How many stubs are you buying at launch?
@notoriousheb_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
Zero.... No money spent, like last year and I did the full collection. So many rewards no need to buy.
feels more gratifying to earn your team i hear you and prefer this way too - i think i bought around $20 of stubs a couple years back besides that nil
I already bought $200 worth. Will likely do another $100, but I already have a PS5 and have no other expensive hobbies
My brain lied to me it told me we weren't even getting the game until 2 minutes ago so regarding stubs hopefully none but we'll see.
Got $300 set aside.
I’ve spent $400 and hope I don’t spend more than $200 more this weekend
@madderbumgarner said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
I mean with free Clemente, digital deluxe diamonds (Griffey & Pedro) and gold choice packs I might actually skip buying stubs at launch.
Yeah. I'm playing strictly offline this year, except for maybe a few Events, so I was thinking if selling off the Diamonds and Golds I get out of my packs and buying back later at a discount; buy I may just keep them.
None. Spent a lot of money in 19 and last year I went no money spent. I have more fun building my team and doing collections when I don’t spend money. Plus I don’t need to spend money to build a competitive team
Absolutely zero. I’ve got the spare cash to do it but every year I do NMS and have a awesome team relatively quick. I took some time off on mlb 20 and still had an amazing team.
I’ve got the next 3 days off work so I’ll be up most of those days grinding away -
All of them...
I’m hoping only what I paid for Deluxe edition.
@notoriousheb_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
@kingakp_xbl said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
I'm just a little curious at the percentage of people buying stubs opposed to no money spent. Me personally, I'm buying $300 worth but thats all I'll put in all year. First time playing in a few years and my gaming time is limited so I decided to get a jump on things. What are you guys spending? Save the hate too please. Its not you're business what I do with my money..
Question... Do you have next gen? I'm assuming you bought the $100 version... +300 would be $400... That's pretty much a next gen system.
Here in Canada... yeah maybe next year then. I do know they exist
@slipkid69_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
Probably buy a $100 worth and that will be good for awhile. This is one of four games I play and the money isn’t an issue so once in awhile I will treat myself to a few stubs.
I’m the same way. It’s not too often that I have time to grind so I’ll buy packs in hopes of pulling that big card or 2.
I'm getting 25000 free so probably only $50 (67500) worth just to get my main Cubs players. Since I can parallel/prestige them 5 levels over time that's huge.
@rosborn27_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
Enough to buy Trout, Soto, Acuna and deGrom most likely. Benefit of being older with disposable income and this as my main vice
Good for you brother! You earned the cash, spend it how you enjoy. Never apologize for it.
i lost 130k
I bought $400 worth of stubs pre launch. Was I the only one who didn’t receive them? @SDS_Jax @Collin_SDS_PSN
So far $150, I’ll buy some more on Tues(payday)
@speedy44_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
I bought $400 worth of stubs pre launch. Was I the only one who didn’t receive them? @SDS_Jax @Collin_SDS_PSN
You may have to log out then log back in.
@olskoole63_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
@speedy44_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
I bought $400 worth of stubs pre launch. Was I the only one who didn’t receive them? @SDS_Jax @Collin_SDS_PSN
You may have to log out then log back in.
I’ve Logged out and restarted app dozen times and I get no new stubs. I bought more stubs and the show up but the 600k worth does not
@speedy44_psn said in How many stubs are you buying at launch?:
I bought $400 worth of stubs pre launch. Was I the only one who didn’t receive them? @SDS_Jax @Collin_SDS_PSN
Pre launch? You didn't wait for the release.