught on the warning track.
Kick some dirt.
In cities across America.
Nightly, our games end surprisingly.
Go to sleep frustrated.Pleas for a response
Are going unnoticed.
The supporters frustrated
Hear us.
Each of us paid you.
To give us entertainment
Instead we're exasperated.
Can't play a whole game.Very y creative. You're talented.
@jaytal6_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
So the servers are down again,
Down like every night.
So they are.In my heart, I want to play.
Summer's game is upon us.Flying through the air,
Up into the sky.
Caught on the warning track.
Kick some dirt.
In cities across America.
Nightly, our games end surprisingly.
Go to sleep frustrated.Pleas for a response
Are going unnoticed.
The supporters frustrated
Hear us.
Each of us paid you.
To give us entertainment
Instead we're exasperated.
Can't play a whole game.Very y creative. You're talented.
Haha, I believe I am...but this definitely doesn't display that. Just an angry poem with a "secret" message easily visible to those who know what an acrostic poem is.
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
So the servers are down again,
Down like every night.
So they are.In my heart, I want to play.
Summer's game is upon us.Flying through the air,
Up into the sky.
Caught on the warning track.
Kick some dirt.
In cities across America.
Nightly, our games end surprisingly.
Go to sleep frustrated.Pleas for a response
Are going unnoticed.
The supporters frustrated
Hear us.
Each of us paid you.
To give us entertainment
Instead we're exasperated.
Can't play a whole game.Yo we need to smoke up one day and talk like bro
I'm a retired school teacher. My kids loved doing these in class.
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@jaytal6_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
So the servers are down again,
Down like every night.
So they are.In my heart, I want to play.
Summer's game is upon us.Flying through the air,
Up into the sky.
Caught on the warning track.
Kick some dirt.
In cities across America.
Nightly, our games end surprisingly.
Go to sleep frustrated.Pleas for a response
Are going unnoticed.
The supporters frustrated
Hear us.
Each of us paid you.
To give us entertainment
Instead we're exasperated.
Can't play a whole game.Very y creative. You're talented.
Haha, I believe I am...but this definitely doesn't display that. Just an angry poem with a "secret" message easily visible to those who know what an acrostic poem is.
I'm a retired school teacher. My kids loved doing these in class -
Serveral years ago
Downtime with servers and no communication
Should have learned thenBuying games from second rate studios
Leveraged by first party publishers
Often provides disappointing
Where is the news report
SDS is trash -
@chickun_legs_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
Serveral years ago
Downtime with servers and no communication
Should have learned thenBuying games from second rate studios
Leveraged by first party publishers
Often provides disappointment
Where is the news report
SDS is trash -
Together we play
just kidding maybe tonight
servers down again -
Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter
Jill came down with two-fifty, OH! How does he do it?
Hickory dickery dock
Want to play the show and the servers stop
The clock strikes 4
Maintenance once more
So I head to bed to snore -
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@jaytal6_psn said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
@wiryhooligan22 said in Since I can't play the game, an acrostic poem for you to enjoy...:
So the servers are down again,
Down like every night.
So they are.In my heart, I want to play.
Summer's game is upon us.Flying through the air,
Up into the sky.
Caught on the warning track.
Kick some dirt.
In cities across America.
Nightly, our games end surprisingly.
Go to sleep frustrated.Pleas for a response
Are going unnoticed.
The supporters frustrated
Hear us.
Each of us paid you.
To give us entertainment
Instead we're exasperated.
Can't play a whole game.Very y creative. You're talented.
Haha, I believe I am...but this definitely doesn't display that. Just an angry poem with a "secret" message easily visible to those who know what an acrostic poem is.
Yep, It's #&_(@&# pathetic.
Rapid deployment failed
And we are being punished
More than we deserve
Only wanting to play baseball
Never getting online during peak hours
Enough to do so...I imagine there's
A solution to the problemAnd...
Tomorrow it won't work
Or the next day
Or the day after that
Like it or not, that's baseball. -