Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
MMA and boxing are sports where a single mistake can cost everything - that is very rarely the case with MLB unless you have something like two perfect games going into the 9th.
What it wasn't, is luck
eckersley slider to Gibson cost everythingEspecially in striking there is an aspect of luck. Zig instead of zag is luck. Yes your opponent can set you up to sit instead of sat but sometimes it is a flip of the coin. I have definitely in my life rocked someone because of a good guess
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
MMA and boxing are sports where a single mistake can cost everything - that is very rarely the case with MLB unless you have something like two perfect games going into the 9th.
What it wasn't, is luck
eckersley slider to Gibson cost everything
Especially in striking there is an aspect of luck. Zig instead of zag is luck. Yes your opponent can set you up to sit instead of sat but sometimes it is a flip of the coin. I have definitely in my life rocked someone because of a good guess
Yes, Eckersley hung his slider and it got blasted. How did they get there though? You had two teams performing very evenly up to that point.
I also wouldn't call a puncher's chance simple luck. You're either hitting someone where they are or where you think they will be. Unless you're straight up punching with your eyes closed I suppose.
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
This is funny to see people complain about losing a video game. Sometimes those are the breaks. If you have ever played a competitive sport irl you would know that it’s not always being better often if about being timely.l and sometimes a bit of luck. There are so many factors that go into any given win. The best team or athlete in sports doesn’t always win. I think of Anderson Silva vs Sonnen or Derek Jeters career. But whatever, some people want to think that some outside force or ent is holding them down...grievance mindset, instead of growth mindset
I've competed in several sports at a relatively high tier, freeskiing, badminton, BJJ - in none of those sports does luck play a factor.
You severely exaggerate the influence of luck in baseball as well.
Tigers can beat the Yankees but relatively speaking the skill gap between the two is far from what the skill gap is between your average DS grinder and Rebel. Furthermore, the days in which the Tigers beat the Yankees they either objectively outperform them or play on par with them to leave an opening for any luck to factor in.
Never in baseball do you have a situation where one team is absolutely crushing the ball and loses to a team hopelessly flailing at pitches. In MLB the show that actually occurs.
It's also ridiculous and inane to call a desire for meritocracy a "grievance mindset".
Wow you are really salty about this. I am sorry that your high level badminton
experience does not align with most sports experience. It is very ironic because by any objective measure the Astros are better than the Nats. Matter of fact in baseball it is rare that the consensus best team wins.
I am not surprised by your concept of meritocracy as a counter to my grievance mindset. If it were a meritocracy then things like spending tons of money on monitors, internet connections and better cards play a far bigger issue. Are you earning your wins if you are blasting bombs with say Ruth compared to a guy who can’t afford him.
In baseball, over the long term, the better team wins. There are upsets in wild card games, short five game series, etc but it is not nearly so random as you suggest. This is why they play 162 games and playoff series.
At this point of the year, if you’ve played enough ranked games online, you know there is a lot of random outcomes. If you are trying to argue that these outcomes accurately mirror MLB outcomes and are caused by user error (or arrogance?) then you’re in the severe minority.
Good Luck next year.
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
Imagine how broken that ideal is though. You dont want Gallo to ever hit better than Williams, regardless of who is using that card... You dont seem to understand how much better Rebel is over your average player. If you dont want Rebels Gallo to hit better than the average players Williams, then what you get is a meaningless CPU simulation where we watch the CPU play itself.
The problem is that if Rebels Gallo can hit like Williams why the hell should anyone bother getting Williams. Also hitting in real life is not easy. There are aspects the game can’t aim properly because it’s a video game. If Rebels Gallo hits homers every AB it undermines the sim aspect of the game.
If that’s the case play with a bunch of nameless players and no stats. Let everyone be Williams.
But once agin that is preference
There would be a point, go look at Rebels and CB5s lineups in 15 and 16. They had all the best cards. Why? Because in their hands they were even more effective.
Rebels Gallo might outperform my Williams but his Williams would do even better. That's how it should work.
