How many Stubs to complete collections
Just as title says: what's a good estimate on the amount of stubs to finish the LS collections? I'm guessing 1.5M? 2?
I did the math on it a couple days ago and it looked like a bit over 2 million stubs.
Close to 2M.
2 million so around $1250.00
And some guys have done it already lol
Can't be I've spent like 500 bucks and only need trout and acuna and I sold acuna like a [censored]
so really only would've needed trout but diamond cards pop out of packs for me pretty frequently in relation to what others are saying
I tallied up all the diamond prices 2 days ago so i could start planning out my road to the LS collection and the diamonds alone at that point would have cost me 1,645,000.
Prices should go down as the season goes on. Diamonds in the high 80s usually settle in around the 5-8k mark.
In the thousands of previous threads, I had indicated that between 450-700 bucks would get you LS done. Trout pull being contingent on lowering that range.
This year because of the very expensive NL, it's closer to $900 with at least 3 gatekeeper pulls.
I'm at about $1000 spent, 8 cards away including Trout and Arenado, but with 245k stubs idle this morning.
I spent stubs outside of the LS collection in preparation for our custom league.
It's a bit higher than last year, but that pull luck can make it super easy.
If you work nothing but the LS market, you can do it for under $1000 without issue.