Boss prices
I rarely get to 300 stars so quickly that I sell the boss for some profit like I did this inning. How long after they come out do the prices stabilize? I know it’s only been 9 days since they’ve been out, but I would assume they hit their lowest around 2-1/2 weeks.
Any insight?
Hard to say this inning as all 3 bosses are end game level. I think the best outcome is there bottom out sits at 200-190k
Yeah, I’m willing to pay that. Just want to get Foxx back soon but not too soon, if that makes sense. That would still give me a ~125,000 profit.
Last few innings - Prices of bosses continue to drop until 3-5 days of the next inning. At that point more users start to buy them to get the 75* jump on the next inning.
I did the same, sold high and have purchase orders out for all three in the 150-160k range.
Putting in bids for 160,001: CHECK!