I am fine with that. But there should be a ceiling. In fairness I have no idea
How good rebel is, but if he is hitting 600 with Williams and ,500 with Gallo it’s a bit sillySo i guess luck doesn’t exist then. That is your argument
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
Imagine how broken that ideal is though. You dont want Gallo to ever hit better than Williams, regardless of who is using that card... You dont seem to understand how much better Rebel is over your average player. If you dont want Rebels Gallo to hit better than the average players Williams, then what you get is a meaningless CPU simulation where we watch the CPU play itself.
The problem is that if Rebels Gallo can hit like Williams why the hell should anyone bother getting Williams. Also hitting in real life is not easy. There are aspects the game can’t aim properly because it’s a video game. If Rebels Gallo hits homers every AB it undermines the sim aspect of the game.
If that’s the case play with a bunch of nameless players and no stats. Let everyone be Williams.
But once agin that is preference
There would be a point, go look at Rebels and CB5s lineups in 15 and 16. They had all the best cards. Why? Because in their hands they were even more effective.
Rebels Gallo might outperform my Williams but his Williams would do even better. That's how it should work.
I am fine with that. But there should be a ceiling. In fairness I have no idea
How good rebel is, but if he is hitting 600 with Williams and ,500 with Gallo it’s a bit sillySo i guess luck doesn’t exist then. That is your argument
Clearly that's not my argument. Clearly you love arguing strawmen.
But when it comes to competitive videogames luck should play a very minor role. Broadly speaking it should only ever determine the winner between two players performing on the same level. It should never carry an objectively undeserving player to a victory.
And what ceiling? If you're talking about an artificial ceiling on batting average then I could never agree with you. Like I said, if the devs believe that some players have too high of a batting average then they should make hitting more difficult across the board.
@halfbutt said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
This is funny to see people complain about losing a video game. Sometimes those are the breaks. If you have ever played a competitive sport irl you would know that it’s not always being better often if about being timely.l and sometimes a bit of luck. There are so many factors that go into any given win. The best team or athlete in sports doesn’t always win. I think of Anderson Silva vs Sonnen or Derek Jeters career. But whatever, some people want to think that some outside force or ent is holding them down...grievance mindset, instead of growth mindset
I've competed in several sports at a relatively high tier, freeskiing, badminton, BJJ - in none of those sports does luck play a factor.
You severely exaggerate the influence of luck in baseball as well.
Tigers can beat the Yankees but relatively speaking the skill gap between the two is far from what the skill gap is between your average DS grinder and Rebel. Furthermore, the days in which the Tigers beat the Yankees they either objectively outperform them or play on par with them to leave an opening for any luck to factor in.
Never in baseball do you have a situation where one team is absolutely crushing the ball and loses to a team hopelessly flailing at pitches. In MLB the show that actually occurs.
It's also ridiculous and inane to call a desire for meritocracy a "grievance mindset".
Wow you are really salty about this. I am sorry that your high level badminton
experience does not align with most sports experience. It is very ironic because by any objective measure the Astros are better than the Nats. Matter of fact in baseball it is rare that the consensus best team wins.
I am not surprised by your concept of meritocracy as a counter to my grievance mindset. If it were a meritocracy then things like spending tons of money on monitors, internet connections and better cards play a far bigger issue. Are you earning your wins if you are blasting bombs with say Ruth compared to a guy who can’t afford him.
In baseball, over the long term, the better team wins. There are upsets in wild card games, short five game series, etc but it is not nearly so random as you suggest. This is why they play 162 games and playoff series.
At this point of the year, if you’ve played enough ranked games online, you know there is a lot of random outcomes. If you are trying to argue that these outcomes accurately mirror MLB outcomes and are caused by user error (or arrogance?) then you’re in the severe minority.
Good Luck next year.
I am actually agreeing with you. I am not saying everything is random at all. If it were random the everyone would have the same record and stats. I am saying just like you said their are upsets and things happen.
I am not saying it perfectly mirrors MLB because that is near impossible and because it’s a video game. I am saying that it does a decent job at it.
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
Imagine how broken that ideal is though. You dont want Gallo to ever hit better than Williams, regardless of who is using that card... You dont seem to understand how much better Rebel is over your average player. If you dont want Rebels Gallo to hit better than the average players Williams, then what you get is a meaningless CPU simulation where we watch the CPU play itself.
