RS zone v directional matchups
Is there any chance future versions can separate the respective groups of hitters in RS. Similar to event guidelines, you would just select zone or directional at the start menu (or have it recognize your current settings) and then matchup with like opponents.
Experienced this match the other day where guy literally swing at 90% of the pitches, a few got left over the plate and nearly every one was a HR.
Made for a wildly irritating game.
I’m not sure bad hitter = Directional Hitter. I’m sure there are plenty of terrible zone hitters.
@stewart1465 said in RS zone v directional matchups:
I’m not sure bad hitter = Directional Hitter. I’m sure there are plenty of terrible zone hitters.
My point was that between the two groups they are not competing the same way. Directional really only have to have timing (which my referenced opponent loveyoubye clearly had because of HRs + runs, so no discredit there), while I was competing with timing + placement.
From a fair competitive perspective I think the groups should be matched according to user settings so that they are more evenly matched.
Also, entirely plausible I’m just salty.
I've been advocating for years that zone hitting should be enforced in every online game mode, but it's likely never gonna happen.
@raesONE said in RS zone v directional matchups:
I've been advocating for years that zone hitting should be enforced in every online game mode, but it's likely never gonna happen.
Yeah agreed, don’t see that happening. Was thinking at least separating the two would be realistic, would have them be in the same season, same rewards, etc. so not as though one is lesser than the other. But I just don’t enjoy matching up against them.
I agree... frustrating when for the first few innings a guy can barely Make contact and get a foul ball, then they pause for like 30 seconds and come out of the gate hitting everything. If nothing else whatever you start with should be locked in to prevent changing
Before this year, I would have been against this idea. But with how poor pitch command is this year, I'm definitely on board with this idea.
A lot of whining. You would think by the way the OP is talking, directional was the superior input.
P.S. you can’t win this argument based on what has been said so far, either you (op) are bad at zone and opponent was good at directional or directional is superior. Either way you lose
I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of people on this board are way worse at identifying directional users than they think they are.
i beat a 12-0 with directional hitting. DDA in effect most likely. I don't use directional but I have from time to time just to test it out...
@VeganMeatbawls said in RS zone v directional matchups:
i beat a 12-0 with directional hitting. DDA in effect most likely. I don't use directional but I have from time to time just to test it out...
So many sexuality jokes in there .... “test” huh
@CalisGW said in RS zone v directional matchups:
A lot of whining. You would think by the way the OP is talking, directional was the superior input.
P.S. you can’t win this argument based on what has been said so far, either you (op) are bad at zone and opponent was good at directional or directional is superior. Either way you lose
I explicitly acknowledged that my opponent was very clearly successful in his timing input. If his timing was garbage he wouldn’t have gotten the runs he did. He definitely identified pitches better than I did.
My point was that he only had to account for one variable (timing) whereas I was accounting for two (timing + location). If I had switched to directional then maybe the outcome is different (maybe not), but again, the idea is to have the two players competing on the same level. I don’t imagine directional is fun, so I don’t play it and would like to face similar competitors accordingly.
By the means of a few in here Directional is the superior Input, why isnt everybody using it?
I love how the OP is saying his opponent didn’t deserve to win because the OP uses the harder input. Lmao the whining and self pity. Let me break it down to you OP
Zone is high ceiling input. Directional is high floor. In other words. On a scale of 1 to 10. Zone input can be anywhere between 1 and 10 depending on your skill level. Where as directional is 4-7. Higher floor but lower ceiling. Yes all he has to do is focus on timing and pitch type , but can be easily exploited. Directional has hard time hitting up and in pitches and pitches up anywhere.
He was most likely a 6 where you are most likely a 4. You both on same scale. He just chose the higher floor and lower ceiling
TLDR : stop being salty because you were outplayed
He had a butter knife and you had the chef’s knife, he out cooked you.
I don’t really care if someone uses zone, directional, analog or no controller at all
️ Just win the game and stop complaining..
So tired of this...directional does not...i repeat..DOES NOT! make you a better hitter..Zone is by far superior to directional...once again directional DOES NOT!! give an advantage
@CalisGW said in RS zone v directional matchups:
@VeganMeatbawls said in RS zone v directional matchups:
i beat a 12-0 with directional hitting. DDA in effect most likely. I don't use directional but I have from time to time just to test it out...
So many sexuality jokes in there .... “test” huh
oh well let's hear em
@CalisGW said in RS zone v directional matchups:
On a scale of 1 to 10. Zone input can be anywhere between 1 and 10 depending on your skill level. Where as directional is 4-7. Higher floor but lower ceiling.
This is really well put. It's also why I think some of us enjoy directional more; effectively "capping" success at a lower level leads to more realistic baseball results, statistically, and embraces not only the random chance aspect of the game, but it's emphasis on failure (and baseball's special blend of that: failure when you've done everything right).
Yes all he has to do is focus on timing and pitch type
Here, I'd diverge a bit because I don't think directional users are removing a variable in terms of the sum of the variables they actively consider. I think directional users assume control of a different variable (the angle of the bat as the swing is executed, or "influence") while sacrificing "placement" to RNG. I don't think the reticicle can influence that, as I think it's more a tool to influence at which point in space the barrel ends up at the moment of contact. You can argue that the center dot slightly below and to the right of the ball should send it up and out to left field, but I think you get that result because the RNG provides you with a particular swing path and barrel orientation. You can hit the lower-right portion of the ball by chopping down at it, hitting it straight on, or by scooping up at it; all produce a different flight path. To be so advanced a thing as to change that swing path by its orientation would be something else, as that influence necessarily changes your timing windows. There's something else at play, there... I think that's where a large helping of your RNG comes in with zone, but what do I know?
Directional has hard time hitting up and in pitches and pitches up anywhere.
Yes, mostly. That's where card variation comes in, too, as some have pretty good success rates with those pitches under directional input. Vlad is exceptional. Brett is pretty good. Most do struggle mightily, but most real batters struggle with the high hard stuff, so, again, realism. I don't think directional is to blame for all the forced hanging of pitches, though. It seems to me that it would benefit all types of users. I think the goal there was of the 'ol more homers variety, regardless of how that was accomplished. The kids like offense, damnit. More checkers, less chess.
I've never used Directional, but is it easy and is it cheap? If so, wouldn't everyone be using it. there must be limits on how successful it can be / ways of combating it? If so, just leave them together. I don't see how they can be streamed.