SDS: Truth Serum
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
I'd appreciate it if you chose your words a bit more carefully as to call me foolish indirectly.
Also, to claim that they are unaware of something would be completely accurate if they thought gameplay was just fine, wouldn't it? Just because we all think gameplay is horrible doesn't necessarily mean that they do too, right? Alright, then.
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Also, to claim that they are unaware of something would be completely accurate if they thought gameplay was just fine, wouldn't it?
It would be accurate ... IF you were able to divine their thoughts.
I was unaware you were capable of such power. Congrats!
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Also, to claim that they are unaware of something would be completely accurate if they thought gameplay was just fine, wouldn't it?
It would be accurate ... IF you were able to divine their thoughts.
I was unaware you were capable of such power. Congrats!
Huh? Divine their thoughts,,, capable of such powers? What?! LOL.
We don't know what their thoughts are. That was my whole point. Wow, congrats to you for now understanding (hopefully).
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Also, to claim that they are unaware of something would be completely accurate if they thought gameplay was just fine, wouldn't it?
It would be accurate ... IF you were able to divine their thoughts.
I was unaware you were capable of such power. Congrats!
Huh? Divine their thoughts,,, capable of such powers? What?! LOL.
We don't know what their thoughts are. That was my whole point. Wow, congrats to you for now understanding (hopefully).
I would guess they know the issues, but very few companies, especially in the video game sector admit to shortcomings, so it's not at all surprising that they don't really talk about it.
@eatyum said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Also, to claim that they are unaware of something would be completely accurate if they thought gameplay was just fine, wouldn't it?
It would be accurate ... IF you were able to divine their thoughts.
I was unaware you were capable of such power. Congrats!
Huh? Divine their thoughts,,, capable of such powers? What?! LOL.
We don't know what their thoughts are. That was my whole point. Wow, congrats to you for now understanding (hopefully).
I would guess they know the issues, but very few companies, especially in the video game sector admit to shortcomings, so it's not at all surprising that they don't really talk about it.
But, you're guessing. You really don't know, which links back to my curiosity of whether or not they're even aware of the gameplay issues. I would hope to think that they do, but I have nothing to go on based on gameplay being less than stellar year after year after year.
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
I wonder if the flaws get lost in translation when they look at statistics as a method of diagnosis. Most of us feel like the there are things wrong with the game at times, so much of the gameplay is subjective that it’s hard to express how it “feels” incorrect. I’m sure most of us feel like there are way too many home runs, but if, by using only a rigid statistical analysis of 1.5m ABs in H2H play, SDS see that only X% of AB end in a home run, where X falls within the acceptable median range, it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. The game won’t change. Maybe the adherence to using statistical methods of analysis over a large sample size to determine gameplay adjustments is actually preventing any progress and it’s time to adapt to a more radical approach. Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice, not because crunching numbers is their 9-5 occupation.
@ComebackLogic said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
I wonder if the flaws get lost in translation when they look at statistics as a method of diagnosis. Most of us feel like the there are things wrong with the game at times, so much of the gameplay is subjective that it’s hard to express how it “feels” incorrect. I’m sure most of us feel like there are way too many home runs, but if, by using only a rigid statistical analysis of 1.5m ABs in H2H play, SDS see that only X% of AB end in a home run, where X falls within the acceptable median range, it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. The game won’t change. Maybe the adherence to using statistical methods of analysis over a large sample size to determine gameplay adjustments is actually preventing any progress and it’s time to adapt to a more radical approach. Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice, not because crunching numbers is their 9-5 occupation.
@ComebackLogic you are 100% spot on - it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. Probably the most accurate statement written on this forum. We feel angry and throw a tantrum when we lose and joyous when we win. Either way, we come back for another game.
Until we don’t. That’s when it’s heard.
Our actions speak louder than our words. And a lot of the time, they contradict each other, so if somebody says I’m not buying next year and then they buy next year, why on earth would a company believe the words?
