Wishlist for the first patch
@JustASeal0 said in Wishlist for the first patch:
I agree with a lot of these suggestions but what I hope shines through most is how impressive this game has been, probably the best launch title we've seen in the franchise, patches can still fix a lot of these complaints
100% agree
Get rid of diamond dynasty and make this a baseball game again.
If they just match the speeds from 19 along with performer tweaks this game is going to be great
I would hold up on the pitch speed talk until we get to see the pitch speeds on legend. It will be interesting how hitting with a tiny pci will change the way the game is played on legend.
@Von_Rotten said in Wishlist for the first patch:
Get rid of diamond dynasty and make this a baseball game again.
Diamond dynasty is ok as long as they keep regular franchise top priority... But they’ve leaned towards diamond dynasty because that’s where the $ is at .... But it’s important to remember not everyone is into diamond dynasty, they want real baseball, a great franchise experience ....
The additions I'd like to see in the first patch are:
#1 Moments having fast next play menu to jump into a different game from the exit screen.
#2 faster pitcher running attempts.
#3 More user reaction interfaces.
#4 A coexisting option to round 1st and third with one button.
#5 Homerun derby system that match us up based on a scouting report.Otherwise I love this new game.
In my opinion they have to patch the Eckersly evolution bug, where a large number of us can't accumulate any strikeouts with relief pitchers.
I am 15 strikeouts away from an upgraded card but nothing I do earns me those strikeouts
@JustASeal0 said in Wishlist for the first patch:
I agree with a lot of these suggestions but what I hope shines through most is how impressive this game has been, probably the best launch title we've seen in the franchise, patches can still fix a lot of these complaints
Hands down agree..If they nail those speeds even better. Anyhow amazing game and am loving it.
Pitch speed increase and fix the [censored] throwing errors.
I’d like to see the CPU make less super-human plays, especially on showdown.
@avengerpat said in Wishlist for the first patch:
-Increased pitch speeds on all star. I am seeing the “very early” flail swing on 97 mph fastballs 4 inches above the zone. Why SDS would change anything about the UNIVERSALLY LIKED pitch speeds in 19 is beyond me
-Path the unexchangeable collected cards. I was annoyed by this yesterday but common sense is telling me they are supposed to be exchangeable if they throw unsellable duplicates at you for TA and collection reward
-Add inning program moments back in so if people prefer them over showdown its possible.
-Ive been noticing a lot of good/okays again, mostly offline but it is concerning. The new PCI feedback system doesnt really tell you what you did wrong, you can have the exact same PCI placement on 3 pitches and get 3 different results it seems.This isnt to insinuate i havent been enjoying the game because i have, i just think its good for problems/ possible improvements to be talked about early so they can be fixed
I thuink we should be able to sell duplicates, if not there is not point in buying packs. No need to complete and lock in the team collections until you have all the teams done. The exchanging was annoying that it can not be done.
I just reported an issue that we can not sell duplicates or exchange them. I hit the Report a bug tab and selected as feed back. You all should do it to.
Shocked that they did not patch the bug where the Evolution cards are not able to accumulate the stats needed.
This was the last patch before the midnight release tonight so the the problem will just affect a much larger number of people.