Would you take a refund?
At least for me the server issues have been decreasing every day, I have not lost any stubs, cards or progress, and they are patching right now to hopefully fix the RTTS progression issues.
!!!! In heart beat! If Sony is going to sell and release a half hearted attempt of a game to make a quick payday, I’d rather watch them take the mistake on the chin than sit around and wait for them to fix the issues. It likely won’t happen till roughly the All Star Break.
No. Have of these dudes just want their 100 bucks back so they can just buy the game back at $30 IMO
Was going to take a break this year. Instead got lured in by Stadium Creator etc... Bought a PS5 and a very expensive 75 TV that plays like a monitor just for this game only to be dissatisfied and disappointed with all this BS. A refund would be meaningless at this point.
I can't get a refund on a free game! Lmao
No. I'm enjoying the gameplay.
No. I'm enjoying the gameplay.
@rocketfish5151 said in Would you take a refund?:
With all the ongoing issues with this year's game, here's the question.
If it was offered, would you accept a full refund and walk away from the game?No
Would they give me back to hundreds Ive spent on stubs as well?
Refund will do nothing for me personally. I had the money to spend thats why I bought the deluxe edition. I don’t want money I want what I paid for. A lot of us guys on here spend ton of time on this game. We forget about other games so we can grind the hell out of your video game we love. What are you going to do for those wasting there time on this sht. Nothing! so theres no reason to ask. At this point we either play it and accept the sht or move on plain and simple
Nope. My server issues have gotten better the last week or so and I have truly enjoyed the game. Relative to others on here I have no complaints whatsoever. If servers are down I just kinda go on about doing something else.
That said I would take some boosted pack odds if they wanted to throw that out there because my packs SUCK.
I don't want a refund. I love the game. I just want my over 150K stubs I've lost due to the buy order glitch to be returned to me and for the market to work appropriately. Most of all, I would just like SDS to improve their communication and transparency with the whole situation.
I honestly wonder why people are complaining so much, apart from the server issues. Those issues will be fixed eventually, give them some time to make it right. Other than that, this game plays so much better than 20, better than 19 and those of us who played 18 know that this game is a godsend compared to that game.
No...I’m one of the fortunate ones who hasn’t lost xp or cards. However it is frustrating when you have limited free time (work, family, house chores, etc...) and want to get your baseball “fix” and can’t play because of lengthy server issues. But a nice “sorry for the major inconveniences” gift bag ( 3 Ballin packs, etc...) would be a acceptable way of saying “sorry”.
no, I love the game. It's been 2 weeks, so what?? I'll be playing this game all year.
I got the digital deluxe for my PS5, but I also have access to the GamePass version on Series S. Even with a "free" version I wouldn't request a refund. I enjoy playing on PS5, and taking $100 away from SDS wouldn't solve anything. Sure, I'm annoyed with all of the server issues like everyone else, but when it works the game is fun. It's been a difficult year for SDS between working from home and adding the Xbox community. While my patience is running thin, I understand the difficulty. No one wants to release a broken game, and I'm sure they're just as upset about it.
In short, they can keep the money as long as they continue to work on the problem.
@dolenz_psn said in Would you take a refund?:
At least for me the server issues have been decreasing every day, I have not lost any stubs, cards or progress, and they are patching right now to hopefully fix the RTTS progression issues.
Same here. Been lucky to not be affected by anything other than the servers
The game is great so I’ll gladly stick it out. But im still annoyed with how these first two weeks have gone
@buddyhightower_xbl said in Would you take a refund?:
no, I love the game. It's been 2 weeks, so what?? I'll be playing this game all year.
Ok I see your thinking. In that case I have a car I can sell you but it won’t drive over 20 MPH for the first two weeks. Should be right up your alley
I'm complaining a lot about server issues, but I don't want refund and don't need any ingame compensation. I believe they will fix it.
I was playing 20 for 800 hours and 21 is much better gameplay wise, so after that servers fix I'm gonna play a lot all year long -
@lazy_toast_psn said in Would you take a refund?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in Would you take a refund?:
no, I love the game. It's been 2 weeks, so what?? I'll be playing this game all year.
Ok I see your thinking. In that case I have a car I can sell you but it won’t drive over 20 MPH for the first two weeks. Should be right up your alley
Does the car only cost $85? I'll take it.