Prestiged Players - asking for a friend
So, I have this friend of mine who hasn't "prestiged" anyone yet. Let's call him "avrcpa" for anonymity sake. He's embarrassed because it's late August. He has several players that are close, but not quite there.
He was wondering - when a player reaches prestige-level, are you notified?
If you have locked in the card, you will get the Prestige card in your post game rewards.
Dont feel bad, they take me a long time, especially hitters. Pitchers are fast though its just innings and Ks
I wonder if your friend has noticed with the addition of prestige players how many guys dashboard so it slows progression? Doesn't matter to me as this is my last ride on mlb but stat grinds that could be achieved on and offline would have helped.
@arvcpa said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
So, I have this friend of mine who hasn't "prestiged" anyone yet. Let's call him "avrcpa" for anonymity sake. He's embarrassed because it's late August. He has several players that are close, but not quite there.
He was wondering - when a player reaches prestige-level, are you notified?
And I thought I was the only one.
Wanna start a support group?
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
@arvcpa said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
So, I have this friend of mine who hasn't "prestiged" anyone yet. Let's call him "avrcpa" for anonymity sake. He's embarrassed because it's late August. He has several players that are close, but not quite there.
He was wondering - when a player reaches prestige-level, are you notified?
And I thought I was the only one.
Wanna start a support group?
My friend would love that!
You can check the prestige collection for trout to see if you have any
@jtez1987 said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
You can check the prestige collection for trout to see if you have any
Good idea. I've done that, and I have 2. But, it's only because I got Jackson and Sandberg from the prestige XP levels. I've never completed a true prestige player. Close, but not yet.
@arvcpa said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
So, I have this friend of mine who hasn't "prestiged" anyone yet. Let's call him "avrcpa" for anonymity sake. He's embarrassed because it's late August. He has several players that are close, but not quite there.
He was wondering - when a player reaches prestige-level, are you notified?
I only have 2 (Henke) and Reggie from prestige 5 so far, so dont feel too bad
The easiest players to "Prestige" seem to be the RP (Henke and Rivera)....lowest number of IP and K's needed. I'm not that great online, so likely wont be doing anymore....I usually just play online complete stat missions.
If you have the card locked in, the card should pop up in the after-game screen.
@SaveFarris said in Prestiged Players - asking for a friend:
If you have the card locked in, the card should pop up in the after-game screen.
You're the best - thanks! I should see one of these mid-October...
Don't beat yourself up. I've only prestiged 3 cards: RoyO, Feller, and Paxton.
Barring a miracle, I don't think I'm going to prestiging any batters this year. Stats are just too much for a casual onliner.