@Red_Ted_is_back said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@ComebackLogic said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
I wonder if the flaws get lost in translation when they look at statistics as a method of diagnosis. Most of us feel like the there are things wrong with the game at times, so much of the gameplay is subjective that it’s hard to express how it “feels” incorrect. I’m sure most of us feel like there are way too many home runs, but if, by using only a rigid statistical analysis of 1.5m ABs in H2H play, SDS see that only X% of AB end in a home run, where X falls within the acceptable median range, it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. The game won’t change. Maybe the adherence to using statistical methods of analysis over a large sample size to determine gameplay adjustments is actually preventing any progress and it’s time to adapt to a more radical approach. Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice, not because crunching numbers is their 9-5 occupation.
@ComebackLogic you are 100% spot on - it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. Probably the most accurate statement written on this forum. We feel angry and throw a tantrum when we lose and joyous when we win. Either way, we come back for another game.
Until we don’t. That’s when it’s heard.
Our actions speak louder than our words. And a lot of the time, they contradict each other, so if somebody says I’m not buying next year and then they buy next year, why on earth would a company believe the words?
EDit: this goes for all games by the way, not just The Show. Highs and lows would be felt even if we were overall satisfied with the game, which makes the feelings irrelevant.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@ComebackLogic said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@onnagood1 said in SDS: Truth Serum:
I'm curious to know if SDS is even aware of how horrible gameplay has been.
They have more back-end metrics than you can possibly imagine.
They know more about gameplay than you do. Or I do.To claim they are unware of something is ridiculously foolish.
I wonder if the flaws get lost in translation when they look at statistics as a method of diagnosis. Most of us feel like the there are things wrong with the game at times, so much of the gameplay is subjective that it’s hard to express how it “feels” incorrect. I’m sure most of us feel like there are way too many home runs, but if, by using only a rigid statistical analysis of 1.5m ABs in H2H play, SDS see that only X% of AB end in a home run, where X falls within the acceptable median range, it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. The game won’t change. Maybe the adherence to using statistical methods of analysis over a large sample size to determine gameplay adjustments is actually preventing any progress and it’s time to adapt to a more radical approach. Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice, not because crunching numbers is their 9-5 occupation.
@ComebackLogic you are 100% spot on - it doesn’t matter how we “feel”. Probably the most accurate statement written on this forum. We feel angry and throw a tantrum when we lose and joyous when we win. Either way, we come back for another game.
Until we don’t. That’s when it’s heard.
Our actions speak louder than our words. And a lot of the time, they contradict each other, so if somebody says I’m not buying next year and then they buy next year, why on earth would a company believe the words?
I would agree. Except for the part of feeling angry and throwing a tantrum.
Actually, there are plenty of players in this forum who have expressed their frustrations even after winning., not just after losing.
@ComebackLogic said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice
As opposed to the billions (trillions?) of hours they can track via the metrics?
Even if you've played every waking second since March 13, you are less than 0.0001% of overall user experience. Please gain some perspective.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in SDS: Truth Serum:
if somebody says I’m not buying next year
Like the folks who try to get first in line for Chipper, etc...
I will try to be the first pre-order of MLB 21. Maybe SDS will give me a Prestiged Soto.
If you're gonna break out google, you might as well go all the way with googleplex.
@SaveFarris said in SDS: Truth Serum:
@ComebackLogic said in SDS: Truth Serum:
Like listening to the players who spend thousands of hours playing online H2H games each year and obsessing over their stats by choice
As opposed to the billions (trillions?) of hours they can track via the metrics?
Even if you've played every waking second since March 13, you are less than 0.0001% of overall user experience. Please gain some perspective.
It seems as though you somehow translated my post into “SDS should listen to me.” What I actually said was, they should listen to what the player base are saying. They’re the ones who spend countless hours (combined, not as individual entities) playing the game. They’re the ones who are left to find the flaws that don’t show up in 5m simulated ABs, like the catcher meter not appearing for the third year in a row, or outfielders not fielding balls near walls for the second year in a row. While I count myself as a member of that player base, I’m not pompous or naive enough to believe that this game should be designed to solely suit my own personal vision of the game.
Obviously, judging by the tone of the posts in relation to gameplay on this forum of late, SDS have once again missed their mark. I believe I have a fairly reasonable perception and perspective as regards the game in general.