We Asked For This?????
The makers of MLB The Show 21 Sony San Diego Studio have claimed that they made the game the way we wanted it
I'm sorry that's a bunch of bull. I can't imagine that there were a lot of hardcore Diamond Dynasty Player or Hardcore Road to the Show players who asked for DD and RTTS to be tied in together
You have your diamond dynasty players who have no interest in road to the show. And you have your road to the show players who have no interest in diamond dynasty
But these people at Sony San Diego Studio decided that they and they alone know whats best
This used to be a fun game. Then a few years ago they added archetypes. and worse than that the stupid challenges that come up in road to the show games
If anything this year they should have gotten rid of those. I had one today as a Starting Pitcher. there was 2 outs the other team had runners on 2nd and 3rd. The challenge was to Strike Out Batter to end inning without run scoring
I didn't get the strike out The batter weakly poped out to second
For MLB the show 20 I had one that said get a hit to advance the runners. My player was intentionally walked. You would think it would say canceled challenge or give me credit for what was done the runners advanced. But no it said challenge failed WTF
You would have been ok with challenge cancelled but are mad when it says challenge failed? Doesn't it result in the same thing. As far as I know the challenges are only for pluses and don't have any negatives to them. If I'm wrong I understand but if thats the way it works, who cares what it says?
I do agree that making dd and rtts connected is a bs waste of time but you can game the system as a dd player so I did it for a bit and built my guy to a superstar fairly quickly.
I sure as hell didn’t ask for them to remove the after game cards.
Ever since I played a RTTS game, I haven't been able to connect to DD. I paid extra money for the Jackie Robinson edition and can't play DD at all. Can someone explain what is going on
Not a single body:
SDS: Let’s remove the knuckler from RTTS
Spring training I told the coach I wanted a boost on fielding gains. I’ve been DH and pinch hitter the whole spring
SDS figured last year people who played all had over a million stubs. They made a slight adjustment this year to make it harder to get all the players one could want by only having servers active for 4hrs a day.
@novalusion_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
They made a slight adjustment this year to make it harder to get all the players one could want by only having servers active for 4hrs a day.
@scottrohn1_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
I'm sorry that's a bunch of bull. I can't imagine that there were a lot of hardcore Diamond Dynasty Player or Hardcore Road to the Show players who asked for DD and RTTS to be tied in together
I personally loved playing RTTS in previous years when I wanted to get away from the DD stuff. It felt like a safer, more relaxed game mode. I'm very disappointed in this year's RTTS, and not being able to carry my seasons over to this year's game. I'm already at the point where I'm going to be putting this game down for the long term and moving on to something else like RE8 starting next week.
A classic case of "change for the sake of change". No one wanted this. They should just apologize and change it back. Fix progression and allow us to choose a position and secondary position. Simple.
@acamp1900_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
Not a single body:
SDS: Let’s remove the knuckler from RTTS
EXACTLY! The knuckler is the only reason why I play RTTS. Now I find out it's not in the game AND because I logged into RTTS now it messed up me logging into DD. I haven't been able to log into DD since day 1. This company must be taking tips ftom EA on how to completely mess up a game
Simple solution here would have been to have the option to play RTTS offline or online. Once you make it online, it's tied to DD. I don't get how that would have been difficult to do.
I like the direction SDS is taking now, slowly weaning casual noobs away from online fluff modes like DD or the others I don't even know about cause I'm such a pro to even look it up, and bringing the game back to what it should of always been....more of a simulation and single player Franchise game. This year's actual gameplay is the best ever! while the online stuff is the worst ever. And with the addition of a simulation mode and casual mode to differentiate real players from online fantasy card collectors is a telling sign of the direction SDS is taking. Thank you SDS, yours truly, Josh.
@joshjays44_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
I like the direction SDS is taking now, slowly weaning casual noobs away from online fluff modes like DD or the others I don't even know about cause I'm such a pro to even look it up, and bringing the game back to what it should of always been....more of a simulation and single player Franchise game. This year's actual gameplay is the best ever! while the online stuff is the worst ever. And with the addition of a simulation mode and casual mode to differentiate real players from online fantasy card collectors is a telling sign of the direction SDS is taking. Thank you SDS, yours truly, Josh.
I too like the direction they are heading, but... with the game being 70gb plus, they could easily have a dedicated offline mode. Supporting two genres of players, isn't a bad thing.
Nobody asked for this garbage. SDS is just a greedy company and they wants people to play Diamond Dynasty so they blow money on stubs. This is why we seen a whole new mode, which solo purpose is to earn points to unlock cards and DD stuff. They could have took the time to work on Franchise. But nope. Lets make this mode instead. The biggest thing they do to RTTS is years. Is geared towards getting you to play DD. People be asking for agents, endorsements etc for years. Is any of that in the game? Nope. But you can carry your guy to DD and make him better by playing DD!!!!! This company is worse then EA and the Madden series. They really are.
@skoalface1823_xbl said in We Asked For This?????:
@joshjays44_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
I like the direction SDS is taking now, slowly weaning casual noobs away from online fluff modes like DD or the others I don't even know about cause I'm such a pro to even look it up, and bringing the game back to what it should of always been....more of a simulation and single player Franchise game. This year's actual gameplay is the best ever! while the online stuff is the worst ever. And with the addition of a simulation mode and casual mode to differentiate real players from online fantasy card collectors is a telling sign of the direction SDS is taking. Thank you SDS, yours truly, Josh.
I too like the direction they are heading, but... with the game being 70gb plus, they could easily have a dedicated offline mode. Supporting two genres of players, isn't a bad thing.
Yeah that's what I've been saying, or better yet release an offline PC version that's more of a simulation that can be modded for even more realism...also finally I can play this on 21:9 ratio instead of archaic 16:9.
All Ive ever asked for was a true online franchise and for us longtime regular team users to be able to select uniforms as before back in the old school lobby days.
@novalusion_psn said in We Asked For This?????:
SDS figured last year people who played all had over a million stubs. They made a slight adjustment this year to make it harder to get all the players one could want by only having servers active for 4hrs a day.