Automatic Stealing
I’m playing the new 8th inning conquest map and when I have players on base, they start stealing bases without me pushing the button to steal. It even tagged up for me when I had a player on 3rd (luckily I scored but I thought he left early). I hope this is just a bug that can be fixed in the next update because one of these times it’s going to cost me outs and lose games.
check and make sure you aren't on auto baserunning
Or you may accidentally be pressing L2 (or your L2 is broken)
I just had the same thing happen to me and I'm quite pissed! It did it twice during showdowns and each one gets blown. I had Gerrit Cole in perfect position to beat him in the ALE showdown and runners start trying to steal home. I'm not convinced that its my controller because I can play every other game not named "The Show" and don't have the problem and don't have the problem elsewhere in the game....only the showdowns.
Check to see how you're gripping the controller. Sometimes my baserunners will make bad decisions because I'm holding a button or trigger down without knowing it.