The sinker
Anybody have any legit helpful tips on how to hit/see this pitch? Been trying for four years to hit it and I have been a pathetic failure. I simply can’t see it in time.
No one can hit high sinkers. Not even pros.
No MLB pitcher throws high sinkers. Yeah, its a sim. Rrrriiiiiiggghhhhttt
What you wanna do is anticipate where they'll pound the sinker which will be inside 90% of the time. It's incredibly hard to locate a sinker on the outer half of the plate with a same handed pitcher/batter matchup. Keeping that knowledge in mind it would be smart to sit inside with your PCI.
Step two would be to anticipate the drop of the sinker; it's best to sit middle inside in my experience and then as soon as you recognize the pitch you either slightly move the PCI up or slightly move it down based on where you think the sinker is located. The trick is to try and pull it and worry less about your PCI placement.
To battle high sinkers you need to take a gamble or two early on in the game. Just swing early when you think it's there and don't be afraid to flail if it turns out to be offspeed. Let your opponent see that you're not intimidated by it and that you're ready for that pitch and that will most likely steer them away from throwing it. If you hit a high sinker hard early game, I can almost guarantee they won't throw it again. But if you get jammed they will abuse it, so keep that in mind as well.
Last tip would be to go into practice mode on legend difficulty and turn the pitch speed sliders all the way up. Then make sure you face a nasty hard throwing sinkerballer like Thor for example and just try to see as many pitches as possible to make your eye adjust to the path and break of the ball.
Thanks man!
Problem with the sinker is it looks like an offspeed pitch out of the pitchers hand instead of a fastball. That isnt how they look IRL. They look like what they are, fastballs, but have downward, sinking, action at the end. Some guys sinker has throwing side movement like a 2 seamer as well. But, video games. They are what they are in TS.
I’ve said it dozens of times but I threw a sinker and this is my biggest issue with the game.
To make fastballs more effective they just need to make the 2 seam better with a little more run. Then possibly give 4 seam a little run. Some actually have some run.
Please SDS fix this
I would suggest creating your own roster where you add your DD hitters onto your favorite team and then add pitchers with Sinkers onto another team and run custom practice with pitch speeds turned up.
Recognition and anticipation are the keys to hitting sinkers, especially up. The high ones can be a problem if they have that unnatural rise and fall (Orel). They can look similar to an offspeed pitch from the release and you can get caught up in trying to track it to the spot and swing. At that point your late and jammed.
If I'm facing one of these guys I have to remind myself to just keep the PCI down under the pitch and just swing. The sinker falls late so if you anticipate that and make sure you get the swing off in time you'll hit them better.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in The sinker:
I would suggest creating your own roster where you add your DD hitters onto your favorite team and then add pitchers with Sinkers onto another team and run custom practice with pitch speeds turned up.
Recognition and anticipation are the keys to hitting sinkers, especially up. The high ones can be a problem if they have that unnatural rise and fall (Orel). They can look similar to an offspeed pitch from the release and you can get caught up in trying to track it to the spot and swing. At that point your late and jammed.
If I'm facing one of these guys I have to remind myself to just keep the PCI down under the pitch and just swing. The sinker falls late so if you anticipate that and make sure you get the swing off in time you'll hit them better.
The rise out of the hands is a knife to my soul
If the pitch is low with less than two strikes, don't swing. If it's a strike, who cares. Look for your pitch early in the count and only swing at those low sinkers with two strikes and hope to foul them off and get another pitch.
I've practiced and gotten adept at hitting the sinker. So much so, that the fastball is now impossible to hit lol. I freeze when I don't see the hump now
Try and take a few sinkers at first, and measure their speed. Once you got the speed down, it's easier to hit them. Just don't swing at any sinkers that are below or on the bottom of the strike zone, as those are guaranteed groundout pitches.
With a good connection. Hitter the sinker is not too bad in my opinion. It's lag connections that throw the wrench in.