Make zone locked for online...
The amount of people just letting the cpu aim for them is ridiculous and ruins the competitive nature of online play.......or make it so you can set it as a gameplay feature.
Its requires 0 skill to hit online with directional hitting style. 0.....
I agree, and this is brought up every year and SDS ignores us.
Not everyone can use zone. There are people who may have physical or mental disabilities who can’t do as much as you. Think about other people not just yourselves. I myself have a physical disability that prevents me from being quick enough to aim and swing at the same time. Don’t get me wrong I understand how you feel but let’s be more inclusive for everyone and not just eliminate everything that gives people a way to play the game.
Competitive is cutthroat
@tmoneymill_psn said in Make zone locked for online...:
The amount of people just letting the cpu aim for them is ridiculous and ruins the competitive nature of online play.......or make it so you can set it as a gameplay feature.
Its requires 0 skill to hit online with directional hitting style. 0.....
My guess is that you lost a game or 2 and the only reason they beat you is bc they must have had directional on? You realize it's absolutely useless online? Go play that way online for a full day and let me know you do
You realize the developers last year stated if you dont do anything w resorts to cpu aiming for you and ratings. So basically timing only...esp in DD when everyone has 99 rated...
Ya due to not having to aim, so takes mental.side of pitching out of the equation.
To those with disabilities...i didnt say take it out of the game. Just online ranked...
Let people play they want to play. It isn't like Directional hitting is that viable of an option to make it to WS. Heck, most won't make it to WC. If you're routinely getting beat by users who play with Directional then you're probably serving up fat pitches.
Yeah so was the option when setting up our game this year with sim Vs. Competitive just for play Vs CPU ????? Why even offer it if there is still zone hitters ?
If it was really an advantage, the top players would be using it. If you're only getting beat because the other player is using directional, maybe you should too.
Yeah leave it be. Don’t discriminate! I bet you’d be surprised from time to time when you’re getting pounded and you thing “stupid directional” only to find out they’re not using directional and they are just really good at both pci a cement and timing. Would be cool to see what people were using. Would take the mystery out of it.
@crunklogic_xbl said in Make zone locked for online...:
Yeah leave it be. Don’t discriminate! I bet you’d be surprised from time to time when you’re getting pounded and you thing “stupid directional” only to find out they’re not using directional and they are just really good at both pci a cement and timing. Would be cool to see what people were using. Would take the mystery out of it.
This year, it shows your opponent's batting feedback when pitching. It's pretty easy to tell if the person you're playing is using directional now.
Liken it to an online shooter 1v1...
You use your sticks..other guy has auto aim on. Seem fair?
Liken it to an online shooter 1v1...
You use your sticks..other guy has auto aim on. Seem fair?
@danh35_xbl said in Make zone locked for online...:
@crunklogic_xbl said in Make zone locked for online...:
Yeah leave it be. Don’t discriminate! I bet you’d be surprised from time to time when you’re getting pounded and you thing “stupid directional” only to find out they’re not using directional and they are just really good at both pci a cement and timing. Would be cool to see what people were using. Would take the mystery out of it.
This year, it shows your opponent's batting feedback when pitching. It's pretty easy to tell if the person you're playing is using directional now.
Either A. Your opponent wasn't using directional B. You lost and want to blame it on something. Use directional online yourself. You will have 12 pop ups, 1 HR, 5 weak dribblers, 3 bloop singles, and 10 strikeouts. It's completely useless online and always has been
1 standard for online ranked, events and BR play. User input, not cpu assisted.
If it’s such an advantage, why don’t you use it?
If Someone is getting smacked by directional hitters, and can't adjust that's on them.
OMG if I lost to a directional hitter I would be pissed. You can carve up Directional hitters while pitching. I've made world series several times using zone, never could even win a game using directional once I got about 700 in RS's
@tmoneymill_psn said in Make zone locked for online...:
The amount of people just letting the cpu aim for them is ridiculous and ruins the competitive nature of online play.......or make it so you can set it as a gameplay feature.
Its requires 0 skill to hit online with directional hitting style. 0.....
I’ve heard that players using zone hitting won’t go very far in online. Zone hitters are much better...that’s what I was told