The problem is that if Rebels Gallo can hit like Williams why the hell should anyone bother getting Williams. Also hitting in real life is not easy. There are aspects the game can’t aim properly because it’s a video game. If Rebels Gallo hits homers every AB it undermines the sim aspect of the game.
If that’s the case play with a bunch of nameless players and no stats. Let everyone be Williams.
But once agin that is preference
There would be a point, go look at Rebels and CB5s lineups in 15 and 16. They had all the best cards. Why? Because in their hands they were even more effective.
Rebels Gallo might outperform my Williams but his Williams would do even better. That's how it should work.
I am fine with that. But there should be a ceiling. In fairness I have no idea
How good rebel is, but if he is hitting 600 with Williams and ,500 with Gallo it’s a bit sillySo i guess luck doesn’t exist then. That is your argument
Clearly that's not my argument. Clearly you love arguing strawmen.
But when it comes to competitive videogames luck should play a very minor role. Broadly speaking it should only ever determine the winner between two players performing on the same level. It should never carry an objectively undeserving player to a victory.
Ok, so what percent should it play. How many points higher should Rebels winning percentage be? That would probably be the % points difference you would want luck to play. Or how much higher should his batting average be.
Once again how do you define on undeserving. If you get 2 hits and a walk and then I get a hard liner out after you work the count and get a double play. Your avg is .500 and you only hit one ball poorly. If I then strikeout 2x and then hit a homer. How is that undeserving? The answer to that is subjective
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
Imagine how broken that ideal is though. You dont want Gallo to ever hit better than Williams, regardless of who is using that card... You dont seem to understand how much better Rebel is over your average player. If you dont want Rebels Gallo to hit better than the average players Williams, then what you get is a meaningless CPU simulation where we watch the CPU play itself.
The problem is that if Rebels Gallo can hit like Williams why the hell should anyone bother getting Williams. Also hitting in real life is not easy. There are aspects the game can’t aim properly because it’s a video game. If Rebels Gallo hits homers every AB it undermines the sim aspect of the game.
If that’s the case play with a bunch of nameless players and no stats. Let everyone be Williams.
But once agin that is preference
There would be a point, go look at Rebels and CB5s lineups in 15 and 16. They had all the best cards. Why? Because in their hands they were even more effective.
Rebels Gallo might outperform my Williams but his Williams would do even better. That's how it should work.
I am fine with that. But there should be a ceiling. In fairness I have no idea
How good rebel is, but if he is hitting 600 with Williams and ,500 with Gallo it’s a bit sillySo i guess luck doesn’t exist then. That is your argument
Clearly that's not my argument. Clearly you love arguing strawmen.
But when it comes to competitive videogames luck should play a very minor role. Broadly speaking it should only ever determine the winner between two players performing on the same level. It should never carry an objectively undeserving player to a victory.
Ok, so what percent should it play. How many points higher should Rebels winning percentage be? That would probably be the % points difference you would want luck to play. Or how much higher should his batting average be.
Once again how do you define on undeserving. If you get 2 hits and a walk and then I get a hard liner out after you work the count and get a double play. Your avg is .500 and you only hit one ball poorly. If I then strikeout 2x and then hit a homer. How is that undeserving? The answer to that is subjective
Like I said previously, I want this game play like MLB 15 and 16.
Where batting was much more rewarding and where pitching was exactly 1:1 with your inputs. You knew exactly where the pitch was going even when you missed the hoop or line.
Batting avg. on linedrives should reflect real life where they are a hit anywhere between .675 - .750.
With regard to your example, what type of a hit resulted in the double play? How was your homerun?
If I hit 4 good/squareds in a row, two for singles, then into a lineout double play and into a last lineout and you come in, flail at pitches and hit a very early/okay homerun, is that okay? What if my luck continues like that through 9 innings where I hit 17 good/squareds into outs and you win with your solo homer? Did you deserve the win?
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
Imagine how broken that ideal is though. You dont want Gallo to ever hit better than Williams, regardless of who is using that card... You dont seem to understand how much better Rebel is over your average player. If you dont want Rebels Gallo to hit better than the average players Williams, then what you get is a meaningless CPU simulation where we watch the CPU play itself.
