Lack of Hints from SDS
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@OreoRockstar said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
The bigger reaction to what is happening would be to not drop headliners or have a stub sale , that would be in line with what the pro players are trying to do.
That is a tough one because having or not having a stub sale doesn't progress the conversations that need to happen where as players boycotting or refusing to play games does because of what it symbolizes.
I think SDS could have stepped up and done something like 10% of stub bundle sales will go to organizations like the Jackie Robinson Foundation.
I like your idea, but the point is to get people to have discussions around what is happening and what black people are facing....stub sales drives more people to play the game, so opposite reaction of players “not playing” ...
@OreoRockstar said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@OreoRockstar said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
The bigger reaction to what is happening would be to not drop headliners or have a stub sale , that would be in line with what the pro players are trying to do.
That is a tough one because having or not having a stub sale doesn't progress the conversations that need to happen where as players boycotting or refusing to play games does because of what it symbolizes.
I think SDS could have stepped up and done something like 10% of stub bundle sales will go to organizations like the Jackie Robinson Foundation.
I like your idea, but the point is to get people to have discussions around what is happening and what black people are facing....stub sales drives more people to play the game, so opposite reaction of players “not playing” ...
I agree
I think this is all part of where we are as a society right now is we have alot of hard conversations to have RIGHT NOW all along navigating a pandemic not seen in a century.
I dont k ow what the right answers are and what should or should be done because I can see both side in this case that SDS wants to be involved and make an impact in some way but also still need to run a business.
It's tough man I dont envy anyone who has to make these decisions because they have an impact both negatively and positively
Even if this is in response to recent issues, what is there to even give hints on except topps now? They already gave the headliner hint and conquest maps don’t normally come with hints
I’m guessing a taco map. (Oppo taco). Kinda hard to draw that perhaps they just go with a BLM map. Yep that’s my guess.
We do have new WS rewards on Monday...we shall see if they remain quiet in hints on those.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Thankfully SDS is bringing it to your attention, even if your eyes are closed.
Didn't stop them from dropping as Stub sale
Probably won't stop them from dropping new content
"But look at us, we are quiet in solidarity....psst...Still buy packs and stubs"
Whose eyes are closed???Couldn't they possibly have the game scheduled to release the sales?
Couldn't they possibly have the game scheduled to release the sales?
Couldn't have they cancelled the sales?
Come on bro.
It is all fake posturing -
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
@Bozzman0109 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
I’m guessing a taco map. (Oppo taco). Kinda hard to draw that perhaps they just go with a BLM map. Yep that’s my guess.
I’m hopeful for a BLM map probably shaped like this
You know that MLB is just BLM backwards. Should advertise something like "when the MLB looks in the mirror to reflect on how we are doing we see BLM" We all need to take a look at ourselves and see how we can help with the BLM movement.
@Bozzman0109 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
You know that MLB is just BLM backwards. Should advertise something like "when the MLB looks in the mirror to reflect on how we are doing we see BLM" We all need to take a look at ourselves and see how we can help with the BLM movement.
Ha! That’s great man.
@jimjones9989 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
They've had to be silent a lot this year on social media. It's gut wrenching how often the police murder unarmed black folks while letting white 17 year olds walk towards them with a loaded rifle after killing 2.
Thankfully SDS is bringing it to your attention, even if your eyes are closed.
Jacob Blake wasn't unarmed he did have a knife on him and told the police he had one. Also after a taser was he was still stand and walked around to the driver side of his car.
Now I'm not condoning what happened and some of the instances are over the line but some in the past have actually by fighting with police and reached for their gun. I watched a video when ferguson happened of a former inmate who was black and had spent 10 years in prison they asked him his thoughts about everything going on and he said I know I will never have an issue with the police because if they tell me something I'm going to do it when they say it. If your calm and do what they are asking you to do you will have no problem.
I have no problem with protesting because that is the right people have in the USA unlike most other countries where you will be arrested or killed for speaking your mind but there is no reason when ever there is a protest or something happens that people have to start setting cars and buildings on fire and looting. It makes no sense what is setting a building on fire going to do for you. All it does is effect and hurt the owner of that business or property maybe it is a single mother and the car the torch is the only way to get to work to feed her kids. It is uncalled for to steal and damage stuff that isn't your property.
@Bozzman0109 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
You know that MLB is just BLM backwards. Should advertise something like "when the MLB looks in the mirror to reflect on how we are doing we see BLM" We all need to take a look at ourselves and see how we can help with the BLM movement.
We may not all be able to physically protest but we can certainly support BLM on here...and certainly not stop the protests
Probably a 42 map for Jackie Robinson day being observed today. I’m glad there social media is silent right now.
@pbake12 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Probably a 42 map for Jackie Robinson day being observed today. I’m glad there social media is silent right now.
Good guess as well, I’m hoping for something to do with BLM whether is be this map, a message, a pack...I’ll take anything
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
well said my man
@lazy_toast said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
well said my man
Cheers brother
Wait what jackie robinson day today. How did I not know this. Every April 15th I tell my kids that it is not tax day today but Jackie Robinson day. They tell me that all the players will be wearing 42.
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@lazy_toast said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
well said my man
Cheers brother
Hell yea brother, cheers from Iraq
@petravork said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@lazy_toast said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@allmustfall16 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
well said my man
Cheers brother
Hell yea brother, cheers from Iraq
My man.. till the end of time my friend.