The Bank
@abbyspapa said in The Bank:
@thelueb13 said in The Bank:
Seriously. Does anyone know what the purpose of the bank is? I have $25 million with a weekly cash flow of $1.09. I can't make any real co tract offers.
George Bailey would say the purpose of the Bank is to put everyone else out of business.
Mr. Potter would agree with this. But only because everyone else is a deadbeat, of course.
Now even if I still have positive cash flow it tells me I can't afford it. This is ridiculous. It takes so much away from the game. The bank is meaningless. Why can't they just have it straightforward? I'm using the Giants. They print money and spend it.
Yeah I really wish they would just be like here’s your payroll don’t go over this number. Whenever I go to sign free agents I’m just all worried like can I afford this guy and that guy? The whole bank and cash flow thing has always confused me lol
I personally use all my stubs earned from selling cards from packs and daily rewards to get my bank up. The bank is so if (like myself) go into a negative weekly income flow...the game will use that to balance your books so to speak. I currently have a bank of just under $700M. So needless to say that I have plenty of cash to use if I need it...
Don't due to having most of my team signed through at least 2024-2025. I am currently in year four of my carryover franchise that I began back in 18. Won't be letting this go until all players (Real) have retired. So this franchise will be going at last several more seasons.
I can't thank SDS for the carryover feature enough love it...
I agree. It is not fun imo. I wanted to sign someone, but NO! You don't have enough in the bank! (I did a fantasy draft, and got Trout, so my team is high payroll. lol) BUT I won the WS!
Can't you just turn off money altogether?
In ’19 I didn't play any DD so at the end I sold every last card I could and boosted my bank to over 250m with those stubs. That bank carried over when I.bought ’20 and resumed my Franchise. If you have multiyear contracts, you can boost your bank year to year so that when it.comes time to sign players, you have enough cash to do it.
@Vipersneak said in The Bank:
Can't you just turn off money altogether?
What do you think this is, Star Trek?
@Vipersneak said in The Bank:
Can't you just turn off money altogether?
I like having to stay in a budget. Keeps the other team's more competitive.