Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread
@doppelganger39 said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
Is pulse pithing still in the game?
I'm sure it is but not on competitive level from my understanding. Pinpoint, meter and analog are only pitch modes for MP. Atleast that was my understanding.
Pinpoint is exactly what I have been wanting, it is very much like what 2K had, I loved that. Not much 2k had over TS, but that was it.
If it’s 100% user input on competitive mode, does that mean player ratings don’t matter? Is batting with every player basically the same? Would like some clarification on this? Also, are you still allowed to use classic pitching online? Directional hitting? Throw meter off for fielding? The video seemed to suggest you no longer can use these settings while online.
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
If it’s 100% user input on competitive mode, does that mean player ratings don’t matter? Is batting with every player basically the same? Would like some clarification on this? Also, are you still allowed to use classic pitching online? Directional hitting? Throw meter off for fielding? The video seemed to suggest you no longer can use these settings while online.
I don’t think it suggested these were gone at all, they just don’t interact with the new features.
@gradekthebard said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
If it’s 100% user input on competitive mode, does that mean player ratings don’t matter? Is batting with every player basically the same? Would like some clarification on this? Also, are you still allowed to use classic pitching online? Directional hitting? Throw meter off for fielding? The video seemed to suggest you no longer can use these settings while online.
I don’t think it suggested these were gone at all, they just don’t interact with the new features.
Ok, did it not seem like from the vid that ratings don’t matter anymore. They seemed to stress 100% user input. Why would I want to get a great player when all players are the same?
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
If it’s 100% user input on competitive mode, does that mean player ratings don’t matter? Is batting with every player basically the same? Would like some clarification on this? Also, are you still allowed to use classic pitching online? Directional hitting? Throw meter off for fielding? The video seemed to suggest you no longer can use these settings while online.
Some aspects are 100% User control like Check Swings it no longer relies on discipline or other attributes that contributed to check swinging is now 100% on the user.
Player ratings will still matter, such as power ,contact,speed,H9,stamina. But most noticeble part about pitching. The new concept called PAR (pitch accuracy region) Where pitch ends up will be based off of user input in regards to timing, location, pitch type, and how late into game. Pin point, meter and analog will be only pitch types with PAR feature.
As far as hitting types they didn't specifically say that all types would not be allowed but did touch on fact that stick use would reign supreme.
sds must have stock in controllers, so now with pinpoint my R3 will drift right along with my L3......
@t22odd_psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
sds must have stock in controllers, so now with pinpoint my R3 will drift right along with my L3......
I know right?
As far as hitting types they didn't specifically say that all types would not be allowed but did touch on fact that stick use would reign supreme.
That’s the part that I’m uncertain on. The way they worded it makes me think that if you are good enough at placing pci on ball, you will be able to hit top mlb pitchers with the worst mlb hitters. I hope that’s not the case. Seeing people with .400 plus batting averages with average mlb players wouldn’t exactly represent authenticity.
They better not take out Analog Stride hitting, cause I don't want to hit like I'm playing duck hunt target shooting.
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
As far as hitting types they didn't specifically say that all types would not be allowed but did touch on fact that stick use would reign supreme.
That’s the part that I’m uncertain on. The way they worded it makes me think that if you are good enough at placing pci on ball, you will be able to hit top mlb pitchers with the worst mlb hitters. I hope that’s not the case. Seeing people with .400 plus batting averages with average mlb players wouldn’t exactly represent authenticity.
I see what you are saying, but if i match up with someone who can place a pci on a pitch with somebody with 36 vision bronze and the smack it?Then kudo's to them.
In the end that bronze is still a pro baseball player. User should not be punished for good input. There is nothing to suggest that this will happen with every user but you cannot punish those that are good enough to do it is all i am saying.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
As far as hitting types they didn't specifically say that all types would not be allowed but did touch on fact that stick use would reign supreme.
That’s the part that I’m uncertain on. The way they worded it makes me think that if you are good enough at placing pci on ball, you will be able to hit top mlb pitchers with the worst mlb hitters. I hope that’s not the case. Seeing people with .400 plus batting averages with average mlb players wouldn’t exactly represent authenticity.
I see what you are saying, but if i match up with someone who can place a pci on a pitch with somebody with 36 vision bronze and the smack it?Then kudo's to them.
In the end that bronze is still a pro baseball player. User should not be punished for good input. There is nothing to suggest that this will happen with every user but you cannot punish those that are good enough to do it is all i am saying.
