Lack of Hints from SDS
@olivegarden2 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@Boneman05 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@jimjones9989 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
They've had to be silent a lot this year on social media. It's gut wrenching how often the police murder unarmed black folks while letting white 17 year olds walk towards them with a loaded rifle after killing 2.
Thankfully SDS is bringing it to your attention, even if your eyes are closed.
Jacob Blake wasn't unarmed he did have a knife on him and told the police he had one. Also after a taser was he was still stand and walked around to the driver side of his car.
Now I'm not condoning what happened and some of the instances are over the line but some in the past have actually by fighting with police and reached for their gun. I watched a video when ferguson happened of a former inmate who was black and had spent 10 years in prison they asked him his thoughts about everything going on and he said I know I will never have an issue with the police because if they tell me something I'm going to do it when they say it. If your calm and do what they are asking you to do you will have no problem.
I have no problem with protesting because that is the right people have in the USA unlike most other countries where you will be arrested or killed for speaking your mind but there is no reason when ever there is a protest or something happens that people have to start setting cars and buildings on fire and looting. It makes no sense what is setting a building on fire going to do for you. All it does is effect and hurt the owner of that business or property maybe it is a single mother and the car the torch is the only way to get to work to feed her kids. It is uncalled for to steal and damage stuff that isn't your property.
While I agree with most of this statement Whites aren’t killed or shot at when they have a knife. And they are stealing stuff to send the message because no one listens to a peaceful protest. Overall, well said though!
No matter who you are if you have a gun on you and are not doing what that person is asking you to do while they are trying to defuse the situation to me that is asking for trouble.
I had seen one report where he didn't even know the people he was just trying to defuse the situation. Why get involved in others peoples business if it isn't effecting you. From what I have heard it was several women yelling at each other and a boyfriend who wasn't supposed to be there and he yelled at them. Was he the boyfriend that the woman called the police on.
@olivegarden2 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@Boneman05 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@jimjones9989 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
They've had to be silent a lot this year on social media. It's gut wrenching how often the police murder unarmed black folks while letting white 17 year olds walk towards them with a loaded rifle after killing 2.
Thankfully SDS is bringing it to your attention, even if your eyes are closed.
Jacob Blake wasn't unarmed he did have a knife on him and told the police he had one. Also after a taser was he was still stand and walked around to the driver side of his car.
Now I'm not condoning what happened and some of the instances are over the line but some in the past have actually by fighting with police and reached for their gun. I watched a video when ferguson happened of a former inmate who was black and had spent 10 years in prison they asked him his thoughts about everything going on and he said I know I will never have an issue with the police because if they tell me something I'm going to do it when they say it. If your calm and do what they are asking you to do you will have no problem.
I have no problem with protesting because that is the right people have in the USA unlike most other countries where you will be arrested or killed for speaking your mind but there is no reason when ever there is a protest or something happens that people have to start setting cars and buildings on fire and looting. It makes no sense what is setting a building on fire going to do for you. All it does is effect and hurt the owner of that business or property maybe it is a single mother and the car the torch is the only way to get to work to feed her kids. It is uncalled for to steal and damage stuff that isn't your property.
While I agree with most of this statement Whites aren’t killed or shot at when they have a knife. And they are stealing stuff to send the message because no one listens to a peaceful protest. Overall, well said though!
Well I'm glad to finally read one of you admit it that stuff is being stolen. Key is, obey the law as positive change never comes by force, negative change however...
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
This country is divided all over the place.
True! Add to this list:
- RNG vs. No RNG
- Zone vs. Directional
- OP's vs. Trolls
Can't us Forumer's get along?
I had seen one report where he didn't even know the people he was just trying to defuse the situation. Why get involved in others peoples business if it isn't effecting you. From what I have heard it was several women yelling at each other and a boyfriend who wasn't supposed to be there and he yelled at them. Was he the boyfriend that the woman called the police on.
The correct story is that his Blake's girlfriend called the police when he was in her home when he was not supposed to and took her keys.
The police dispatch is available for everyone to hear.
The dispatcher tells the repsonding unit the subject's name (Jacob Blake), so the police already knew who they were looking for and what his history / background is.Any story about him breaking up a fight or another domestic situation is a lie. A lie that was given life by his lawyer.
On different news Yu Darvish went Diamond and Chuck Nasty went back to gold
@arvcpa said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
This country is divided all over the place.
True! Add to this list:
- RNG vs. No RNG
- Zone vs. Directional
- OP's vs. Trolls
Can't us Forumer's get along?
I will always get along with you Brother !!!
@ItsaCanesthing said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
I had seen one report where he didn't even know the people he was just trying to defuse the situation. Why get involved in others peoples business if it isn't effecting you. From what I have heard it was several women yelling at each other and a boyfriend who wasn't supposed to be there and he yelled at them. Was he the boyfriend that the woman called the police on.
The correct story is that his Blake's girlfriend called the police when he was in her home when he was not supposed to and took her keys.
The police dispatch is available for everyone to hear.
The dispatcher tells the repsonding unit the subject's name (Jacob Blake), so the police already knew who they were looking for and what his history / background is.Any story about him breaking up a fight or another domestic situation is a lie. A lie that was given life by his lawyer.
These facts do not further the narrative sir.
@Zooropa_Returns said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@ItsaCanesthing said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
I had seen one report where he didn't even know the people he was just trying to defuse the situation. Why get involved in others peoples business if it isn't effecting you. From what I have heard it was several women yelling at each other and a boyfriend who wasn't supposed to be there and he yelled at them. Was he the boyfriend that the woman called the police on.
The correct story is that his Blake's girlfriend called the police when he was in her home when he was not supposed to and took her keys.
The police dispatch is available for everyone to hear.
The dispatcher tells the repsonding unit the subject's name (Jacob Blake), so the police already knew who they were looking for and what his history / background is.Any story about him breaking up a fight or another domestic situation is a lie. A lie that was given life by his lawyer.
These facts do not further the narrative sir.
LOL...A thousand appolgies as I genuflect before the altar of nonsense and mob rule.
@Bozzman0109 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
You know that MLB is just BLM backwards. Should advertise something like "when the MLB looks in the mirror to reflect on how we are doing we see BLM" We all need to take a look at ourselves and see how we can help with the BLM movement.
Plus just think of the ratings increase.
People should be able to freely express BLM along with any other issue but video game companies shouldn’t get into the political aspect Of any situation because they’re not politicians. They make good video games but no matter what side a company takes on an issue will most certainly backfire in one way or another. I just think we should leave The politics out of sports.
@OreoRockstar said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
We do have new WS rewards on Monday...we shall see if they remain quiet in hints on those.
Wait what? They're adding another WS reward? That's odd