Turn off online only stat missions
Give offline DD players a little more to do. You can give online players double (or better) rewards or make offline grind more stats. I would like to have a small purpose of keeping certain players in my lineup. Honestly, I would dabble with online but I truly don't have the time to put in for full games (3, 6, or 9 innings) without constantly pausing.
the_dragon1912wrote on Apr 23, 2021, 1:15 PM last edited by the_dragon1912_PSN Apr 23, 2021, 1:17 PM
Luckily you don't NEED to do the online missions to complete any of the programs, or upgrade your parallels
Are you sure you're playing 21? Offline and Online stat missions are both offered for everything.
Online provides 1.5 xp and stat progress for parallel progress.
Offline players get equal stuff only by playing on legend.
Not sure what your beef is here.
As a mostly offliner, SDS has a vested interest in seeing as many players online as possible (server issues notwithstanding). Onliners SHOULD be getting better rewards.
Besides, with the addition of paralleling, offliners really have no reason to quibble with this year's product thus far.
@gixxerryder750 said in Turn off online only stat missions:
Are you sure you're playing 21? Offline and Online stat missions are both offered for everything.
@hoboadam_psn said in Turn off online only stat missions:
Online provides 1.5 xp and stat progress for parallel progress.
Offline players get equal stuff only by playing on legend.
Not sure what your beef is here.
First inning tasks, there are 5 stat grinds with 42 players that are online only. I don't care about parallels. I am looking to accomplish "missions".
Yeah but you don’t have to do the online ones in order to progress through the 1st Inning program to get the same rewards. Like you said in the OP, online players get to the rewards easier because they’re paying/committing to that. Offline - myself included - have to put in more of the grind on offline modes but the cards are still attainable.
@bsmith4263_psn said in Turn off online only stat missions:
@gixxerryder750 said in Turn off online only stat missions:
Are you sure you're playing 21? Offline and Online stat missions are both offered for everything.
@hoboadam_psn said in Turn off online only stat missions:
Online provides 1.5 xp and stat progress for parallel progress.
Offline players get equal stuff only by playing on legend.
Not sure what your beef is here.
First inning tasks, there are 5 stat grinds with 42 players that are online only. I don't care about parallels. I am looking to accomplish "missions".
Have you seen the 120 mission included in TA programs? Have you see the offline mission for Giambi.
There is more then enough mission to complete offline