Inning tickets
New to diamond dynasty this year.. i am completing old collections (latest one was a 4th inning program) and I received tickets.. what in the world are those used for?
Are they useless now if they don’t contribute to the new 11th inning program?
Is it the voucher for collecting all three inning bosses? You can turn that in for stars toward the next inning program.
In the 4th Inning, if you lock in Torre, Ellsbury and Felix, you get a voucher that gives you 75 stars towards the 5th Inning.
Unless you mean actual tickets. In which case you're playing 2018 or before.
Voucher! That’s the term I was looking for. Those don’t automatically apply to the new programs? I have to go to a page and turn them in?
Yes. You have to go into the inning collections to get the voucher. Then into the featured programs and go into that inning, then it will be under the collections tab.
Thanks!! Have a great thanksgiving buddy!
Yeah, once you get the voucher, go to the next inning and look under collections.