Yeah, but in your scenario if you could compete at a high level with bronze card it literally defeats the entire purpose of diamond dynasty. Why grind TA or the all timers program for Soto or Ruth when you get the same result from Kyle Schwarber? I want as little RNG as possible, but at the same time Contact, Power, and Vision, Speed, Fielding, H/9, K/9, BB/9, Stamina, and Control need to have a sizable impact on a card's performance. Otherwise you just have a batting practice simulator
Exactly. If you can compete with common and bronze against diamonds than that ain’t right.
@the_dragon1912 said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
As far as hitting types they didn't specifically say that all types would not be allowed but did touch on fact that stick use would reign supreme.
That’s the part that I’m uncertain on. The way they worded it makes me think that if you are good enough at placing pci on ball, you will be able to hit top mlb pitchers with the worst mlb hitters. I hope that’s not the case. Seeing people with .400 plus batting averages with average mlb players wouldn’t exactly represent authenticity.
I see what you are saying, but if i match up with someone who can place a pci on a pitch with somebody with 36 vision bronze and the smack it?Then kudo's to them.
In the end that bronze is still a pro baseball player. User should not be punished for good input. There is nothing to suggest that this will happen with every user but you cannot punish those that are good enough to do it is all i am saying.
Yeah, but in your scenario if you could compete at a high level with bronze card it literally defeats the entire purpose of diamond dynasty. Why grind TA or the all timers program for Soto or Ruth when you get the same result from Kyle Schwarber? I want as little RNG as possible, but at the same time Contact, Power, and Vision, Speed, Fielding, H/9, K/9, BB/9, Stamina, and Control need to have a sizable impact on a card's performance. Otherwise you just have a batting practice simulator
Does not defeat purpose of DD not for said user in fact opens up more possiblities. Maybe it saves him stubs b/c he is good enough to not have to buy diamonds at first to build team?
What if said user was good enough to play with Shwarber and is able to make to WS and earn Diamond reward. How is that not fair? If everybody could do it then yeah something is wrong and i would scream rng with you.
But fact is there are only a handful of people that could make it to WS in that fashion. And b/c it is so rare rng is not main issue in MP.
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
Exactly. If you can compete with common and bronze against diamonds than that ain’t right.
See this is a misconception among community. It's not about the card and what it's overall is? It's how you use it.
Just cuz you have a diamond does not make it a better player. It just means attributes are better you still have to use them right.
Sure, a handful of people could make it to world series with those kinds of cards. That isn't the issue at hand. If i match up with a player of equal skill to mine. For argument sake say we have even teams and in a ten game series, we each win 5 games. Now, say we play an 11th game and my opponent uses the typical BR silver team and I have a god squad that I worked my [censored] off for for months. Who should win that game? DD is much more than simply making it to world series. Yes world series should be a goal, but without building your team up first there is literally no sense of playing this game
@grizzbear55_psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
Exactly. If you can compete with common and bronze against diamonds than that ain’t right.
See this is a misconception among community. It's not about the card and what it's overall is? It's how you use it.
Just cuz you have a diamond does not make it a better player. It just means attributes are better you still have to use them right.
So to said user every card is the same? I would prefer my success at the plate have to do with the card as well as my input. Input shouldn’t be sole factor for outcome because if it is, no card is different from the next to each user.
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
Exactly. If you can compete with common and bronze against diamonds than that ain’t right.
See this is a misconception among community. It's not about the card and what it's overall is? It's how you use it.
Just cuz you have a diamond does not make it a better player. It just means attributes are better you still have to use them right.
So to said user every card is the same? I would prefer my success at the plate have to do with the card as well as my input. Input shouldn’t be sole factor for outcome because if it is, no card is different from the next to each user.
No not what i am saying. Look nobody can walk up to plate and bat perfect with any bronze or any silver everytime.
What i said is that it is not out of the realm of possibility that an advanced user could do it easier than majority of players. Does not mean he/she does it everytime.
So no not all cards are the same but it does increase the odds of said user to be even more successful with a card with better attributes.
Which is exactly the point to DD to build a better team as cheap as possible.
And if one or two people out of a 100 can do it this way then noway is rng a factor they are just flat out better period.
I get what you saying, I just think it’s weird to bat .400 with a player that hits .250 in person. Not really important to get the better cards if you can perform with lesser ones. I’m too old I guess, I like games a little more grounded to reality.
@sean_87__psn said in Feature Premiere - Pitching & Hitting Thread:
I get what you saying, I just think it’s weird to bat .400 with a player that hits .250 in person. Not really important to get the better cards if you can perform with lesser ones. I’m too old I guess, I like games a little more grounded to reality.
i am old also so i get ya
. But that person who is batting .400 the next quetion is,
How good is the guy pitching to him? If your leaving meatballs in zone then that changes from 2 out of 100 to maybe 50 out of 100.