Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Menu screens no lag hmm
@serafim42-zaphod said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@xsawxsaw2121_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Well it's nice to see that these servers are about as stable as the Pirates playoffs hopes
I'd argue the Bucs are doing better than these servers.
You know you may be right
they're only two games under 500 these servers haven't had a victory yet
Its still bad I have lost a game already and keep getting booted I dont even want to play this mode but i have to... to help my rtts character
Smh. First thing people say is they want free stuff!! Yes the servers are bad, but I expected it to be bad until at least a week after full scale release. Why? Because they were making it for old/new gen and Xbox!!
Basically adding 3-4 million (if not more) then what they're use to.
No way to stress test the servers for that. Most of y'all won't agree with this but that's my mindset. FYI gm hasn't been unplayable, hiccups yes. -
While the acknowledging of the issue is appreciated, it does not change the fact that our progress in this game has been delayed or deleted. I myself have won two team affinity showdowns, only to be be booted off the server and lose my vouchers/stubs I rightfully earned. I'd like to know how SDS is planning on deal with these issues. I know others on this thread have commented about packs/stubs/xp, I'd just like my team affinity vouchers so I can complete the AL east. I have purchased this game the last five years, and want to continue to support it; however, may have to reconsider if this issue is not resolved.
Communication is so much needed. It is great that there is an update but to me and I'm sure others, the lack of communication is horrible. This game has a huge following and right now no one has stepped up to talk to the community about this issue. Seems many people and I bet many are new users are losing their money that they spent to play and have fun with the game. If someone does speak to the community about this, they need to be real, not fake like most messages that come from companies and most of the SDS Youtube videos come over. Don't script the message. TALK TO US, we are people too.
I can't log into the community market right now, but I'm logged in here. Is there a reason for that?
Here we are on the second day in a row of a complete outage. I feel the same way. It would be worth it if it was worth playing once it actually comes back on this year.
@squishiesgirl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
I spent my hard-earned money on your game. I got the deluxe Jackie Robinson edition and bought stubs. I can't tell you how disappointed I am in the release of this game. This has to be the worst release I've ever experienced, and it makes it worse since I spent so much on it. Your team needs to make this right for everyone, but especially the people that paid extra money for the Jackie Robinson editions. Make this right. Make it right.
Lol@ hard earned...always hard earned
Oh Yeah, DOWN AGAIN FOR ME AGAIN. Thank s!!!!!!! Now at 51 minutes 0651EST
Offline again!!! Maybe they should move people from their content team to their server and gameplay teams!
Was playing fine about 10 minutes ago and servers are now officially down again on the east coast.
@kovz88_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Was playing fine about 10 minutes ago and servers are now officially down again on the east coast.
You must be one of the golden one's who get to play
I'd take being able to play at all right now. At least yesterday I got to finish a game before getting booted. Of course, it timed it perfectly so that I didn't get credit for the W. Really not liking 21' to this point. Instability aside.
Is anything going to be given out as a apology?
@oledylano23_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Is anything going to be given out as a apology?
um, no. lol
@jeezy-e_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@doc_dubs__psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
Literally for the entire day anytime I log on I continuously get “network error has occurred” and then immediately followed up with “Your connection to the show online has been lost.” Yet when I speak to a few others I personally know they have all said it is not happening to them and they are able to log in.
That only lasts for about 10 minutes, i was on while others couldnt get on then it just booted me.
It has been more like 10 hours. Literally for the entire day it had happened and I had just recently gotten on without it happening which lasted for around 4-5 hours of no issues only for it to start happening again now. Been nearly 30 mins now as it continues. This is just becoming way too [censored] outrageous!
1 hour and 25 minutes DOWN on EST. If it matters.
@fetch73_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@victor_sds_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
Hey folks-
We're aware of slow and/or unstable server performance many of you have experienced and brought to our attention. Our team is working to diagnose and resolve the underlying issues, more updates to come. Thank you for your patience.
I would just like to say how much I'm disappointed in this game , nothing but problems since Monday with your servers and making game virtually unplayable !!!!! How about giving some sort of rewards or other items back to players when/if you ever get servers fixed as a good faith offering for your server problems ?? This game is absolutely unplayable and at this point a absolute waste of my time and money ,, very disappointing and at this point unless servers are fix soon I seriously doubt I will purchase any of your games again ,,, Very Disappointed Customer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you leave now? One less person on the servers for the rest of us.
Apparently everyone that does NOT live on EST.
So I go to bed at 11pm last night was on this brutal game which I paid 109$ cause I'm in canada for 3 hrs I played total of 25 mins !! Yeah thanks. Then I wake up early , set my alarm and it's 705am game is still down! How do I grind? Make stubs? Finish anything? How do I get to world series? U went from 1 console to 4 and I found out Xbox users could play this game for free , and u didn't get the servers ready lol. Wow. Sad thing is I wasn't going to get this years game, I'm a bit burned out of doing the same grind year in year out. But I got it for created stadium and cause of covid. Oh and I couldn't get my hands on a ps5 cause u can't. Thanks for created stadium on ps4. Great all around job by Sony and SDS . This is a [censored] joke