The problem is that if Rebels Gallo can hit like Williams why the hell should anyone bother getting Williams. Also hitting in real life is not easy. There are aspects the game can’t aim properly because it’s a video game. If Rebels Gallo hits homers every AB it undermines the sim aspect of the game.
If that’s the case play with a bunch of nameless players and no stats. Let everyone be Williams.
But once agin that is preference
There would be a point, go look at Rebels and CB5s lineups in 15 and 16. They had all the best cards. Why? Because in their hands they were even more effective.
Rebels Gallo might outperform my Williams but his Williams would do even better. That's how it should work.
I am fine with that. But there should be a ceiling. In fairness I have no idea
How good rebel is, but if he is hitting 600 with Williams and ,500 with Gallo it’s a bit sillySo i guess luck doesn’t exist then. That is your argument
Clearly that's not my argument. Clearly you love arguing strawmen.
But when it comes to competitive videogames luck should play a very minor role. Broadly speaking it should only ever determine the winner between two players performing on the same level. It should never carry an objectively undeserving player to a victory.
Ok, so what percent should it play. How many points higher should Rebels winning percentage be? That would probably be the % points difference you would want luck to play. Or how much higher should his batting average be.
Once again how do you define on undeserving. If you get 2 hits and a walk and then I get a hard liner out after you work the count and get a double play. Your avg is .500 and you only hit one ball poorly. If I then strikeout 2x and then hit a homer. How is that undeserving? The answer to that is subjective
The problem is his double play ball was not necessarily hit poorly. Last dp I hit into was a good/good 100+mph [censored] right at the second baseman.
@halfbutt said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
The problem is his double play ball was not necessarily hit poorly. Last dp I hit into was a good/good 100+mph [censored] right at the second baseman.
Ok. Does that happen in real baseball? When it does we don’t say the game of baseball is broken.
Also...i think a huge problem is that good good isn’t always what it is. When I am hitting good vs a slump. I am a bit ahead of good good on inside pitches and a bit later than good good on outside pitches
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@halfbutt said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
The problem is his double play ball was not necessarily hit poorly. Last dp I hit into was a good/good 100+mph [censored] right at the second baseman.
Ok. Does that happen in real baseball? When it does we don’t say the game of baseball is broken.
Also...i think a huge problem is that good good isn’t always what it is. When I am hitting good vs a slump. I am a bit ahead of good good on inside pitches and a bit later than good good on outside pitches
Yes yes, this has been discussed lots. Of course this happens in real baseball, but not at the frequency that it does in this game. The stats have been posted before.
Just play ranked games online more. If you still think the way you do after that, then I don’t know what to say. Good luck!
It is what it is. Maybe I am just having a different experience than many of you. I know people complained a lot about Pudge and passed balls. I never experienced it. Only recently did I have problems with Griffey in CF. I haven’t really had the Ichiro bloopers people complained about or the comeback logic problem. So maybe I am playing the game it was designed to be and maybe because if a combination of my connection and device it aligns with what the devs experience or maybe there are a ton of whiners
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
It is what it is. Maybe I am just having a different experience than many of you. I know people complained a lot about Pudge and passed [censored]. I never experienced it. Only recently did I have problems with Griffey in CF. I haven’t really had the Ichiro bloopers people complained about or the comeback logic problem. So maybe I am playing the game it was designed to be and maybe because if a combination of my connection and device it aligns with what the devs experience or maybe there are a ton of whiners
Maybe you're wrong and the overwhelming majority of this forum is right.
@SefarR said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
@Maverick31762 said in Hate to say it but it feels like 50-50 games are decided by the computer:
It is what it is. Maybe I am just having a different experience than many of you. I know people complained a lot about Pudge and passed [censored]. I never experienced it. Only recently did I have problems with Griffey in CF. I haven’t really had the Ichiro bloopers people complained about or the comeback logic problem. So maybe I am playing the game it was designed to be and maybe because if a combination of my connection and device it aligns with what the devs experience or maybe there are a ton of whiners
Maybe you're wrong and the overwhelming majority of this forum is right.
I am not wrong. I am experiencing what I am experiencing. Fortunately, It just doesn’t fit what you are describing.
Well fortunately I value your opinion less than that of a 3 year olds. I find it likelier that you're either lying or bad enough at the game to not realise it.